Marvel Holiday Special 2007 (2008)

UPC: 7-59606-06319-2

12008/02A Marvel Unlimited$3.99
Front coverRonald Lim, Scott Koblish, Andrew Crossley
UPC: 7-59606-06319-2-00111 / Marvel Preview
Ti:Piece of cake16
Cr:W-Andrew Farago, Shaenon K. Garrity   P/L-Lou Kang   I/F-Craig Yeung   L-David Sharpe   C-Christopher Sotomayor   AsiEd-Michael Horwitz   AsoEdSpecProj-Mark D. Beazley, Jennifer Grünwald   Ed-John Barber   SenEdSpecProj-Jeff Youngquist   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Prod-Irene Y. Lee   Pub-Dan Buckley   Vice President of Sales-David Gabriel
Ch:Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Wolverine (James Howlett)
Ti:Merry Christmas!!!2
Cr:W-Fred Hembeck   P/L-Fred Hembeck   I/F-Fred Hembeck   L-Fred Hembeck   C-Fred Hembeck
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Age (I) #25
Ti:Secret Santa10
Cr:W-Chester B. Cebulski   P/L-Alina Urusov   I/F-Alina Urusov   L-David Sharpe   C-[N.G.]   AsiEd-Michael Horwitz   Ed-John Barber   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Pub-Dan Buckley
Ti:The meaning of Christmas6
Cr:W-Mike Carey   P/L-Nelson   I/F-Nelson   L-David Sharpe   C-Andrew Crossley

Pin-up/PosterWolverine cutting up the turkey (with Human Torch, Iron Fist, Dr. Strange, Hulk, She-Hulk, Jean Grey?, Cyclops?, ThingFrazer Irving1

Marvel Holiday Spectacular Magazine (2009)

UPC: 7-59606-05845-7

12009/12T+ Marvel Unlimited$9.99
BkCr:AsiEd-John Denning, Alex Starbuck   Ed-John Rhett Thomas   EdSpecProj-Mark D. Beazley, Jennifer Grünwald   SenEdSpecProj-Jeff Youngquist   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Rsrch-Jeph C. York   Dsgn-BLAMMO! Content and Design, Michael Kronenberg   ExecProd-Alan Fine   Pub-Dan Buckley   Senior Vice President of Sales-David Gabriel
Front coverEd McGuinness, Karl Kesel, Guru-eFX
Marvel Spotlight 48; Reprints cover of Hulk (III) #9, Green Hulk and Red Hulk as Santas / UPC: 7-59606-05845-7-04811 / Marvel Preview
Variant cover(s)

Variant coverSpider-Man balloon?1$9.99
Ti:Santa Claus vs. The Illuminati!2
Cr:W-Brian Reed   P/L-Val Semeiks   I/F-Mark Irwin   L-David Sharpe   C-Andrew Crossley   AsiEd-Thomas Brennan   Ed-Stephen Wacker   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   Pub-Dan Buckley   Digital Coordinator-Harry Go   Director of Digital Content-John D. Cerilli
Rm:There is one additional page with the recap/intro and the credits.
Ch:Illuminati (II) (R-42409), Santa Claus (II) (R-42409)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special #1
Ti:If the fates allow...8
Cr:W-Jim McCann   P/L-Todd Nauck   I/F-Todd Nauck   L-David Sharpe   C-Christopher Sotomayor   AsiEd-Thomas Brennan   Ed-Stephen Wacker   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   Pub-Dan Buckley   Digital Coordinator-Harry Go   Director of Digital Content-John D. Cerilli
Ch:X-Men (I)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special #1
Ti:Secret Invasion Interlude: Last Christmas3
Cr:W-Ryan Penagos   P/L-Juan Doe   I/F-Juan Doe   L-Blambot, Nathan Piekos   C-Juan Doe   AsiEd-Thomas Brennan   Ed-Stephen Wacker   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   Pub-Dan Buckley   Digital Coordinator-Harry Go   Director of Digital Content-John D. Cerilli
Ch:Skrulls (I)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special #1
Ti:Werewolf by Eve1
Cr:W-Ben Morse   P/L-Stephanie Buscema   I/F-Stephanie Buscema   L-Blambot, Nathan Piekos   C-Stephanie Buscema   AsiEd-Thomas Brennan   Ed-Stephen Wacker   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   Pub-Dan Buckley   Digital Coordinator-Harry Go   Director of Digital Content-John D. Cerilli
Ch:Werewolf by Night (Jacob Russoff)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special #1
Ti:Ghost of X-mas past!22
Cr:W-Steven T. Seagle   P/L-Christopher Bachalo   I/F-Aaron Sowd, Arthur Edward Thibert, Tim Townsend   L-Comicraft, Albert Deschesne, John Gaushell, Richard Starkings   C-Monica Kubina, Liquid!   AsiEd-Jason Liebig   Ed-Mark Powers   E-i-C-Bob Harras
Rm: Credits page gives Joe Rosen as letterer.
Ch:X-Men (I)
Rp:Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #365
Ti:The big X-Mas blackout!8
Cr:W-Richard Howell, Stan Lee   P/L-Steve Lightle   I/F-Allen Milgrom   L-John Costanza   C-Reneé Witterstaetter   Special Thanks-Jim Salicrup
Ch:Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Holiday Special #2
Ti:Catastrophe on 34th street20
Cr:W-Kurt Busiek   P/L-James W. Fry III   I/F-Neil Vokes   L-Comicraft, Richard Starkings   C-Steven Mattsson
Ch:Beast (Henry McCoy), Iceman (Robert Drake)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Holiday Special #3
Ti:War of the reptile-men!18
Cr:W-Len Wein   P/L-Ross Andru   I/F-Michael Esposito   L-Joe Rosen   C-Glynis Oliver-Wein   Ed-Len Wein
Ch:Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Rp:Reprint from The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #166
Ti:Turkey trouble!5
Cr:W-Christopher Eliopoulos, Marc Sumerak   P/L-Christopher Eliopoulos   I/F-Christopher Eliopoulos   L-Christopher Eliopoulos   C-Brad Anderson   AsiEd-Nathan Cosby   Ed-Mark Paniccia
Ch:Franklin Richards (I)
Rp:Reprint from Franklin Richards: Happy Franksgiving #1

