Cosmic Powers Unlimited 2
Guardians of the Galaxy Classic TPB: In the Year 3000 1
Marvel Comics Presents (I) 134, 147, 157, 164 - 165, 168, 173 - 174
Marvels Companion TPB 1
The Real Heroes Pizza Hut Giveaway 1
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Paramount Comics / Marvel) 3 - 5, 8 - 9
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Ultimate Annual (Malibu Comics) 1
Tales of the Marvels: Inner Demons 1
What If? (II) 69, 81
What If? Omnibus (HC): Into the Multiverse 2
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus Companion (HC) 1
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse Twilight 1
F.O.O.M. 2.FT
Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1.FT
Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 6.FT
Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1 - 4
Marvel Riot 1
Masked Rider 1
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie 1
Phantom 2040 1 - 4
Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 6
Saban's Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Ninja Rangers/VR Troopers 1 - 5
Consulting Editor
Iron Man (and Force Works) Collectors' Preview 1
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB 20
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Team-Up (HC) 1
X-Men Omnibus (HC) 1 - 2
ACTOR Comics Presents (Hero Initiative) 1
Marvels Companion TPB 1
Ruins (Collection) 1
Tales of the Marvels: Ruins 2
Marvels Companion TPB 1
Ruins (Collection) 1
Tales of the Marvels: Ruins 1 - 2
Marvels Companion TPB 1
Ruins (Collection) 1
Tales of the Marvels: Ruins 1 - 2
Marvel: Portraits of a Universe • Marvel: Portraits 3.FT
Ruins (Collection) 1.FT
Marvels Companion TPB 1
Ruins (Collection) 1
Tales of the Marvels: Ruins 1
Amazing Fantasy (II) • Amazing Fantasy Starring Spider-Man (II) 17
Code of Honor 2
Marvels Companion TPB 1
Ruins (Collection) 1
Spider-Man TPB Untold Tales of Spider-Man: The Complete Collection 1
Tales of the Marvels: Ruins 1 - 2
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) 1
Amazing Fantasy (II) • Amazing Fantasy Starring Spider-Man (II) 17
Code of Honor 2
Marvels Companion TPB 1
Ruins (Collection) 1
Spider-Man TPB Untold Tales of Spider-Man: The Complete Collection 1
Tales of the Marvels: Inner Demons 1
Tales of the Marvels: Ruins 1 - 2
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) 1
Marvel: Portraits of a Universe • Marvel: Portraits 1.FT
Ruins (Collection) 1.FT
Wolverine Annual '95 1.FT
Age of Conan: Bêlit 1
Avengers (X) 4
Age of Conan: Bêlit 1 - 5
Age of Conan TPB: Bêlit 1
Fantastic Four Anniversary Tribute 1
Invincible Iron Man (IX) 11
Invincible Iron Man Premiere (HC): Ironheart 2
Invincible Iron Man TPB: Ironheart 2
Ironheart: Riri Williams GN-TPB 1
Man-Thing (IV) 3
Man-Thing TPB By R. L. Stine 1
Mockingbird 1 - 4, 6 - 8
Mockingbird TPB 1 - 2
Secret Empire: Brave New World 4
Secret Empire TPB: Brave New World 1
Age of Conan: Bêlit 1 - 5
Age of Conan TPB: Bêlit 1
Fantastic Four Anniversary Tribute 1
Invincible Iron Man (IX) 11
Invincible Iron Man Premiere (HC): Ironheart 2
Invincible Iron Man TPB: Ironheart 2
Ironheart: Riri Williams GN-TPB 1
Man-Thing (IV) 3
Man-Thing TPB By R. L. Stine 1
Mockingbird 1 - 3
Mockingbird TPB 1
Secret Empire: Brave New World 4
Secret Empire TPB: Brave New World 1
Secret Empire: Brave New World 4
Secret Empire TPB: Brave New World 1
Marvel Civil War II Free Previews 1.FT
Marvel Previews (IV) • Marvel Legacy Previews 10.FT
Mockingbird 8.FT
Scarlet Witch Annual 1
Contest of Chaos TPB 1
Ghost Rider (IX) 18, 20 - 21
Ghost Rider TPB (III) 4
Murderworld TPB 1
Murderworld: Wolverine 1
Scarlet Witch Annual 1
Scarlet Witch TPB By Steve Orlando 1
Spider-Boy Annual 1
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White and Red 2
Ultimate Black Panther 5 - 6
Ultimate Black Panther TPB 1
Contest of Chaos TPB 1
Ghost Rider (IX) 18, 20 - 21
Ghost Rider TPB (III) 4
Scarlet Witch Annual 1
Scarlet Witch TPB By Steve Orlando 1
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White and Red 2
Ultimate Black Panther 5
Ultimate Black Panther TPB 1
Bloodlines: A Tale From the Heart of Africa 1
Hellstorm: Prince of Lies 1 - 6
