
Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian

11Infinity Wars (HC) By Gerry Duggan: The Complete Collection 1.15
Infinity Wars TPB 1.8

Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther

11Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.9
21Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.10

Infinity Wars: Infinity

11Infinity Wars (HC) By Gerry Duggan: The Complete Collection 1.16
Infinity Wars TPB 1.9

Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps • Infinity Warps

11Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.11
2Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.13
4Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.12
21Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.17
2Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.15
3Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.16
4Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.14

Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer • Infinity Warps: Iron Hammer

11Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.3
21Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.4

Infinity Wars Prime

11Infinity Wars (HC) By Gerry Duggan: The Complete Collection 1.8
Infinity Wars TPB 1.7

Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker

11Infinity Wars TPB: Sleepwalker 1.1
21Infinity Wars TPB: Sleepwalker 1.2
31Infinity Wars TPB: Sleepwalker 1.3
41Infinity Wars TPB: Sleepwalker 1.4

Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme • Infinity Warps: Soldier Supreme

11Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.1
21Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.2

Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex

11Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.7
21Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One 1.8


11The Amazing Spider-Man (V) 1.8
Amazing Spider-Man (HC) 1.13
Inhuman (HC) 1.1
Inhuman TPB 1.1
FT1The Amazing Spider-Man (V) 1.FT
21Inhuman (HC) 1.2
Inhuman TPB 1.2
31Inhuman (HC) 1.3
Inhuman TPB 1.3
41Inhuman (HC) 1.4
Inhuman TPB 1.4
51Inhuman (HC) 1.5
Inhuman TPB 1.5
61Inhuman (HC) 1.6
Inhuman TPB 1.6
71Inhuman (HC) 1.7
Inhuman TPB 2.1
81Inhuman (HC) 1.8
Inhuman TPB 2.2
91Inhuman (HC) 1.9
Inhuman TPB 2.3
101Inhuman (HC) 1.10
Inhuman TPB 2.4
111Inhuman (HC) 1.11
Inhuman TPB 2.5
121Inhuman (HC) 1.12
Inhuman TPB 2.6
Inhuman TPB 3.1
131Inhuman (HC) 1.13
Inhuman TPB 3.2
141Inhuman (HC) 1.14
Inhuman TPB 3.3

Inhuman Annual

11Inhuman (HC) 1.15
Inhuman TPB 3.4

Inhuman Special

11Amazing Spider-Man/Inhumans/All-New Captain America TPB: Inhuman Error 1.2


11Inhumanity (HC) 1.1
Inhumanity TPB 1.4
21Inhumanity (HC) 1.5
Inhumanity TPB 1.5

Inhumanity: The Awakening

11Inhumanity (HC) 1.12
Inhumanity TPB 1.11
21Inhumanity (HC) 1.13
Inhumanity TPB 1.12

Inhumanity: Superior Spider-Man

11Inhumanity (HC) 1.17
Inhumanity TPB 1.15
Superior Spider-Man TPB Companion 1.24

Inhumans (I)

11Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.1
21Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.2
31Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.3
41Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.4
51Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.5
61Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.6
71Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.7
81Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.8
91Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.9
2Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.10
101Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.11
111Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.12
121Marvel Masterworks: The Inhumans (HC) 2.13

Inhumans (II)

11Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.1
Inhumans TPB 1.1
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.1
Marvel Knights Magazine 4.3
21Infinity TPB: Incoming! 1.1
Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.2
Inhumans TPB 1.2
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.2
Marvel Knights Magazine 5.3
31Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.3
Inhumans TPB 1.3
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.3
Marvel Knights Magazine 6.3
41Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.4
Inhumans TPB 1.4
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.4
51Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.5
Inhumans TPB 1.5
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.5
61Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.6
Inhumans TPB 1.6
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.6
71Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.7
Inhumans TPB 1.7
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.7
81Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.8
Inhumans TPB 1.8
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.8
Lockjaw TPB: Dog Days 1.2
91Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.9
Inhumans TPB 1.9
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.9
101Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.10
Inhumans TPB 1.10
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.10
111Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.11
Inhumans TPB 1.11
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.11
121Inhumans (HC) By Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.12
Inhumans TPB 1.12
Inhumans TPB by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee 1.12

Inhumans (III)

11Fantastic Four/Inhumans TPB 1.1
Fantastic Four TPB: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection 3.15
21Fantastic Four/Inhumans TPB 1.2
Fantastic Four TPB: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection 3.16
31Fantastic Four/Inhumans TPB 1.3
Fantastic Four TPB: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection 3.17
41Fantastic Four/Inhumans TPB 1.4
Fantastic Four TPB: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection 3.18

Inhumans (IV)

11Inhumans Digest TPB: Culture Shock 1.1
Inhumans TPB: Lunar 1.1
Young Inhumans TPB 1.1
21Inhumans Digest TPB: Culture Shock 1.2
Inhumans TPB: Lunar 1.2
Young Inhumans TPB 1.2
31Inhumans Digest TPB: Culture Shock 1.3
Inhumans TPB: Lunar 1.3
Young Inhumans TPB 1.3
41Inhumans Digest TPB: Culture Shock 1.4
Inhumans TPB: Lunar 1.4
Young Inhumans TPB 1.4
51Inhumans Digest TPB: Culture Shock 1.5
Inhumans TPB: Lunar 1.5
Young Inhumans TPB 1.5
61Inhumans Digest TPB: Culture Shock 1.6
Inhumans TPB: Lunar 1.6
Young Inhumans TPB 1.6
71Young Inhumans TPB 1.7
81Young Inhumans TPB 1.8
91Young Inhumans TPB 1.9
101Young Inhumans TPB 1.10
111Young Inhumans TPB 1.11
121Young Inhumans TPB 1.12

