Creator Names

Campos, Alexa

Spider-Man: The Lost Years 0

Campos, Jaimie

Luke Cage, Iron Fist and the Heroes For Hire TPB 1
Marvel Fanfare (II) 1, 4 - 6

Campos, Marc

Journey into Mystery (III) 507
Uncanny Origins 8 - 12

2099 A.D. 1
Avengers/Iron Man TPB: First Sign 1
Iron Man (I) • The Invincible Iron Man (I) 329 - 330
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB 22
Journey into Mystery (III) 507
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Doctor Strange 1
Ororo: Before the Storm GN-TPB 1
Thor Epic Collection TPB 24
Thor TPB: Lost Gods 1
Uncanny Origins 8 - 12
Uncanny Origins GN-TPB: Myth and Magic 1
X-Men GN-TPB: X-Verse - X-Women 1

Journey into Mystery (III) 507
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Doctor Strange 1
Ororo: Before the Storm GN-TPB 1
Thor Epic Collection TPB 24
Thor TPB: Lost Gods 1
Uncanny Origins 8 - 12
Uncanny Origins GN-TPB: Myth and Magic 1
X-Men GN-TPB: X-Verse - X-Women 1

Campus, Roberto

Hulk: Gamma Games 1 - 3

Hulk: Gamma Games 1 - 3

Hulk: Gamma Games 1 - 3

Camuncoli, Giuseppe

5 Ronin 3
Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales 2
Age of Apocalypse (I) 14
Alien (I) 7
The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 674 - 675, 680 - 681, 688 - 691, 700
The Amazing Spider-Man (IV) 7 - 8, 14 - 15
The Amazing Spider-Man (V) 1 - 2, 9
The Amazing Spider-Man (VII) 11, 30, 37
The Amazing Spider-Man (VIII) 58
The Amazing Spider-Man (Amazing Grace Ltd. Series) 1.6
Amazing Spider-Man (HC) 2
Amazing Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Flying Blind 1
Astonishing X-Men (III) 60 - 61
Avengers Academy 29 - 39
Avengers Academy Premiere (HC): Final Exams 1
Avengers Academy TPB: The Complete Collection 3
Avengers Academy TPB: Final Exams 1
Avengers: Forever (II) 4
Avengers: The Initiative 33
Avengers vs. X-Men TPB: Avengers Academy 1
A+X 6
Cable (V) 3
Captain America: Symbol of Truth 14
Conan: Serpent War 1 - 4
Daken: Dark Wolverine 1 - 9, 9.1, 10 - 23
Daken: Dark Wolverine Premiere (HC): Big Break 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine Premiere (HC): Empire 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine Premiere (HC): No More Heroes 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine Premiere (HC): The Pride Comes Before the Fall 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine TPB: Big Break 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine TPB: Empire 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine TPB: No More Heroes 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine TPB: The Pride Comes Before the Fall 1
Daken/X-23 Premiere (HC): Collision 1
Daken/X-23 TPB: Collision 1
Daredevil (VI) 8 - 9
Dark Wolverine (Daken) 75
Dark X-Men (I) 5
The Darkhold: Iron Man 1
Darth Vader (II) 3 - 25
Deadpool (IV) 5, 43 - 44
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again 3
Deadpool and the Mercs For Money (II) 1
Deadpool TPB (II) 8
Death of Dracula 1
Doctor Aphra • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (I) 31
Doctor Strange (VIII) 17
Ender Premiere (HC): Speaker for the Dead 1
Ender's Game: Formic Wars Premiere (HC): Silent Strike 1
Excalibur (IV) 1
Fall of the House of X 2
Fallen Angels (II) 1 - 2
Fantastic Four (V) 601
Fantastic Four (IX) 24
Fantastic Four (X) 7, 10, 25
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 2
Fear Itself 3
Fear Itself Premiere (HC): Youth in Revolt 1
Fear Itself TPB: Youth in Revolt 1
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt 1 - 6
FF (I) 13
Formic Wars: Silent Strike 1 - 5
Groot (I) 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (VI) 7
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (III) 1
Hallows' Eve: The Big Night 1
House of X 6
Hulk Monster-Size Special 1
Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda 3 - 4
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer 3 - 4
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor 3 - 4
Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost 3 - 4
Immortal Thor 3
Immortal X-Men 5
Inferno (II) 3 - 4
Infinity Wars: Arachknight 2
Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther 2
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps • Infinity Warps 2
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer • Infinity Warps: Iron Hammer 2
Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme • Infinity Warps: Soldier Supreme 2
Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex 2
Iron Man (XII) • The Invincible Iron Man (XI) 17
Man Without Fear 1 - 5
Marauders (I) 1
Marvel Previews (II) • Marvel Now! Previews (I) • All-New Marvel Now! Marvel Previews (I) 13
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld 1 - 4
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars TPB: Battleworld 1
Marvel's Spider-Man: City at War 1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (II) 7
Miracleman By Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham: The Silver Age 2
Morbius: Bond of Blood 1
Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos 1 - 4
Ms. Marvel Special 1
Ms. Marvel Special: Storyteller 1
The New Avengers (II) 20
New Mutants (IV) 1
Night of the Living Deadpool 1
Old Man Logan (II) 2
Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead 1, 3 - 5
Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker 1
Powers of X 6
Predator (II) 1 - 5
Predator TPB By Ed Brisson 2
Rise of the Powers of X 2
Savage Avengers (II) 1 - 3, 9 - 10
Secret Invasion (II) 1
Sentry (IV) 3
Silver Surfer Rebirth 1
Skaar: King of the Savage Land 4
Spider-Man (IV) 3
Spider-Man: Black Suit and Blood 2
Spider-Man/Deadpool 23
Spider-Man: Master Plan 1
Spider-Man TPB: Flying Blind 1
Spider-Verse (I) 1 - 2
Spider-Verse/Spider-Geddon Omnibus (HC) 1
Spirits of Vengeance (I) 2
Star Wars (V) 4
Star Wars (VI) 15, 25, 37, 45, 50
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Princess Leia 1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Special 1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Qui-Gon Jinn 1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Finn 1
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters 13 - 34, 37
Star Wars: Dark Droids 1
Star Wars: Darth Vader (III) 14, 27, 37, 43, 45, 50
Star Wars: Darth Vader TPB: Dark Lord of the Sith 2 - 4
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (II) 12, 35
Star Wars: Empire Ascendant 1
Star Wars: The High Republic (III) 5 - 6
Star Wars: The High Republic - The Blade 1 - 4
Star Wars: The High Republic - Eye of the Storm 1
Star Wars: The High Republic - Shadows of Starlight 2
Star Wars: Jango Fett (II) 2
Star Wars: Mace Windu (II) 3
Star Wars: The Mandalorian 2
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 4
Star Wars May the 4th Previews 1
Star Wars: Obi-Wan 3
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): Darth Vader By Charles Soule 1
Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren 4
Star Wars: Thrawn - Alliances 4
Star Wars: Tie Fighter 1
Star Wars TPB: Bounty Hunters 3 - 6
Star Wars TPB: The High Republic - The Blade 1
Star Wars TPB: Tie Fighter 1
Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions 1
Star Wars: Visions - Peach Momoko 1
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters 1 - 2
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - Jabba the Hutt 1
Star Wars: Yoda 1, 10
Superior Octopus 1
Superior Spider-Man (I) 1, 4 - 5, 11 - 13, 20 - 21, 27.NOW, 28 - 33
Superior Spider-Man (HC) 2 - 3
The Superior Spider-Man Returns 1
Superior Spider-Man TPB (I) 6
The Totally Awesome Hulk 15
Uncanny Inhumans 10, 13
Uncanny X-Force (II) 4
Uncanny X-Men (I) • X-Men (I) 534
Uncanny X-Men (III) 4, 19.NOW
Uncanny X-Men (VI) 8 - 10
Vault of Spiders 1 - 2
Vengeance of the Moon Knight (II) 2, 8
Venom War: Deadpool 1
War of the Realms 1 - 6
War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery 1
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas 1
War of the Realms: Punisher 1
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men 1
Way of X 1 - 5
Way of X TPB By Si Spurrier 1
What If...? Dark: Tomb of Dracula 1
What If? Secret Wars 1
What If? TPB: Secret Wars 1
Wolverine (VIII) 16
Wolverine: Deep Cut 2
Wolverine: Infinity Watch 1 - 5
Wolverine TPB: Infinity Watch 1
The X-Cellent (II) 2
X-Force (V) 8
X-Force (VI) 1
X-Infernus 1
X-Men (II) • New X-Men (I) • X-Men Legacy (I) 233
X-Men (V) 1
X-Men (VI) 16, 19 - 23
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills Extended Cut 1
X-Men Legends (II) 3 - 4
X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation 1
X-Men: Prelude to Schism 1 - 4
X-Men Red (II) 2
X-Men: To Serve and Protect 2 - 4
X-Treme X-Men (II) 13