Hellstrom TPB: Prince of Lies 1
Marvel Ghost Stories GN-TPB 1
Tales from the Heart of Africa: The Temporary Natives 1
Bloodlines: A Tale From the Heart of Africa 1
Tales from the Heart of Africa: The Temporary Natives 1
Guardians of Knowhere 3
Wolverine Legends TPB 5
Wolverine: Snikt! 1 - 5
The Halo GN-HC 1
The Halo GN-TPB 1
Halo Graphic Novel Preview 1
Wolverine Legends TPB 5
Wolverine: Snikt! 1 - 5
The Halo GN-HC 1
The Halo GN-TPB 1
Halo Graphic Novel Preview 1
Wolverine Legends TPB 5
Wolverine: Snikt! 1 - 5
The Halo GN-HC 1
The Halo GN-TPB 1
Halo Graphic Novel Preview 1
Wolverine Legends TPB 5
Wolverine: Snikt! 1 - 5
The Halo GN-HC 1.FT
Wolverine: Weapon X Files 1.FT
Wolverine: Weapon X Files TPB 1.FT
Death of the Venomverse 4
Defenders (VI) 4
Monsters Unleashed (II) 1
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 7 - 14
Weirdworld (I) 4
Marvel's Voices: Identity 1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Identity 1
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 7 - 14
The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 612, 647
Extreme Venomverse 4
Extreme Venomverse TPB 1
Marvel's Voices: Identity 1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Identity 1
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Joe Kelly 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Gauntlet 1
Spider-Man TPB: Black Cat (I) 1
Spider-Man TPB: Gauntlet 1
Spider-Man TPB: The Gauntlet - The Complete Collection 1
Spider-Man TPB: Origin of the Species 1
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 7 - 14
The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 612, 647
Extreme Venomverse 4
Extreme Venomverse TPB 1
Marvel's Voices: Identity 1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Identity 1
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Joe Kelly 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Gauntlet 1
Spider-Man TPB: Black Cat (I) 1
Spider-Man TPB: Gauntlet 1
Spider-Man TPB: The Gauntlet - The Complete Collection 1
Spider-Man TPB: Origin of the Species 1
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 7 - 14
The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 612, 647
Extreme Venomverse 4
Extreme Venomverse TPB 1
Marvel's Voices: Identity 1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Identity 1
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Joe Kelly 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Gauntlet 1
Spider-Man TPB: Black Cat (I) 1
Spider-Man TPB: Gauntlet 1
Spider-Man TPB: The Gauntlet - The Complete Collection 1
Spider-Man TPB: Origin of the Species 1
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 7 - 14
The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 612, 647
Extreme Venomverse 4
Extreme Venomverse TPB 1
Marvel's Voices: Identity 1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Identity 1
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Joe Kelly 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Gauntlet 1
Spider-Man TPB: Black Cat (I) 1
Spider-Man TPB: Gauntlet 1
Spider-Man TPB: The Gauntlet - The Complete Collection 1
Spider-Man TPB: Origin of the Species 1
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 7 - 14
Marvel Previews (III) 16.FT
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop 1 - 5
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop TPB (II) 1
Love Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 7 - 12
Marvel's Voices: Pride (III) 1
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop 5.FT
Amazing Fantasy (III) 17
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Road to Annihilation 2
Hulk Monster-Size Special 1
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four 29
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Digest TPB 8
Marvel Adventures Super Heroes (II) 22
Marvel Adventures Two-In-One 7
Marvel Monsters (HC) 1
Marvel Monsters: Monsters on the Prowl 1
Marvel Universe Avengers Digest TPB: Hulk and Fantastic Four 1
Savage Hulk TPB 2
Star Wars Tales (Dark Horse Comics) 17
Target Marvel Monsters (Target / Marvel) 1
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (II) 26
