
Guardians of the Galaxy (VIII)

11Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 1.1
21Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 1.2
31Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 1.3
41Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 1.4
51Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 1.5
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 1.6
61Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 2.1
71Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 2.2
81Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 2.3
91Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 2.4
101Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 2.5

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (I)

11Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Jim Valentino 1.30
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Jim Valentino 1.8
2Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Jim Valentino 1.31
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Jim Valentino 1.9
3Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Jim Valentino 1.32
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Jim Valentino 1.10
21Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Jim Valentino 1.33
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Jim Valentino 3.10
2Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Jim Valentino 1.34
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Jim Valentino 3.11
3Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Jim Valentino 1.35
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Jim Valentino 3.12
4Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Jim Valentino 1.36
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Jim Valentino 3.13
31Guardians of the Galaxy Classic TPB: In the Year 3000 1.11

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (II)

11Guardians of the Galaxy (HC) 3.11
Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.39
Guardians of the Galaxy Premiere (HC) (II) 3.8
Guardians of the Galaxy Premiere (HC) (II) 4.7
Guardians of the Galaxy Premiere (HC) (II) 5.5
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (II) 5.5

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (III)

11Guardians of the Galaxy (HC) By Donny Cates 1.13
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (III) 2.7
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Donny Cates 1.13
2Guardians of the Galaxy (HC) By Donny Cates 1.14
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (III) 2.8
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Donny Cates 1.14
3Guardians of the Galaxy (HC) By Donny Cates 1.15
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (III) 2.9
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Donny Cates 1.15
4Guardians of the Galaxy (HC) By Donny Cates 1.16
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (III) 2.10
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Donny Cates 1.16

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (IV)

11Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Al Ewing (II) 1.19
Infinite Destinies TPB 1.13
2Infinite Destinies TPB 1.14

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (V)

11Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (IV) 2.6

Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On

11Marvel Super Heroes TPB: Larger Than Life 1.11
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Guardians of the Galaxy 1.3
Scholastic Avengers TPB: Infinity War 1.11
2Marvel Super Heroes TPB: Larger Than Life 1.12
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Guardians of the Galaxy 1.4
Scholastic Avengers TPB: Infinity War 1.12

Guardians of the Galaxy: Galaxy's Most Wanted

11Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Best Story Ever 1.7
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Guardians of the Galaxy 1.5
2Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Guardians of the Galaxy 1.6
3Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Guardians of the Galaxy 1.7

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite (I)

11Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.40
Guardians of the Galaxy Premiere (HC) (II) 1.5
Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers 1.1
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (II) 1.5
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Best Story Ever 1.2
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Prelude (I) 1.3
21Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.41
Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers 1.3
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (II) 1.7
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Best Story Ever 1.3
Rocket Raccoon and Groot TPB (II) 0.19
31Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.42
Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers 1.4
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (II) 1.8
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Best Story Ever 1.4
41Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.43
Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers 1.2
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (II) 1.6
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Best Story Ever 1.5
Rocket Raccoon and Groot TPB (II) 0.18

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite (II)

11Guardians of the Galaxy: Best Story Ever 1.1
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Best Story Ever 1.1

Guardians of the Galaxy (Monsters Unleashed One Shot)

1.MU1Monsters Unleashed TPB: Battleground 1.7

Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy

11Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Mother Entropy 1.1
Thanos Omnibus (HC): The Infinity Saga 1.13
21Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Mother Entropy 1.2
Thanos Omnibus (HC): The Infinity Saga 1.14
31Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Mother Entropy 1.3
Thanos Omnibus (HC): The Infinity Saga 1.15
41Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Mother Entropy 1.4
Thanos Omnibus (HC): The Infinity Saga 1.16
51Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Mother Entropy 1.5
Thanos Omnibus (HC): The Infinity Saga 1.17

Guardians of the Galaxy: The Prodigal Sun

11Fantastic Four TPB: The Prodigal Sun 1.3

Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon and Groot (HC): Steal the Galaxy! (Prose Novel)

11Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon and Groot TPB: Steal the Galaxy! (Prose Novel) 1.1

Guardians of the Galaxy: Telltale Games • Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series

11Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Telltale Games 1.1
21Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Telltale Games 1.2
31Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Telltale Games 1.3
41Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Telltale Games 1.4
51Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Telltale Games 1.5

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers

11Guardians of the Galaxy (HC) 1.12

Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha

11Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men (HC): The Black Vortex 1.1
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men TPB: The Black Vortex 1.1

Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega

11Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men (HC): The Black Vortex 1.13
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men TPB: The Black Vortex 1.13
Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde TPB 1.5

Guardians of Infinity

11Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Guardians of Infinity 1.1
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Tales of the Cosmos 1.1
21Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Guardians of Infinity 1.2
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Tales of the Cosmos 1.2
31Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Guardians of Infinity 1.3
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Tales of the Cosmos 1.3
41Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Guardians of Infinity 1.4
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Tales of the Cosmos 1.4
51Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Guardians of Infinity 1.5
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Tales of the Cosmos 1.5
61Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Guardians of Infinity 1.6
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Tales of the Cosmos 1.6
71Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Guardians of Infinity 1.7
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Tales of the Cosmos 1.7
81Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Guardians of Infinity 1.8
2Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Tales of the Cosmos 1.8

Guardians of Knowhere

11Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.47
Guardians of Knowhere TPB 1.1
21Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.48
Guardians of Knowhere TPB 1.2
31Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.49
Guardians of Knowhere TPB 1.3
41Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.50
Guardians of Knowhere TPB 1.4

Guardians Team-Up

11Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.51
Guardians Team-Up TPB 1.1
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Prelude (II) 1.7
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Guardians of the Galaxy 1.1
21Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis 1.52
Guardians Team-Up TPB 1.2
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Prelude (II) 1.8
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Guardians of the Galaxy 1.2
31Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men (HC): The Black Vortex 1.6
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men TPB: The Black Vortex 1.6
Guardians Team-Up TPB 1.3
41Guardians Team-Up TPB 1.4
51Guardians Team-Up TPB 1.5
61Guardians Team-Up TPB 2.1
71Ant-Man TPB: The Saga of Scott Lang 1.15
The Astonishing Ant-Man TPB 3.5
Guardians Team-Up TPB 2.2
81Guardians Team-Up TPB 2.3
91Guardians Team-Up TPB 2.4
101Guardians Team-Up TPB 2.5

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season Four

11Marvel Cinematic Universe Guidebook (HC): It's All Connected 1.4

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season One

11Marvel Cinematic Universe Guidebook (HC): It's All Connected 1.1

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season Three/Marvel's Agent Carter Season Two

11Marvel Cinematic Universe Guidebook (HC): It's All Connected 1.3

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season Two/Marvel's Agent Carter Season One

11Marvel Cinematic Universe Guidebook (HC): It's All Connected 1.2

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's The Avengers

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Avengers Initiative 1.5

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Good, the Bad, the Guardians 1.3

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Captain America: Civil War

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Good, the Bad, the Guardians 1.4

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Captain America: The First Avenger

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Avengers Initiative 1.4

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Marvel's Ant-Man

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Good, the Bad, the Guardians 1.1

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Doctor Strange

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Good, the Bad, the Guardians 1.5

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Good, the Bad, the Guardians 1.2

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Good, the Bad, the Guardians 1.6

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Incredible Hulk/Marvel's Iron Man 2

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Avengers Initiative 1.2

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Iron Man

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Avengers Initiative 1.1

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Iron Man 3 / Marvel's Thor: The Dark World

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Avengers Initiative 1.6

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Thor

11Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Avengers Initiative 1.3

Gunhawks (I)

11Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1970s 1.15

The Gunhawks (II)

11Marvel Comics TPB: Timeless Tales 1.13

Gunsmoke Western

461Two-Gun Kid 118.3
2Outlaw Kid (II) 21.1
3Western Gunfighters (II) 24.1
471Two-Gun Kid 117.2
491Kid Colt Outlaw 187.2
661Marvel Masters of Suspense Omnibus (HC): Stan Lee and Steve Ditko 1.134
671Marvel: August 1961 TPB 1.17
Marvel Omnibus (HC): August 1961 1.55
721Marvel Omnibus (HC): June 1962 1.50



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