
Tales of Suspense (II)

11Avengers TPB: Tales to Astonish 1.3
Captain America Epic Collection TPB 21.14
Iron Man/Captain America Team-Up TPB 1.5

Tales of Suspense (III)

1001Tales of Suspense TPB: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier 1.1
1011Tales of Suspense TPB: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier 1.2
1021Tales of Suspense TPB: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier 1.3
1031Tales of Suspense TPB: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier 1.4
1041Tales of Suspense TPB: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier 1.5

Tales of the Thing

11Fantastic Four Digest TPB: Tales 1.2
Target Spider-Man Presents Marvel Super Heroes (Target / Marvel) 1.1
21Fantastic Four Digest TPB: Tales 1.3
Target Fantastic Four Presents the Marvel Super-Heroes (Target / Marvel) 1.3
31Fantastic Four Digest TPB: Tales 1.4

Tales of the Zombie • Zombie (I)

11Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.2
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.55
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1.1
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.3
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1.2
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.4
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.5
5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.6
6Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.7
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.56
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1.3
FT3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
21Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.9
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.57
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.10
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.11
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.12
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1.4
5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.13
FT5Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural 1.FT
Essential Marvel Horror 2.FT
Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT7Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
31Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.14
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.58
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.15
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.16
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1.5
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.17
5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.18
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1.6
FT2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
41Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.19
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.59
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.20
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.21
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.22
5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.23
FT1Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT8Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
51Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.24
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.60
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.25
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.26
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.27
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1.7
FT1Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
61Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.28
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.61
2Doctor Voodoo: The Origin of Jericho Drumm 1.4
Essential Marvel Horror 2.16
Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.29
Marvel Masterworks: Brother Voodoo (HC) 1.16
FT1Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT6Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
71Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.30
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.62
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.31
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.63
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.32
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.64
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.33
5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.34
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1.8
FT2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
81Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.35
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.36
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.65
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.37
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.38
FT2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
91Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.39
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.40
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.66
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.41
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.67
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.42
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.68
5Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.43
101Essential Marvel Horror 2.18
Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.44
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1.69
Marvel Masterworks: Brother Voodoo (HC) 1.17
2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.45
3Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.46
4Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.47
FT1Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT
FT2Essential Tales of the Zombie 1.FT

Tangled Web • Spider-Man's Tangled Web

11Spider-Man Firsts TPB 1.11
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 1.1
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.1
21Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 1.2
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.2
31Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 1.3
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.3
41The Best of Spider-Man (HC) 1.8
Daredevil TPB: The Devil's Hand (I) 1.4
Mighty Marvel Must Haves 1.3
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 1.4
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.4
51The Best of Spider-Man (HC) 1.9
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 1.5
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.5
61The Best of Spider-Man (HC) 1.10
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 1.6
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.6
71Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 2.1
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.7
81Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 2.2
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.8
91Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 2.3
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.9
101Spider-Man: The Movie TPB 1.3
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 2.4
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.10
111Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 2.5
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.11
121Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 3.1
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.12
131Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 3.2
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.13
141Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 3.3
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.14
151Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 3.4
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.15
161Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 3.5
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.16
171Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 3.6
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.17
181Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 4.1
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.18
191Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 4.2
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.19
201Spider-Man TPB: The Daily Bugle 1.8
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 4.3
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.20
211Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 4.4
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.21
221Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Tangled Web 4.5
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Omnibus (HC) 1.22


11Tarot: Avengers/Defenders TPB 1.1
21Tarot: Avengers/Defenders TPB 1.2
31Tarot: Avengers/Defenders TPB 1.3
41Tarot: Avengers/Defenders TPB 1.4

Taskmaster (I)

11Taskmaster TPB: The Right Price 1.1
21Taskmaster TPB: The Right Price 1.2
31Taskmaster TPB: The Right Price 1.3
41Taskmaster TPB: The Right Price 1.4

Taskmaster (II)

11Taskmaster TPB 1.2
Taskmaster TPB: The Right Price 1.5
21Taskmaster TPB 1.3
Taskmaster TPB: The Right Price 1.6
31Taskmaster TPB 1.4
Taskmaster TPB: The Right Price 1.7
41Taskmaster TPB 1.5
Taskmaster TPB: The Right Price 1.8

Taskmaster (III)

11Taskmaster TPB: The Rubicon Trigger 1.1
21Taskmaster TPB: The Rubicon Trigger 1.2
31Taskmaster TPB: The Rubicon Trigger 1.3
41Taskmaster TPB: The Rubicon Trigger 1.4
51Taskmaster TPB: The Rubicon Trigger 1.5

Team X/Team 7 (Image Comics / Marvel)

11Marvel/DC Collection Crossover Classics TPB (DC Comics / Marvel) 3.4

Teen-Age Romance

771Marvel Romance TPB 1.12
841The Complete Jack Kirby War and Romance HC 1.72
King-Size Kirby Slipcase (HC) 1.23
Marvel: August 1961 TPB 1.22
Marvel Omnibus (HC): August 1961 1.60
Marvel Romance TPB 1.13
2Marvel: August 1961 TPB 1.23
Marvel Omnibus (HC): August 1961 1.61
3Marvel: August 1961 TPB 1.24
Marvel Omnibus (HC): August 1961 1.62
4The Complete Jack Kirby War and Romance HC 1.73
King-Size Kirby Slipcase (HC) 1.24
Marvel: August 1961 TPB 1.25
Marvel Omnibus (HC): August 1961 1.63
851The Complete Jack Kirby War and Romance HC 1.74
3The Complete Jack Kirby War and Romance HC 1.75
4The Complete Jack Kirby War and Romance HC 1.76
861The Complete Jack Kirby War and Romance HC 1.77
2The Complete Jack Kirby War and Romance HC 1.78
4The Complete Jack Kirby War and Romance HC 1.79

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

11Terminator 2: Judgement Day TPB 1.1
21Terminator 2: Judgement Day TPB 1.2
31Terminator 2: Judgement Day TPB 1.3

Terror Inc. (I)

11Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1990s 1.12
Marvel Omnibus (HC): Firsts - The 1990s 1.12
111Luke Cage TPB: Second Chances 2.3
121Luke Cage TPB: Second Chances 2.6

Terror Inc. (II)

11Terror Inc. TPB 1.1
21Terror Inc. TPB 1.2
31Terror Inc. TPB 1.3
41Terror Inc. TPB 1.4
51Terror Inc. TPB 1.5

Terror Inc.: Apocalypse Soon

11Terror Inc. TPB: Apocalypse Soon 1.1
21Terror Inc. TPB: Apocalypse Soon 1.2
31Terror Inc. TPB: Apocalypse Soon 1.3
41Terror Inc. TPB: Apocalypse Soon 1.4

Texas Kid

75Cowboy Action 5.3

Thanos (I)

11Thanos TPB (I) 4.1
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.1
21Thanos TPB (I) 4.2
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.2
31Thanos TPB (I) 4.3
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.3
41Thanos TPB (I) 4.4
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.4
51Thanos TPB (I) 4.5
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.5
61Thanos TPB (I) 4.6
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.6
71Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Road to Annihilation 2.4
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.6
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.7
81Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Road to Annihilation 2.5
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.7
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.8
91Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Road to Annihilation 2.6
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.8
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.9
101Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Road to Annihilation 2.7
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.9
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.10
111Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Road to Annihilation 2.8
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.10
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.11
121Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Road to Annihilation 2.9
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.11
Thanos TPB: Redemption 1.12



File created on 2025 02 06