Inhumans 2099

11Marvel Knights 2099 TPB 1.3

Inhumans: Attilan Rising

11Inhumans: Attilan Rising TPB 1.1
21Inhumans: Attilan Rising TPB 1.2
31Inhumans: Attilan Rising TPB 1.3
41Inhumans: Attilan Rising TPB 1.4
51Inhumans: Attilan Rising TPB 1.5

Inhumans (Graphic Novel)

11Inhumans TPB: By Right of Birth 1.1

Inhumans: Judgment Day

11Royals TPB 2.9

Inhumans: Once and Future Kings

11Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.1
2Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.2
Lockjaw TPB: Who's a Good Boy? 1.8
21Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.3
2Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.4
Lockjaw TPB: Who's a Good Boy? 1.9
31Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.5
2Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.6
Lockjaw TPB: Who's a Good Boy? 1.10
41Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.7
2Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.8
Lockjaw TPB: Who's a Good Boy? 1.11
51Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.9
2Inhumans TPB: Once and Future Kings 1.10
Lockjaw TPB: Who's a Good Boy? 1.12

Inhumans Prime

11Royals TPB 1.6

The Inhumans: The Untold Saga • Inhumans Special

11Inhumans TPB: By Right of Birth 1.2


11Espers TPB: Interface (Image Comics) 1.1
21Espers TPB: Interface (Image Comics) 1.2
31Espers TPB: Interface (Image Comics) 1.3
41Espers TPB: Interface (Image Comics) 1.4
51Espers TPB: Interface (Image Comics) 1.5
61Espers TPB: Interface (Image Comics) 1.6

International Iron Man

11International Iron Man Premiere (HC) 1.1
International Iron Man TPB 1.1
21International Iron Man Premiere (HC) 1.2
International Iron Man TPB 1.2
31International Iron Man Premiere (HC) 1.3
International Iron Man TPB 1.3
41International Iron Man Premiere (HC) 1.4
International Iron Man TPB 1.4
51International Iron Man Premiere (HC) 1.5
International Iron Man TPB 1.5
61International Iron Man Premiere (HC) 1.6
International Iron Man TPB 1.6
71International Iron Man TPB 1.7

The Invaders (I)

11Giant-Size Invaders 2.2
Invaders Classic TPB 1.2
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.3
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.4
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.9
Marvel's Greatest Creators: Invaders 1.1
21Giant-Size Invaders 2.3
Invaders Classic TPB 1.3
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.4
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.5
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.10
31Invaders Classic TPB 1.4
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.5
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.11
41Invaders Classic TPB 1.5
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.6
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.12
51Invaders Classic TPB 1.6
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.7
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.13
Thing Premiere (HC): Liberty Legion 1.1
61Invaders Classic TPB 1.8
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.8
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.14
Thing Premiere (HC): Liberty Legion 1.3
71Invaders Classic TPB 1.10
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.9
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.15
81Invaders Classic TPB 1.11
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.10
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.16
91Invaders Classic TPB 1.12
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.11
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.17
101Giant-Size Avengers/Invaders 1.2
Invaders Classic TPB 2.1
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.12
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.18
2Invaders Classic TPB 2.2
111Invaders Classic TPB 2.3
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.14
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.20
121Invaders Classic TPB 2.4
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.15
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.21
131Invaders Classic TPB 2.5
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.16
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.22
141Invaders Classic TPB 2.6
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.17
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.23
151Invaders Classic TPB 2.7
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.18
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.24
161Invaders Classic TPB 2.8
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.19
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.25
171Invaders Classic TPB 2.9
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.20
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.26
181Invaders Classic TPB 2.10
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.21
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.27
191Invaders Classic TPB 2.11
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.22
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.28
201Invaders Classic TPB 2.12
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.23
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.29
2Invaders Classic TPB 2.13
211Invaders Classic TPB 2.14
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.25
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.31
2Invaders Classic TPB 2.15
221Invaders Classic TPB 3.1
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 1.27
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.33
231Invaders Classic TPB 3.2
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.1
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.34
251Invaders Classic TPB 3.3
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.3
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.36
261Invaders Classic TPB 3.4
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.4
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.37
271Invaders Classic TPB 3.5
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.5
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.38
281Invaders Classic TPB 3.6
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.6
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.39
291Invaders Classic TPB 3.7
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.7
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.40
301Invaders Classic TPB 3.8
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.8
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.41
311Invaders Classic TPB 3.9
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.9
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.42
321Invaders Classic TPB 3.10
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.10
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.43
331Invaders Classic TPB 3.11
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.11
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.44
341Invaders Classic TPB 3.12
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.12
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.45
351Invaders Classic TPB 4.1
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.13
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.46
361Invaders Classic TPB 4.2
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.14
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.47
371Invaders Classic TPB 4.3
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.15
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.48
381Invaders Classic TPB 4.4
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.16
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.49
391Invaders Classic TPB 4.5
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.17
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.50
401Invaders Classic TPB 4.6
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.18
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.51
411Invaders Classic TPB 4.7
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection 2.19
Invaders Omnibus (HC) 1.52



File created on 2025 02 06