
Captain Britain (II)

11Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.151
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.34
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.4
21Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.152
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.35
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.5
2Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.36
3Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.37
4Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.38
31Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.153
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.39
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.6
41Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.154
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.40
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.7
51Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.155
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.41
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.8
61Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.156
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.42
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.9
2Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.43
3Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.44
4Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.45
71Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.157
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.46
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.10
81Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.158
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.47
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.11
91Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.159
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.48
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.12
101Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.160
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.49
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.13
111Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.161
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.50
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.14
121Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.162
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.51
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.15
131Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.163
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.52
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.16
141Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1.164
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1.53
Captain Britain TPB (I) 1.17
Captain Britain TPB: Legacy of a Legend 1.28

Captain Britain and MI:13

11Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 1.1
21Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 1.2
31Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 1.3
41Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 1.4
51Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 2.1
61Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 2.2
71Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 2.3
81Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 2.4
91Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 2.5
101Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 3.1
111Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 3.2
121Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 3.3
131Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 3.4
141Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 3.5
151Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 3.6

Captain Britain and MI:13 Annual

11Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 3.7
2Captain Britain and MI:13 TPB 3.8

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders

11Captain America and the Mighty Avengers TPB 2.3
Secret Wars Omnibus (HC): Battleworld 1.34
21Captain America and the Mighty Avengers TPB 2.4
Secret Wars Omnibus (HC): Battleworld 1.35

Captain Carter

11Captain Carter TPB: Woman Out of Time 1.1
21Captain Carter TPB: Woman Out of Time 1.2
31Captain Carter TPB: Woman Out of Time 1.3
41Captain Carter TPB: Woman Out of Time 1.4
51Captain Carter TPB: Woman Out of Time 1.5

Captain Marvel (I)

11Captain Marvel TPB: The Death of Captain Marvel (I) 1B.3
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.13
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.3
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.13
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: Captain Marvel 1.3
21Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.14
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.4
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.4
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.4
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.14
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: Captain Marvel 1.4
31Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.15
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.5
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.5
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.5
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.15
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: Captain Marvel 1.5
41Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.16
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.6
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.6
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.6
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.16
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: Captain Marvel 1.6
51Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.17
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.7
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.7
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.7
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.17
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: Captain Marvel 1.7
61Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.18
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.8
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.8
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.8
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.18
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: Captain Marvel 1.8
71Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.19
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.9
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.9
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.9
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.19
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: Captain Marvel 1.9
81Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.20
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.10
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.10
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.10
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.20
91Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.21
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.11
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.11
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 1.11
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB 1.21
101Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.22
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.12
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.12
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.1
111Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.23
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.13
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.13
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.2
121Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.24
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.14
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.14
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.3
131Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.25
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.15
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.15
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.4
141Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.26
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.16
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.16
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.5
151Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.27
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.17
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.17
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.6
161Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.28
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.18
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.18
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.7
171Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.29
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.19
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.19
Giant-Size Captain Marvel 1.1
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.8
181Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.30
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.20
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.20
Giant-Size Ms. Marvel 1.2
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.9
191Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.31
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.21
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.21
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.10
Marvel Visionaries (HC): Roy Thomas 1.10
Marvel Visionaries TPB: Roy Thomas 1.8
201Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.32
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.22
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.22
Essential Hulk 3.13
Giant-Size Captain Marvel 1.2
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.11
211Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.33
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.23
The Essential Captain Marvel 1.23
Essential Hulk 3.14
Giant-Size Captain Marvel 1.3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 2.12
221Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.34
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.24
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.1
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.1
231Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.35
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.25
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.2
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.2
241Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.36
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.26
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.3
251Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.2
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.1
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.2
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.2
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.37
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.27
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.5
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.2
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.5
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.2
261Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.3
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.2
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.3
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.3
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.38
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.28
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.6
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.6
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.3
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.3 (1/2)
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 2.1 (2/2)
271Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.4
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.3
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.4
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.4
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.39
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.29
Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.2
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.7
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.4
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 2.2
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.7
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.4
FT1The Essential Captain Marvel 2.FT
281Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.5
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.4
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.5
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.40
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.30
Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.3
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.8
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.5
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.8
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.5
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 2.3 (1/3)
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 2.4 (2/3)
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 3.1 (3/3)
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.5 (1/2)
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.6 (2/2)
291Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.6
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.5
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.6
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.7
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.41
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.31
Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.4
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.9
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.6
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 3.2
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.9
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.6
301Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.7
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.6
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.7
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.42
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.32
Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.5
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.10
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.7
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 3.3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.10
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.7
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.8 (1/2)
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.9 (2/2)
311Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.8
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.7
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.9
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.11
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.43
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.33
Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.6
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.12
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.8
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 4.3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.11
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.8
321Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.9
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.8
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.10
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.12
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.44
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.34
Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.7
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.13
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.9
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.12
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.9
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 4.4 (1/2)
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 5.1 (2/2)
FT1The Essential Captain Marvel 2.FT
331Avengers Epic Collection TPB 7.27
Avengers Omnibus (HC) 5.41
Avengers TPB: The Complete Celestial Madonna Saga 1.10
Avengers vs. Thanos TPB 1.10
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.9
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.11
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.13
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) 1.45
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.35
Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.8
Essential Avengers 6.7
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.14
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.10
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 5.2
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 3.13
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Thanos 1.2
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.10
341Captain Marvel Premiere (HC): The Death of Captain Marvel 1.1
Captain Marvel TPB: The Death of Captain Marvel (I) 1.1
Captain Marvel TPB: The Death of Captain Marvel (I) 1B.4
Captain Marvel TPB By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1.10
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 1.12
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life and Death of Captain Marvel 1.14
The Death of Captain Marvel Gallery Edition (HC) 1.36
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.15
The Life of Captain Marvel (I) 5.3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.1
The Thanos Wars Omnibus (HC): Infinity Origin 1.11
351The Essential Captain Marvel 2.16
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.2
361The Essential Captain Marvel 2.17
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.3
2Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.4
371The Essential Captain Marvel 2.18
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.5
381The Essential Captain Marvel 2.19
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.6
391The Essential Captain Marvel 2.20
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.7
401The Essential Captain Marvel 2.21
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.8
411The Essential Captain Marvel 2.22
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.9
True Believers: Captain Marvel vs. Ronan 1.1
421The Essential Captain Marvel 2.23
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.10
431Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.9
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.24
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.11
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.11
441Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.10
The Essential Captain Marvel 2.25
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.12
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.12
451The Essential Captain Marvel 2.26
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.13
461The Essential Captain Marvel 2.27
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4.14
471Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.1
481Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.2
491Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.3
501Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.4
511Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.5
521Captain Marvel TPB: Starforce 1.3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.6
Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.14
531Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.7
Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.15
541Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.8
551Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.9
561Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.10
571Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 5.11
581Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.11
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.13
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 6.1
591Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.12
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.14
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 6.2
601Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.13
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.15
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 6.3
611Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.14
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.16
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 6.4
621Drax TPB: Guardian of the Galaxy 1.15
Guardians of the Galaxy Solo Classic Omnibus (HC) 1.17
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 6.5



File created on 2025 02 06