Creator Names


Marvel Super-Heroes (III) 12.FT

Alcala, Alfredo P. Wikipedia

Arrgh! 3
Conan the Barbarian (I) 230, 257
Dazzler (I) 6
Immortal Hulk 1
Kull the Destroyer 24
Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring 34
Tarzan (Lord of the Jungle) 7 - 9

Adventures on the Planet of the Apes 7 - 11
Arrgh! 2
Captain Marvel (I) 35
Classic Star Wars: Han Solo At Stars' End (Dark Horse Comics) 1 - 3
Conan the Barbarian (I) 137, 225
Conan the Barbarian Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 5, 9
Doctor Strange (II) 19
Doctor Strange Epic Collection TPB 4
Dracula Lives! 9
The Essential Captain Marvel 2
Essential Dr. Strange 3
Essential Man-Thing 1 - 2
Essential Tales of the Zombie 1
Essential Tomb of Dracula 4
Giant-Size Chillers (II) 1
Giant-Size Man-Thing 3
Kull the Savage Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Man-Thing (I) 14
Man-Thing Omnibus (HC) 1
Man-Thing TPB By Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection 2
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4
Marvel Masterworks: Dr. Strange 2nd Edition (HC) 6
Planet of the Apes (I) 7 - 11, 17 - 21, 24
Planet of the Apes Adventures Epic Collection TPB: The Original Marvel Years 1
Planet of the Apes Adventures Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 55, 75, 80, 82 - 83, 89, 216, 223
Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 4, 6 - 7
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 7 - 8, 21
The Savage Sword of Kull TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Newspaper Strips 1
Tales of the Zombie • Zombie (I) 7 - 9
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1
Tomb of Dracula Omnibus (HC) 3
Tomb of Dracula TPB: The Complete Collection 3
Vampire Tales 6, 8
Vampire Tales Annual 1
Vampire Tales GN-TPB 2 - 3