Amazing Fantasy (V) 1000
The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 663 - 665, 674 - 675, 680 - 681, 688 - 691, 695 - 697, 700
The Amazing Spider-Man (IV) 1, 7 - 9, 12 - 15
The Amazing Spider-Man (V) 1 - 5, 9 - 16, 19 - 25
The Amazing Spider-Man (VI) 800
Amazing Spider-Man (HC) 1 - 2
Amazing Spider-Man (HC): Amazing Grace 1
Amazing Spider-Man (HC): The Clone Conspiracy 1
Amazing Spider-Man (HC): Red Goblin 1
Amazing Spider-Man (HC): Worldwide 1 - 3
Amazing Spider-Man: Infested 1
Amazing Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Flying Blind 1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB (II) 1 - 3
Amazing Spider-Man TPB: The Clone Conspiracy 1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB: Red Goblin 1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB: Worldwide 1 - 6, 9
Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1
Annihilation (HC) 3
Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus 1
Annihilation Omnibus (HC) 1
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1
Annihilation Saga 1
Annihilation TPB 3
Annihilation TPB: The Complete Collection 2
A+X 6
Captain America (VII) 5
Captain America Omnibus (HC): The Trial of Captain America 1
Captain America Premiere (HC) By Ed Brubaker 1
Captain America TPB By Ed Brubaker 1
Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers TPB: The Ms. Marvel Years 1, 3
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man TPB 1
Civil War TPB: Ms. Marvel 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine 1 - 6
Daken: Dark Wolverine Premiere (HC): Empire 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine TPB: Empire 1
Daken: Dark Wolverine TPB: Punishment 1
Daken/X-23 Premiere (HC): Collision 1
Daken/X-23 TPB: Collision 1
Dark Wolverine (Daken) 75 - 77, 81 - 84
Darth Vader (II) 1 - 25
Death of Dracula 1
Death of Dracula TPB 1
Decades TPB: Marvel in the '10s - Legends and Legacy 1
Fantastic Four (V) 607 - 608
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 2
Fantastic Four Premiere (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 6
Fantastic Four TPB By Jonathan Hickman 6
Fantastic Four TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection 4
Fear Itself Premiere (HC): Dracula 1
Free Comic Book Day 2014 (Guardians of the Galaxy) 1
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season Two/Marvel's Agent Carter Season One 1
Heroic Age TPB 1
Immortal Iron Fist and the Immortal Weapons Omnibus (HC) 1
Immortal Iron Fist Omnibus (HC) By Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker and David Aja 1
The Immortal Iron Fist: Orson Randall and the Death Queen of California 1
Immortal Iron Fist Premiere (HC) 4
Immortal Iron Fist TPB 4
Immortal Iron Fist TPB The Complete Collection 2
The Incredible Hulk (IV) • Incredible Hulks 603 - 604
Incredible Hulk Premiere (HC) 1
Incredible Hulk TPB (II) 1
Incredible Hulks (HC): Fall of the Hulks 1
Marvel Age Treasury Edition TPB 1
Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Far From Home Prelude 1
The Mighty Thor (V) • Thor (IV) 12
The Mighty Thor Premiere (HC) By Matt Fraction 2
The Mighty Thor TPB By Matt Fraction 2
Moon Knight (VII) 10
Moon Knight TPB (II) 2
Ms. Marvel GN-TPB: Metamorphosis 1
Ms. Marvel (HC) 2
Ms. Marvel Meets the Marvel Universe GN-TPB 1
Ms. Marvel Omnibus (HC) 1
Ms. Marvel Premiere (HC) 2, 6
Ms. Marvel Special 1
Ms. Marvel Special: Storyteller 1
Ms. Marvel TPB (I) 2, 6
Ms. Marvel TPB (II) 4
New X-Men TPB: The Quest for Magik - The Complete Collection 1
Origins of Marvel Comics 1
Origins of Marvel Comics TPB 1
Origins of Marvel Comics: X-Men 1
Origins of Siege 1
Siege Premiere (HC): X-Men 1
Siege TPB: X-Men 1
Spider-Island: Deadly Foes 1
Spider-Island: Spider-Woman 1
Spider-Man: Big Time 12
Spider-Man (HC): Spider-Island 1
Spider-Man (HC): Spider-Island Companion 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Danger Zone 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Dying Wish 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Lizard - No Turning Back 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): The Return of Anti-Venom 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Trouble on the Horizon 1
Spider-Man TPB: Big Time Complete Collection 2 - 4
Spider-Man TPB: Danger Zone 1
Spider-Man TPB: Dying Wish 1
Spider-Man TPB: Flying Blind 1
Spider-Man TPB: Lizard - No Turning Back 1
Spider-Man TPB: The Many Hosts of Carnage 1
Spider-Man TPB: The Return of Anti-Venom 1
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Island 1
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Island Companion 1
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 3
Spider-Man TPB: Trouble on the Horizon 1
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1
Spider-Verse (HC) 1
Spider-Verse/Spider-Geddon Omnibus (HC) 1
Spider-Verse TPB 1
Star Wars (V) 50
Star Wars (VI) 25
Star Wars: Darth Vader (HC): Dark Lord of the Sith 1 - 2
Star Wars: Darth Vader TPB: Dark Lord of the Sith 1 - 4
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Original Marvel Years 6
Star Wars Legends TPB: Forever Crimson 1
Star Wars (Marvel's 80th Anniversary Special) 108
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): Darth Vader By Charles Soule 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC) By Kieron Gillen and Greg Pak 1
Superior Spider-Man (I) 4 - 5, 11 - 13, 20 - 21, 27.NOW, 28 - 33
Superior Spider-Man (HC) 1 - 3
Superior Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) 1
The Superior Spider-Man Returns 1
Superior Spider-Man TPB (I) 1, 3 - 4, 6
Superior Spider-Man TPB (III) 1
Superior Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Collection 1 - 2
Tangled Web • Spider-Man's Tangled Web 14
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Matt Fraction 1
True Believers: Star Wars - Darth Vader 1
Wolverine: Dark Wolverine Premiere (HC) 1 - 2
Wolverine: Dark Wolverine TPB 1 - 2
Wolverine: The Road to Hell 1
Wolverine and the X-Men (I) 36 - 37
X-Infernus 1 - 4
X-Infernus (HC) 1
X-Infernus TPB 1
X-Men: Battle of the Atom 2
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants Saga 1
X-Men (HC): Battle of the Atom 1
X-Men Premiere (HC): Curse of the Mutants 1
X-Men TPB: Battle of the Atom 1

