Essential Tales of the Zombie 1
Marvel Horror TPB: The Magazine Collection 1
Monsters Unleashed (I) 3
Tales of the Zombie • Zombie (I) 1
Kissnation 1.FT
Astonishing X-Men TPB: Companion 1
X-Men Unlimited (II) 8
Fear Itself Premiere (HC): Wolverine / New Mutants 1
Fear Itself TPB: Wolverine / New Mutants 1
Fear Itself: Wolverine 1 - 3
X-Men (III) 38 - 41
X-Men TPB: Reckless Abandonment 1
Journey into Unknown Worlds (I) 37, 40
Kid Colt (I) • Kid Colt Outlaw 49, 157
Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Strange Tales (HC) 4
Mystery Tales 23, 28 - 29, 36
Mystic 22
Police Action 4
Spellbound (I) 11
Strange Tales (I) 35
Uncanny Tales (I) 31
Journey into Unknown Worlds (I) 37, 40
Kid Colt (I) • Kid Colt Outlaw 49, 157
Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Strange Tales (HC) 4
Mystery Tales 23, 28 - 29, 36
Mystic 22
Spellbound (I) 11
Strange Tales (I) 35
Uncanny Tales (I) 31
Marvel Graphic Novel 6
James Bond Jr. (Marvel UK) 1
The Amazing Spider-Man Super Special 1
Marvel Comics Presents (I) 139
Marvel Comics Presents (I) 139
Spider-Man Super Special 1.FT
Editorial Intern/Assistant/Staff
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 70
A Marvel Comics Super Special • A Marvel Super Special (I) 21
Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 6
Epic Illustrated 2.FT
Doctor Who (Marvel UK) 20 - 22
Amazing Spider-Man TPB: Blood Hunt 1
Ghost Rider (IX) 2 - 3, 6, 14, 19
Ghost Rider TPB (III) 1 - 4
Major X 2, 4 - 5
Major X TPB 1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (II) 21
Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt 2
Spider-Man TPB: The Lost Hunt 1
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The Rebellion 1
Star Wars TPB: Scoundrels, Rebels and the Empire 1
Wastelanders: Star-Lord 1
Wastelanders TPB 1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB: Blood Hunt 1
Ghost Rider (IX) 2 - 3, 6, 14, 19
Ghost Rider TPB (III) 1 - 4
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (II) 21
Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt 2
Spider-Man TPB: The Lost Hunt 1
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The Rebellion 1
Star Wars TPB: Scoundrels, Rebels and the Empire 1
Wastelanders: Star-Lord 1
Wastelanders TPB 1
America 5
America TPB 1
Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden 1
Captain Marvel TPB: Game On 1
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop 1 - 5
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop TPB (II) 1
Marvel Action: Captain Marvel (IDW Publishing) 1 - 6
Marvel Action: Captain Marvel (II) (IDW Publishing) 3 - 5
Marvel Action Captain Marvel TPB (IDW Publishing) 1 - 3
Marvel's Voices: Heritage 1
Marvel's Voices (Infinity Comic) 44 - 47, 49
Marvel's Voices: Pride (I) 1
Marvel's Voices: Pride (II) 1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Heritage (II) 1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Pride 1
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Scarlet Witch 1
Who is... the Scarlet Witch (Infinity Comic) 1
Women of Marvel (II) 1
Women of Marvel (III) 1
Women of Marvel (IV) 1
Women of Marvel (V) 1
Women of Marvel TPB (II) 1
X-Men: The Wedding Special (II) 1
Strange Tales (VI) • Strange Tales II 3
Strange Tales II (HC) 1
Strange Tales II TPB 1
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu (I) 10, 13 - 14, 16 - 20