Adventures on the Planet of the Apes 7 - 11
Alpha Flight Omnibus (HC) By John Byrne 1
Arrgh! 2
The Best of Marvel Comics 1
Bizarre Adventures (I) 27
Captain Marvel (I) 35
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures (Dark Horse Comics) 9
Classic Star Wars: Han Solo At Stars' End (Dark Horse Comics) 1 - 3
Conan the Barbarian (I) 137, 205, 209 - 220, 223, 225, 236, 255, 257, 275
Conan the Barbarian Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 5, 8 - 10
Conan: The Ravagers out of Time (Graphic Novel) 1
Conan Saga 13, 15 - 16, 18 - 19, 28 - 31, 36 - 37, 46, 48 - 49, 71
Dazzler (I) 1 - 2
Dazzler (Facsimile Edition) 1
Dazzler Omnibus (HC) 1
Doctor Strange (II) 19
Doctor Strange Epic Collection TPB 4, 11
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme Annual 3
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Omnibus (HC) 2
Dracula Lives! 9
The Essential Captain Marvel 2
Essential Dazzler 1
Essential Dr. Strange 3
Essential Hulk 6 - 7
Essential Man-Thing 1 - 2
Essential Marvel Two-In-One 2
Essential Rampaging Hulk 1 - 2
Essential Tales of the Zombie 1
Essential Tomb of Dracula 4
Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street 1 - 2
Giant-Size Chillers (II) 1
Giant-Size Man-Thing 3
Howard the Duck Magazine 7, 9
Howard the Duck TPB: The Complete Collection 3 - 4
Hulk (I) 15, 17 - 20, 22 - 26
The Incredible Hulk (II) 221 - 222
Incredible Hulk Annual (I) 8
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB 8 - 9
The Incredible Hulk Megazine 1
Iron Man (I) • The Invincible Iron Man (I) 112
Ka-Zar (II) • Ka-Zar: Lord of the Hidden Jungle 6, 8
Kull the Destroyer 17 - 20
Kull the Destroyer Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Kull the Savage Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Man-Thing (I) 14
Man-Thing Omnibus (HC) 1
Man-Thing TPB By Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection 2
Marvel Classics Comics Omnibus (HC) 1
Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring 34
Marvel Comics Presents (I) 16, 53
A Marvel Comics Super Special • A Marvel Super Special (I) 2
Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1980s 1
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC) 1
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel (HC) 4
Marvel Masterworks: Dazzler (HC) 1
Marvel Masterworks: Dr. Strange 2nd Edition (HC) 6
Marvel Masterworks: The Incredible Hulk 2nd Edition (HC) 13, 15
Marvel Masterworks: The Invincible Iron Man 2nd Edition (HC) 12
Marvel Masterworks: Ka-Zar (HC) 3
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Two-In-One (HC) 4
Marvel Preview 23
Marvel Treasury Edition 15, 19
Marvel Two-In-One (I) 42
Planet of the Apes (I) 7 - 11, 17 - 21, 24
Planet of the Apes Adventures Epic Collection TPB: The Original Marvel Years 1
Planet of the Apes Adventures Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Rampaging Hulk (I) 1 - 3, 5, 8
Saga of the Original Human Torch 3
The Savage Sword of Conan • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian (Marvel UK) 69
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 2, 4, 7, 12, 15 - 20, 23 - 24, 28, 34, 36, 55, 59, 67, 69, 75 - 76, 80, 82 - 83, 89, 174, 180, 184, 187, 189, 216, 223
Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1 - 7
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1 - 3, 5 - 8, 17 - 18, 21
The Savage Sword of Kull TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Newspaper Strips 1
Sub-Mariner and the Original Human Torch TPB 1
Tales of the Zombie • Zombie (I) 7 - 9
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1
Tarzan (Lord of the Jungle) 9 - 10
Thing Premiere (HC): Project Pegasus 1
The Thing TPB: Project Pegasus 1
Tomb of Dracula Omnibus (HC) 3
Tomb of Dracula TPB: The Complete Collection 3
Uncanny X-Men (IV) 600
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB 8
Uncanny X-Men (HC) 2
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus (HC) 2
The Uncanny X-Men Winter Special (Marvel UK) 1
Vampire Tales 6, 8 - 10
Vampire Tales Annual 1
Vampire Tales GN-TPB 2 - 3
Women of Marvel TPB (I) 1
X-Men: Iceman Premiere (HC) 1
X-Men Rarities 1
X-Men vs. Hulk TPB 1

Doctor Strange (II) 19
Doctor Strange Epic Collection TPB 4
Essential Dr. Strange 3
Ka-Zar (II) • Ka-Zar: Lord of the Hidden Jungle 6
Kull the Destroyer 18
Kull the Destroyer Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Marvel Masterworks: Dr. Strange 2nd Edition (HC) 6
Marvel Masterworks: Ka-Zar (HC) 3
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 75
Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 6
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 7

Conan Saga 38.FT, 65.FT - 66.FT, 74.FT - 75.FT, 86.FT
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme Annual 3.FT
Essential Dazzler 1.FT
F.O.O.M. 20.FT
The Haunt of Horror (II) 1.FT
Kull the Savage Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1.FT
Marvel Preview 14.FT
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update 1.FT - 2.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian (Marvel UK) 63.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 1.FT, 3.FT, 7.FT, 43.FT, 53.FT, 55.FT, 80.FT, 144.FT, 188.FT - 189.FT, 198.FT - 199.FT, 207.FT, 211.FT, 222.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 3.FT - 4.FT, 7.FT, 14.FT, 18.FT - 19.FT
The Savage Sword of Kull TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1.FT
Savage Tales (I) 7.FT
Tarzan (Lord of the Jungle) 12.FT

Alcatena, Enrique ("Quique") External link Wikipedia

Alien Legion: Binary Deep 1
Heavy Hitters Annual 1
Marvel Action Hour, Featuring the Fantastic Four 1 - 8