The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 665, 690
The Amazing Spider-Man (V) 20
Amazing Spider-Man (HC): The Clone Conspiracy 1
Amazing Spider-Man (HC): Worldwide 3
Amazing Spider-Man: Infested 1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB: The Clone Conspiracy 1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB: Worldwide 5
Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1
Annihilation Saga 1
A+X 6
Daken: Dark Wolverine 6
Heroic Age TPB 1
Immortal Iron Fist and the Immortal Weapons Omnibus (HC) 1
Immortal Iron Fist Omnibus (HC) By Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker and David Aja 1
The Immortal Iron Fist: Orson Randall and the Death Queen of California 1
Immortal Iron Fist Premiere (HC) 4
Immortal Iron Fist TPB 4
Immortal Iron Fist TPB The Complete Collection 2
Moon Knight (VII) 10
Moon Knight TPB (II) 2
Origins of Marvel Comics 1
Origins of Marvel Comics TPB 1
Origins of Marvel Comics: X-Men 1
Origins of Siege 1
Spider-Man: Big Time 12
Spider-Man (HC): Spider-Island 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Lizard - No Turning Back 1
Spider-Man TPB: Big Time Complete Collection 2, 4
Spider-Man TPB: Lizard - No Turning Back 1
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 3
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1
Superior Spider-Man (I) 5
Superior Spider-Man (HC) 1
Superior Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) 1
Superior Spider-Man TPB (I) 1
Superior Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Collection 1
Tangled Web • Spider-Man's Tangled Web 14
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants Saga 1
X-Men Premiere (HC): Curse of the Mutants 1