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Omnibus (HC) 1 - 2
Essential Man-Thing 1 - 2
Essential Marvel Horror 1 - 2
Essential Tomb of Dracula 2
Essential Werewolf by Night 2
Giant-Size Dracula 5
Giant-Size Werewolf by Night 4 - 5
Iron Fist: Danny Rand Omnibus (HC): The Early Years 1
Iron Fist TPB: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu - The Complete Collection 1
Ka-Zar (II) • Ka-Zar: Lord of the Hidden Jungle 8 - 9
Man-Thing (I) 14 - 15
Man-Thing Omnibus (HC) 1
Man-Thing TPB By Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection 2
Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1970s 3
Marvel Horror Lives Again Omnibus (HC) 1
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1
Marvel Masterworks: Ka-Zar (HC) 3
Marvel Masterworks: The Tomb of Dracula (HC) 4
Marvel Masterworks: Werewolf by Night (HC) 3
Marvel Premiere 27
Monsters Unleashed (I) 11
Morbius Epic Collection TPB 1
Skull the Slayer 1
Skull the Slayer TPB 1
Strange Tales (I) 176
Tomb of Dracula Omnibus (HC) 2
Tomb of Dracula TPB: The Complete Collection 3
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 2
Werewolf by Night Omnibus (HC) 1
Werewolf by Night TPB: The Complete Collection 2 - 3
Eternals (V) 1
Cage (I) 19
Fantastic Four Annual (I) 26
Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB 22
Luke Cage TPB: Second Chances 2
New X-Men (II) • New X-Men Academy X 23
New X-Men: TPB: Childhood's End 1
New X-Men TPB: Childhood's End - The Complete Collection 1
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Decimation 1
Avengers (I) • The Mighty Avengers 363.FT, 365.FT
Eternals (V) 2.FT
Fantastic Four (I) 380.FT
Avengers vs. Atlas 2
Deadpool/GLI - Summer Fun Spectacular 1
Exiles (I) 69 - 74, 79 - 80, 84 - 88, 90 - 94
Exiles TPB (I) 12, 15
Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection • Exiles TPB: The Complete Collection 6
Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk 4
Fantastic Four (IV) • The New Fantastic Four 544
G.L.A. 1 - 4
G.L.A. TPB: Misassembled 1
G.L.X.-Mas Special 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (II) 1
Hulk: Broken Worlds 2
Hulk: Cutting Edge 1
The Incredible Hulk (II) 412
The Incredible Hulk (IV) • Incredible Hulks 606 - 608, 630 - 635
Incredible Hulks TPB: Heart of the Monster 1
New Avengers: The Promise - AAFES 8th Edition 1
Secret Invasion: War of Kings 1
Uncanny X-Men: First Class 6
War of Kings 2 - 3
War of Kings: Ascension 1
War of Kings: Savage World of Skaar One-Shot 1
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1
Astonishing X-Men TPB: Companion 1
Beast 3
Cable and X-Force Omnibus (HC) 1
Chaos War TPB: Incredible Hulks 1
Deadpool and Cable Omnibus (HC) 1
Deadpool and Cable TPB: Ultimate Collection 3
Deadpool/GLI - Summer Fun Spectacular 1
Excalibur Visionaries TPB: Warren Ellis 1
Exiles (Malibu Comics) 1
Exiles (I) 69 - 74, 79 - 80, 85 - 88, 90 - 94
Exiles TPB (I) 12 - 15
Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection • Exiles TPB: The Complete Collection 4 - 6
Fall of the Hulks: Alpha 1
Fantastic Four (IV) • The New Fantastic Four 544 - 553
Fantastic Four Premiere (HC): The New Fantastic Four 1
Fantastic Four TPB: The Beginning of the End 1
Fantastic Four TPB: Extended Family 1
Fantastic Four TPB: The New Fantastic Four 1
Fear Itself: The Fearless 1 - 12
Fear Itself: The Fearless Premiere (HC) 1