Alien Legion: Binary Deep 1
Conan 10 - 11
Conan the Savage 1 - 6, 9
Counter-X: X-Man TPB: Fearful Symmetries 1
Doom 2099 (I) 13
Heavy Hitters Annual 1
Marvel Action Hour, Featuring the Fantastic Four 1 - 2, 4 - 6, 8
What If? (II) 78
X-Man 74 - 75
X-Men (HC): Eve of Destruction 1
X-Men Unlimited (I) 33

Alien Legion: Binary Deep 1
Conan 10 - 11
Conan the Savage 1, 3 - 6, 9
Counter-X: X-Man TPB: Fearful Symmetries 1
Doom 2099 (I) 13
Heavy Hitters Annual 1
Marvel Action Hour, Featuring the Fantastic Four 1 - 2, 4 - 6, 8
What If? (II) 78
X-Man 74 - 75
X-Men (HC): Eve of Destruction 1
X-Men Unlimited (I) 33

Alien Legion: One Planet at a Time 3.FT
Conan the Savage 6.FT
Marvel Action Hour, Featuring the Fantastic Four 1.FT
X-Men: Millennial Visions 2.FT

Alcazar, Vicente Wikipedia

Creatures on the Loose 27

Epic Illustrated 2

Conan Annual 2
Conan the Barbarian Epic Collection TPB: The Original Marvel Years 5
Conan the Barbarian Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 3
Conan Saga 66
Creatures on the Loose 28 - 29
Dracula Lives! 4, 7
Dracula Lives! Annual 1
Epic Illustrated 2
Essential Man-Thing 1
Essential Marvel Horror 1
Essential Moon Knight 2
Essential Tales of the Zombie 1
Essential Tomb of Dracula 4
The Haunt of Horror (II) 1
Kull and the Barbarians 3
Kull the Destroyer Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Kull the Savage Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Man-Thing Omnibus (HC) 1
Man-Thing TPB By Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection 1
Marvel Horror TPB: The Magazine Collection 1
Marvel Masterworks: Brother Voodoo (HC) 1
Marvel Masterworks: The Tomb of Dracula (HC) 2
Marvel Preview 7
Monsters Unleashed (I) 5, 7
Monsters Unleashed Annual 1
Moon Knight (I) 21
Moon Knight Epic Collection TPB 2
Moon Knight Omnibus (HC) 2
Planet of the Apes (I) 23
The Savage Sword of Kull TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1
Tales of the Zombie • Zombie (I) 3, 10
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1
Tomb of Dracula Omnibus (HC) 3
Tomb of Dracula TPB: The Complete Collection 1 - 2
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 3
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Giant Size Special 1

Creatures on the Loose 27 - 29
Dracula Lives! 4, 7
Dracula Lives! Annual 1
Epic Illustrated 2
Essential Man-Thing 1
Essential Marvel Horror 1
Essential Tales of the Zombie 1
Essential Tomb of Dracula 4
The Haunt of Horror (II) 1
Kull and the Barbarians 3
Kull the Destroyer Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Kull the Savage Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
Man-Thing Omnibus (HC) 1
Man-Thing TPB By Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection 1
Marvel Horror TPB: The Magazine Collection 1
Marvel Masterworks: The Tomb of Dracula (HC) 2
Marvel Preview 7
Monsters Unleashed (I) 5, 7
Monsters Unleashed Annual 1
The Savage Sword of Kull TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1
Tales of the Zombie • Zombie (I) 3, 10
Tales of the Zombie Annual 1
Tomb of Dracula Omnibus (HC) 3
Tomb of Dracula TPB: The Complete Collection 1 - 2
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 3
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Giant Size Special 1

Creatures on the Loose 27

Epic Illustrated 2

Dracula Lives! 13.FT
Essential Marvel Horror 1.FT
Essential Tomb of Dracula 4.FT
Howard the Duck TPB: The Complete Collection 3.FT
Marvel Horror TPB: The Magazine Collection 1.FT
Marvel Preview 7.FT - 8.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 7.FT, 24.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 3.FT

Aldama, Arturo G.