5 Ronin 2.FT
All-New, All-Different Marvel Universe 1.FT
All-New Marvel Now! Previews (II) 2.FT
The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 674.FT, 690.FT
The Amazing Spider-Man (Amazing Grace Ltd. Series) 1.5.FT
The Amazing Spider-Man (Learning to Crawl Ltd. Series) 1.5.FT
Astonishing X-Men (III) 60.FT
A+X 5.FT
Bring on the Bad Guys: The Variant Covers (Digital Exclusive Comic) 1.FT
The Carnage-ized Variants (Digital Exclusive) 1.FT
Daredevil (VI) 8.FT
Darth Vader (II) 3.FT - 4.FT, 6.FT, 9.FT - 25.FT
Darth Vader Annual 2.FT
Deadpool (IV) 42.FT
Deadpool Special 1000.FT
Fear Itself Poster Book 1.FT
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt 1.FT - 5.FT
Formic Wars: Silent Strike 1.FT - 4.FT
Hip-Hop Variant Sampler 1.FT
Marvel New Stories/Road to Civil War II Previews 1.FT
Marvel New Stories Start Now Previews 1.FT
Marvel Previews (I) 63.FT
Marvel Previews (II) • Marvel Now! Previews (I) • All-New Marvel Now! Marvel Previews (I) 4.FT, 17.FT, 23.FT
Marvel Previews (IV) • Marvel Legacy Previews 5.FT, 7.FT, 16.FT
Marvel Previews (V) • Marvel Legacy Previews 8.FT
Marvel Previews (VI) • Marvel Legacy Previews 24.FT - 25.FT
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld 1.FT - 3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man 2005 1.FT
Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead 1.FT - 4.FT
Predator (I) 6.FT
Predator (II) 1.FT - 4.FT
Return of Wolverine 5.FT
Savage Avengers (II) 8.FT - 9.FT
Secret Wars: Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse 1.FT
Skaar: King of the Savage Land 3.FT
Spider-Geddon Handbook 1.FT
Spider-Man 2099 (II) 5.FT
Spider-Verse (I) 1.FT
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters 12.FT - 32.FT
Star Wars: The Halcyon Legacy 5.FT
Star Wars: The High Republic - The Blade 1.FT - 3.FT
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 3.FT
Star Wars May the 4th Previews 1.FT
Star Wars: Revelations (I) 1.FT
Summer of Spider-Man Sampler • Wolverine Sabretooth Reborn 1.FT
Superior Spider-Man (I) 27.NOW.FT, 28.FT, 30.FT
Superior Spider-Man Annual 2.FT
Thunderbolts (III) 6.FT
Tomb of Terror 1.FT
Uncanny Inhumans 9.FT
Vampires: The Marvel Undead 1.FT
Wakanda 1.FT
War of the Realms 2.FT - 6.FT
What If...? Dark: Carnage 1.FT
What If? Secret Wars 1.FT
What If? Spider-Man: Back in Black 1.FT
Wolverine: Infinity Watch 1.FT - 4.FT
Wolverine: The Road to Hell 1.FT
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants Saga 1.FT
X-Men Legends (II) 2.FT - 3.FT
X-Men: Prelude to Schism 1.FT - 2.FT
X-Men: To Serve and Protect 1.FT - 3.FT
X-Termination 1.FT
X-Treme X-Men (II) 12.FT - 13.FT



File created on 2024 06 28