Fear Itself: The Fearless TPB 1
G.L.A. 1 - 4
G.L.A. TPB: Misassembled 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (II) 1 - 7
Guardians of the Galaxy Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (HC): Somebody's Got to Do It (Marvel Select) 1
Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning 1
Guardians of the Galaxy Premiere (HC) (I) 1 - 2
Guardians of the Galaxy: Somebody's Got to Do It (Infinity Comic) 1 - 14
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (I) 1 - 2
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: All-New Marvel Treasury Edition 1
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Avengers Initiative 1
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy 1
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Incredible Hulk/Marvel's Iron Man 2 1
House of M (HC): No More Mutants 1
House of M Omnibus (HC) 1
Hulk: Cutting Edge 1
Hulk Maestro Omnibus (HC) By Peter David 1
Hulk: World War Hulks TPB: Hulked-Out Heroes (Canceled) 1
The Incredible Hulk (II) 407 - 412
The Incredible Hulk (IV) • Incredible Hulks 605 - 611, 618 - 622, 630 - 635
Incredible Hulk Annual (I) 19
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB 19 - 20, 22
Incredible Hulk Omnibus (HC) By Peter David 3
Incredible Hulk Premiere (HC) 1 - 3
Incredible Hulk TPB (II) 1 - 3
Incredible Hulks (HC): Fall of the Hulks 1
Incredible Hulks (HC): World War Hulks 1
Incredible Hulks TPB: Heart of the Monster 1
Marvel: Your Universe 7
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: She-Hulk 1
Nova (IV) 11 - 12
Nova (HC) 1
Nova TPB (I) 2
Nova TPB By Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning: The Complete Collection 1
The Phoenix Resurrection TPB: Red Shift (Malibu Comics / Marvel) 0
Secret Invasion: War of Kings 1
Secret Wars Omnibus (HC) 1
She-Hulk (I) 5 - 6, 9 - 12
She-Hulk (II) 3
She-Hulk Omnibus (HC) By Dan Slott 1
She-Hulk TPB (I) 1 - 3
She-Hulk TPB By Dan Slott: The Complete Collection 1
Silver Surfer (III) 132 - 133
Silver Surfer Epic Collection TPB 13
Siren (Malibu Comics) 2
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and the Great Lakes Avengers TPB 1
Uncanny X-Men/Fantastic Four Annual '98 1
War of Kings 1 - 6
War of Kings (HC) 1
War of Kings Omnibus (HC) 1
War of Kings Prelude: Road to War of Kings Omnibus (HC) 1
War of Kings TPB 1
War of Kings TPB: Road to War 1
War of Kings: Who Will Rule? 1
Wolverine (V) 304 - 308, 314 - 317
Wolverine Omnibus (HC): Wolverine Goes to Hell 1
Wolverine Premiere (HC): Back in Japan 1
Wolverine Premiere (HC): Rot 1
Wolverine TPB: Back in Japan 1
Wolverine TPB: Covenant 1
Wolverine TPB By Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection 4
Wolverine TPB: Rot 1
World War Hulks: Spider-Man vs. Thor 2
X-Force (I) 37
X-Force Premiere (HC): Child's Play 1
X-Men (II) • New X-Men (I) • X-Men Legacy (I) 185
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus Companion (HC) 1
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Road to Onslaught 1
X-Men Prime (I) 1
X-Men TPB: Blood of Apocalypse 1
X-Men TPB: Blue 0
X-Men TPB: The Complete Age of Apocalypse 4
X-Men TPB By Peter Milligan 2
X-Men TPB: The Road to Onslaught 1
X-Men Unlimited (II) 6
The Age of the Sentry 5.FT
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 4.FT, 6.FT, 8.FT, 10.FT - 11.FT
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update 1.FT, 3.FT
