Phoenix Park
Furry Glen
You've heard of Buckshot Foster, the dirty old imposter,
he took his mot and lost her up the Furry Glen.
Diese Wort aus dem Lied "Monto" im Ohr steigen wir in das Furry Glen hinab. Aus Sicht eines Österreichers ist es mehr eine Senke als ein Tal, aber es ist ruhig und der Ablauf des Furry Glen Lakes sorgt für eine erfrischende Abkühlung.
You've heard of Buckshot Foster, the dirty old imposter,
he took his mot and lost her up the Furry Glen.
With this line from the song "Monto" going through our heads we descend into the Furry Glen. From the perspective of an Austrian it is more a hollow than a valley. But it is quiet and the stream coming from the Furry Glen Lake provides a refreshing cooling.
Übersicht über Phoenix Park / Overview of Phoenix Park
Zugeordnete Themen / Assigned Topics:
Lage / Location
- Irish grid: O 09855 35230