Infos and statsSanta Claus
Reprint from Marvel Holiday Special 2006 #1.FT
Jeff Christiansen, Arthur Adams, John Byrne, Sal Buscema, Jack Davis, Gene Colan4
Fun/GameAnd now a word from the Hulk... Hulk list for Santa:
1. more Hulk comics
7. beaNs aNd a puppy
5. Puny HumaNs LeAve HULK ALONe
7. More Bug Man Comics
9 .No more stupid RockMan Comics, Hulk Smash!
J. Give Son bike, he SMash good
13. Send Rulk to Moon
2. hat
7. Own MotiOn COmic, like Bug WoMan And X-PeoPle. NOT FaIR!
Art by Jack Kirby from cover of Incredible Hulk (I) #1
Doug Roberts, Jack Kirby1
Text with art/photosMarvel Gift Guide: Deadpool! (Art by RB, PM and a lot of Deadpool covers)Jess Harrold, Reilly Brown, Paco Medina2
Cover galleryUncanny X-Men (I) #365Tim Townsend, Chris Dickey1
Cover galleryThe Amazing Spider-Man (I) #166John Romita Sr., Frank Giacoia1
Text with art/photosMarvel Gift Guide: Hanky Pym! (Art by Jack Kirby from Tales to Astonish (I) #36 and the covers of many Pym-related comics)Dugan Trodglen, Jack Kirby2
Text with art/photosSpotlight on Santa Claus: An exclusive interview with Marvel's #1 hero, Santa Claus!Jess Harrold, Arthur Adams, John Byrne3
Cover galleryFranklin Richards: Happy Franksgiving #1Christopher Eliopoulos1

Marvel Holiday Magazine 2010 (2010)

UPC: 7-59606-07308-5

Front coverRyan Stegman, Andrew Pepoy, Thomas Mason
UPC: 7-59606-07308-5-00111
Variant cover(s)