Avengers: Roll Call 1.FT
Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe 1.FT
Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul 1.FT
December 2010 Sneak Peeks 1.FT
Empyre Handbook 1.FT
Fear Itself Poster Book 1.FT
FF: 50 Fantastic Years • Fantastic Four Fifty Fantastic Years 1.FT
The Incredible Hulk (IV) • Incredible Hulks 629.FT - 634.FT
Incredible Hulk Annual (I) 19.FT
The Invincible Iron Man (V) 10.FT
Iron Manual Mark 3 1.FT
Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers (HC) 1.FT
Mantra (I) (Malibu Comics) 3.FT
Marvel Holiday Magazine 2010 1.FT
Marvel Pets Handbook 1.FT
Marvel Previews (I) 19.FT, 75.FT, 94.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Avengers 2005 1.FT
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update 1.FT - 2.FT, 4.FT - 5.FT
She-Hulk (II) 25.FT
She-Hulk TPB (I) 3.FT
She-Hulks 1.FT
Star-Lord: The Hollow Crown 1.FT
Thor: Asgard's Avenger 1.FT
Uncanny X-Men: First Class 5.FT
Wolverine (V) 314.FT
Wolverine: First Class 21.FT
World War Hulk: Gamma Files 1.FT
X of Swords Handbook 1.FT
X-Factor (IV) 200.FT
X-Men: First Class Finals 1.FT
Marvel's Avengers: Black Panther HC: War for Wakanda Expansion: Art of the Hidden Kingdom (Titan Books) 1
Epic Illustrated 2.FT
Spider-Man Magazine 8, 10
Spider-Man Magazine Spring 1995 1
Spider-Man Magazine Winter 1994 1
Fantastic Four (I) 389
Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB 23
Fantastic Four TPB: Nobody Gets Out Alive 1
Galactic Guardians 1
Guardians of the Galaxy 50
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (I) 4
Guardians of the Galaxy Classic TPB: In the Year 3000 2
Nightwatch 6
The Punisher (II) 86
Punisher TPB: Suicide Run 1
The Punisher War Journal (I) 61, 70
The Ren and Stimpy Show: Four Swerks Special 1
Rocko's Modern Life 2
Thunderstrike (I) 11
Venom Epic Collection TPB 4
Venomnibus (HC) 1
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (I) 4.FT
Marvel Vision 1.FT
Punisher Anniversary Magazine 1.FT
X-Men Anniversary Magazine (A Marvel Age Special) 1.FT
Editorial Intern/Assistant/Staff
X-Men Anniversary Magazine (A Marvel Age Special) 1
Assistant Editor
2099 Unlimited 5 - 8, 10
Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sins 13, 15 - 16
Darkhold TPB: Pages From the Book of Sins - The Complete Collection 1
Doom 2099 (I) 17, 19 - 22, 24, 26 - 28, 30 - 34, 37, 39 - 40
Doom 2099 TPB By Warren Ellis The Complete Collection 1
Fantastic Four 2099 (I) 1, 3 - 4
Ghost Rider 2099 (I) 14 - 21, 23 - 24
Ghost Rider 2099 Omnibus (HC) 1
Hulk 2099 2 - 5, 7 - 10
In His Steps (The Christian Classics Series) (Nelson / Marvel) 1
Midnight Sons Unlimited 3
Nightstalkers 13
Punisher 2099 (I) 30 - 33
Ravage 2099 31 - 33
Spider-Man 2099 (I) 20 - 24, 26 - 30, 32 - 33, 41 - 42
Spider-Man 2099 Annual 1
Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man 1
Spider-Man 2099 Omnibus (HC) 1 - 2
Spider-Man 2099 Special 1
Spider-Man 2099 TPB • Spider-Man 2099 Classic TPB 2 - 4
Spider-Man 2099 TPB (II) 7
Spider-Man 2099 vs. Venom 2099 TPB 1
X-Men 2099 8 - 15, 17 - 19, 21 - 25, 27 - 28, 31
X-Men 2099: Oasis 1
X-Men 2099 Omnibus (HC) 1
X-Men 2099 TPB 1
X-Nation 2099 2
2099 A.D. 1
Doom 2099 (I) 35 - 36
Doom 2099 TPB By Warren Ellis The Complete Collection 1
Consulting Editor
Iron Man (and Force Works) Collectors' Preview 1
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB 20