Deadpool (V) 3.1
Deadpool (HC): World's Greatest 1
Deadpool: Masacre 1
Deadpool and the Mercs For Money TPB (I) 0
Deadpool TPB: World's Greatest 2

Aldama, Frederick Luis

Marvel's Voices: Comunidades 1.FT

Alden, Paul

Star Wars: Empire (Dark Horse Comics) 14
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Rebellion 1
Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Rebellion 1

Alderman, Jack

Captain America Comics • Captain America Weird Tales 12, 26
Daring Mystery Comics 2
Golden Age Captain America Omnibus (HC) 1
Kid Komics • Kid Movie Komics 10
Marvel Firsts TPB: WWII Super Heroes 1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (HC) 3
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Daring Mystery (HC) 1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age USA Comics (HC) 2
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Young Allies (HC) 1
USA Comics 5
Young Allies Comics 3

All Winners Comics (I) 10
Captain America Comics • Captain America Weird Tales 12, 26
Daring Mystery Comics 2
Golden Age Captain America Omnibus (HC) 1
Human Torch Comics 9
Kid Komics • Kid Movie Komics 10
Marvel Firsts TPB: WWII Super Heroes 1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners (HC) 3
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (HC) 3
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Daring Mystery (HC) 1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch (HC) 3
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age USA Comics (HC) 2
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Young Allies (HC) 1
USA Comics 5
Young Allies Comics 3

Aldrich, John

Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) 1
Captain Britain Omnibus (HC) By Alan Moore and Alan Davis 1
Captain Britain TPB (II) 1
Captain Britain TPB: Legacy of a Legend 1
Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds (Dark Horse Comics) 1
The Daredevils (Marvel UK) 4
X-Men Archives feat. Captain Britain 3

Aldridge, Alan

Iron Man by Design 1.FT


Transformers (Marvel UK) 19

Alessi, Tina

Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Empire 1
Star Wars: Purge (Dark Horse Comics) 1

Alessio, Agustin

Avengers (VI) 24.NOW, 28, 35
Avengers World 3
Infinity: Against the Tide (Infinite Comic) 1
New Avengers (III) 24
Occupy Avengers 1 - 3
Occupy Avengers TPB 1
Original Sin 2
Star Wars: Legacy (II) (Dark Horse Comics) 8 - 18
Thor: God of Thunder 23 - 24
Uncanny Avengers (I) 19, 23
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March 2

Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1
Captain America: Living Legend 2 - 4
Captain America TPB: Living Legend 1
Infinity: Against the Tide (Infinite Comic) 1
Infinity (HC) 1
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison (Dark Horse Comics) 1 - 5
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Empire 3
Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Empire 1
Thor: God of Thunder 24
Thor: God of Thunder (HC) 2
Thor: God of Thunder Premiere (HC) 4
Thor: God of Thunder TPB 4
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron 1
Thor TPB By Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection 2

Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1
Captain America: Living Legend 2 - 4
Captain America TPB: Living Legend 1
Infinity: Against the Tide (Infinite Comic) 1
Infinity (HC) 1
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison (Dark Horse Comics) 1 - 5
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Empire 3
Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Empire 1
Thor: God of Thunder 24
Thor: God of Thunder (HC) 2
Thor: God of Thunder Premiere (HC) 4
Thor: God of Thunder TPB 4
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron 1
Thor TPB By Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection 2

Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1
Captain America: Living Legend 2 - 4
Captain America TPB: Living Legend 1
Infinity: Against the Tide (Infinite Comic) 1
Infinity (HC) 1
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison (Dark Horse Comics) 1 - 5
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Empire 3
Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Empire 1
Thor: God of Thunder 24
Thor: God of Thunder (HC) 2
Thor: God of Thunder Premiere (HC) 4
Thor: God of Thunder TPB 4
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron 1
Thor TPB By Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection 2

Avengers Now! 1.FT
Marvel Free Previews 2016 2.FT
Marvel Now! Previews (III) 1.FT
Marvel Previews (II) • Marvel Now! Previews (I) • All-New Marvel Now! Marvel Previews (I) 18.FT
Marvel Previews (III) 14.FT
Occupy Avengers 2.FT



File created on 2024 06 28