Variant coverPresse Commerce?1?
Ti:'Tis the season14
Cr:W-Roger Stern   P/L-George Tuska   I/F-Don Perlin   L-Gaspar Saladino   C-Don Warfield   Ed-Archie Goodwin
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Treasury Edition #13
Ti:I'll be Doom for Christmas8
Cr:W-Scott Lobdell   P/L-John Byrne   I/F-John Byrne   L-Daniel Vozzo   C-Jade Moede
Rp:Reprint from What the -- ?! #10
Ti:Eggnog, toilet paper, and peace on Earth8
Cr:W-Dan Slott   P/L-Matt Haley   I/F-Matt Haley   L-David Lanphear   C-Matt Haley   AsiEd-Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, Aubrey Sitterson   Ed-Tom Brevoort   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Prod-Tom Valente   Pub-Dan Buckley
Ch:Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green)
Rp:Reprint from G.L.X.-Mas Special #1
Ti:Days of X-Mas past11
Cr:W-Dan Slott   P/L-Georges Jeanty   I/F-Drew Geraci   L-David Lanphear   C-Larry Molinar, SotoColor   AsiEd-Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, Aubrey Sitterson   Ed-Tom Brevoort   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Prod-Tom Valente   Pub-Dan Buckley
Ch:Mister Immortal (Craig Hollis)
Rp:Reprint from G.L.X.-Mas Special #1
Ti:Getting off on the right foot2
Cr:W-Dan Slott   P/L-Ty Templeton   I/F-Ty Templeton   L-David Lanphear   C-Wilfredo Quintana   AsiEd-Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, Aubrey Sitterson   Ed-Tom Brevoort   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Prod-Tom Valente   Pub-Dan Buckley
Ch:Grasshopper (Neil Shelton)
Rp:Reprint from G.L.X.-Mas Special #1
Ti:Working holiday8
Cr:W-Dan Slott   P/L-Paul Grist   I/F-Paul Grist   L-David Lanphear   C-Laura Allred   AsiEd-Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, Aubrey Sitterson   Ed-Tom Brevoort   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Prod-Tom Valente   Pub-Dan Buckley
Ch:Doorman (DeMarr Davis)
Rp:Reprint from G.L.X.-Mas Special #1
Ti:Squirrel-on-squirrel action!6
Cr:W-Dan Slott   P/L-Mike Kazaleh   I/F-Mike Kazaleh   L-David Lanphear   C-Bill Crabtree   AsiEd-Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, Aubrey Sitterson   Ed-Tom Brevoort   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Prod-Tom Valente   Pub-Dan Buckley
Ch:Deathurge, Tippy-Toe
Rp:Reprint from G.L.X.-Mas Special #1
Ti:Seasons greetings from the GLX2
Cr:W-Dan Slott   P/L-Ty Templeton   I/F-Ty Templeton   L-David Lanphear   C-Wilfredo Quintana   AsiEd-Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, Aubrey Sitterson   Ed-Tom Brevoort   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   Prod-Tom Valente   Pub-Dan Buckley
Ch:Great Lakes X-Men
Rp:Reprint from G.L.X.-Mas Special #1
Ti:Rock of ages!8
Cr:W-Stan Lee   P/L-Nick Dragotta   I/F-Nick Dragotta   L-David Sharpe   C-Nick Dragotta   Ed-Rachel Pinnelas   SVEd-Bill Rosemann   ExecEd-Tom Brevoort   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   ExecProd-Alan Fine   Pub-Dan Buckley   Digital Coordinator-Harry Go   Vice President Digital Content-John D. Cerilli
Ch:Fantastic Four (I)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special #2
Ti:Holiday heat8
Cr:W-Abby Denson   P/L-Sara Pichelli   I/F-Sara Pichelli   L-Kristyn Ferretti   C-Emily Warren   Ed-Lauren Sankovitch   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   ExecProd-Alan Fine   Pub-Dan Buckley   Digital Coordinator-Harry Go   Vice President Digital Content-John D. Cerilli
Ch:Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Firestar (Angelica Jones), Hellcat (Patricia Walker), Photon (Monica Rambeau)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special #2
Ti:Merry Freakin' Christmas8
Cr:W-Frederick Van Lente   P/L-Sanford Greene   I/F-Nathan Massengill   L-Jeff Eckleberry   C-John Rauch   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   ExecProd-Alan Fine   Pub-Dan Buckley   Digital Coordinator-Harry Go   Vice President Digital Content-John D. Cerilli
Ch:Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special #2
Cr:W-Jay Faerber   P/L-Michael Ryan   I/F-Michael Ryan   L-Robert Steen   C-Christopher Sotomayor   Ed-Daniel Ketchum   E-i-C-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   ExecProd-Alan Fine   Pub-Dan Buckley   Digital Coordinator-Harry Go   Vice President Digital Content-John D. Cerilli
Ch:X-Men (I)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special #2

Text with art/photosTable of contents?1
Cover galleryMarvel Treasury Edition #13Gil Kane, Joe Sinnott1
Pin-up/PosterAvengers, Silver Surfer?1
Cover galleryWhat the -- ?! #10John Byrne1
Cover galleryG.L.X.-Mas Special #1Paul Pelletier1
Fun/GameYour very own Marvel Legends Flatman Action Figure (cut out doll)
Reprint from G.L.X.-Mas Special #1.FT
Dan Slott, Mike Wieringo, Karl Kesel, David Lanphear, Wilfredo Quintana1
TextThe X-Men vs. The White Elephant?1
Text with art/photosBy the Hairy Ho-Ho-Hosts of Hoggoth! In honor of Santa's wonderful white whiskers, we proudly presents Marvel's Top Ten Greatest Beards.
10. Iron Man
9. Baron Mordo
8. Thunderstrike
7. Leonardo Da Vinci
6. Hercules
5. Agamemnon
4. Doctor Faustus
3. The Maestro
2. Volstagg
1. Odin
Honorable Mention! Thor
Sean T. Collins2
Text with art/photosMy Marvelous Holiday: Some of Marvel's top creative talent get in on the spirit of the season by sharing their favourite holiday memories involving the heroes of the Marvel U! (Jim McCann; Paul Tobin, Mike Carey, Mike Benson, Gregg Hurwitz, Sean McKeever, Brian Reed, Jeff Parker, Duane Swierczynski)Kiel Phegley2
Text with art/photosEight Crazy Knights: Celebrate Hanukkah with an octet of Marvel Knights books that'll light up your holiday: Daredevil TPB (I) #1; Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War; Deathlok (IV); Fantastic Four: 1 2 3 4; The Sentry (I); Silver Surfer: Requiem; Spider-Man: Fever; X-Men: Magneto TestamentSean T. Collins1

Marvel Holiday Special 2011 (2012)

UPC: 7-59606-07761-8

12012/02T+ Marvel Unlimited$3.99
BkCr:AsiEd-Nelson Ribeiro, Alex Starbuck   CollEd-Cory Levine   EdSpecProj-Mark D. Beazley, Jennifer Grünwald   SenEdSpecProj-Jeff Youngquist   E-i-C-Axel Alonso   ChiCreOff-Joe Quesada   DigProdMan-Tim Smith 3   ExecProd-Alan Fine   Pub-Dan Buckley   Senior Vice President of Brand Planning and Communications-Michael Pasciullo   Senior Vice President of Sales-David Gabriel
Front coverTim Seeley, Leonardo Oléa
UPC: 7-59606-07761-8-00111 / Marvel Preview
Ti:Cold hearted Christmas8
Cr:W-Miljenko Hortvatic   P/L-Andrew Trabbold   I/F-Andrew Trabbold   L-Robert Steen   C-Jeffery Scott Campbell   Ed-Jody LeHeup
Rm: There is one more page with the titles and the credits.
Ch:Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special 2011 #1
Ti:Logan's lost lesson8
Cr:W-Kurtis J. Wiebe   P/L-Patrick Scherberger   I/F-Cory Hamscher, Patrick Scherberger   L-Simon Bowland   C-Veronica Gandini   Ed-Jordan D. White
Ch:Wolverine (James Howlett)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special 2011 #2, Reprinted in ...
Ti:Ol' Saint Nick8
Cr:W-Aaron Shaps   P/L-Sebastian Piriz   I/F-Sebastian Piriz   L-Robert Steen   C-Jeffery Scott Campbell   Ed-Sebastian Girner
Ch:Nicholas Fury (I)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special 2011 #3
Ti:Chinese food for Christmas8
Cr:W-Jamie S. Rich   P/L-Paco Diaz Luque   I/F-Paco Diaz Luque   L-Jeff Eckleberry   C-Jean-François Beaulieu   Ed-Daniel Ketchum
Ch:Thing (Benjamin Grimm)
Rp:Reprint from Marvel Digital Holiday Special 2011 #4

Mighty Marvel Holiday Special Halloween With the Rhino (Infinity Comic) (2021)

UPC: 7-59606-20060-3

Front cover?
UPC: 7-59606-20060-3-00111 / Marvel Preview
Cr:W-Ryan North   P/L-Tom Reilly   I/F-Tom Reilly   L-Joe Sabino, Virtual Calligraphy   C-Chris O'Halloran   Ed-Annalise Bissa

Mighty Marvel Holiday Special - Happy Holidays, Mr. Howlett (Infinity Comic) (2021)

UPC: 7-59606-20060-3

Front coverNathan Stockman
UPC: 7-59606-20060-3-00211 / Marvel Preview
Ti:Happy Holidays, Mr. Howlett?
Cr:W-Ryan North   P/L-Nathan Stockman   I/F-Nathan Stockman   L-Joe Sabino, Virtual Calligraphy   C-Chris O'Halloran   AsiEd-Martin Biro   Ed-Annalise Bissa   E-i-C-Chester B. Cebulski   Prod-Annie Cheng   ProdMan-Tim Smith 3
Ch:Wolverine (James Howlett)

Mighty Marvel Holiday Special - Iceman's New Year's Resolutions (Infinity Comic) (2021)

UPC: 7-59606-20060-3

Front coverLuciano Vecchio
UPC: 7-59606-20060-3-00311 / Marvel Preview
Ti:Iceman's New Year's resolutions?
Cr:W-Luciano Vecchio   P/L-Luciano Vecchio   I/F-Luciano Vecchio   L-Joe Sabino, Virtual Calligraphy   C-Luciano Vecchio   AsiEd-Martin Biro   Ed-Annalise Bissa   E-i-C-Chester B. Cebulski   Prod-Annie Cheng   ProdMan-Tim Smith 3
Ch:Iceman (Robert Drake)



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