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (HC) 4
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Omnibus (HC) 1
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (II) 26
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (HC) 4
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Omnibus (HC) 1
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (II) 26
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (HC) 4
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Omnibus (HC) 1
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (II) 26
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (HC) 4
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Omnibus (HC) 1
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 6
Conan Saga 37
Hulk (HC): Planet Hulk 1
Hulk Omnibus (HC): Planet Hulk 1
Hulk TPB: Planet Hulk 1
Incredible Hulk (III) 94
Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring 2, 8, 12
Marvel Preview 1
Marvel Treasury Edition 19
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 6, 228
Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1, 22
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 3
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Giant Size Special 1
Conan Saga 37
Essential Luke Cage, Power Man 2
Essential Rampaging Hulk 1
Hulk (HC): Planet Hulk 1
Hulk Omnibus (HC): Planet Hulk 1
Hulk TPB: Planet Hulk 1
Incredible Hulk (III) 94
Luke Cage Epic Collection TPB 2
Luke Cage Omnibus (HC) 1
Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring 2, 8
Marvel Masterworks: Luke Cage, Power Man (HC) 3
Marvel Premiere 38
Marvel Preview 1
Power Man 42 - 43
Rampaging Hulk (I) 4
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 6, 228
Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years 1
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1, 22
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 3
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Giant Size Special 1
Weirdworld TPB: Warriors of the Shadow Realm 1
Captain America (HC): Red, White and Blue 1.FT
John Carter, Warlord of Mars 3.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 6.FT, 228.FT - 230.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 1.FT, 22.FT
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 2.FT
X-Campus 2
X-Campus TPB 1
Punisher 2099 (I) 25 - 26
Ravage 2099 25
Hulkling and Wiccan (Infinity Comic) 1 - 2
Marvel's Voices (Infinity Comic) 33 - 36
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse 1
The United States of Captain America 4
Hulkling and Wiccan 1
Hulkling and Wiccan (Infinity Comic) 1 - 4
Marvel's Voices (Infinity Comic) 33 - 36
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse 1 - 5
Spider-Gwen TPB: Gwenverse 1
The United States of Captain America 4
The United States of Captain America TPB 1
Women of Marvel (IV) 1
Hulkling and Wiccan 1
Hulkling and Wiccan (Infinity Comic) 1 - 4
Marvel's Voices (Infinity Comic) 33 - 36
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse 1 - 5
Spider-Gwen TPB: Gwenverse 1
The United States of Captain America 4
The United States of Captain America TPB 1
Women of Marvel (IV) 1
Project A-Ko (Malibu Comics) 1 - 4
Alien: Black, White and Blood 3
The Amazing Spider-Man (VIII) 39
Bishop: War College 2 - 3
Fantastic Four (X) 17
Original X-Men (II) 1
Predator (II) 1
The Spectacular Spider-Men 3
Spider-Woman (VIII) 1
Uncanny Spider-Man 3 - 5
X-Men (VI) 33
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse 2
Alien (II) 1 - 6
Alien TPB 3
Aliens TPB: What If?... 1
Aliens: What If?... 1 - 4
Amazing Spider-Man: The Birth of Tombstone Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 1
Captain Marvel (XII) 45 - 46, 50
Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 1
Captain Marvel TPB (V) 9 - 10
Daredevil (IX) 11
Daredevil and Elektra TPB By Chip Zdarsky 3
Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Chip Zdarsky 2
Guardians of the Galaxy: Bane of Blastaar 1
Marvel Unleashed 1 - 4
Marvel Unleashed TPB 1
Marvel Zombies: Black, White and Blood 2
Marvel Zombies Treasury Edition TPB: Black, White and Blood 1
Marvel's Voices (Infinity Comic) 6 - 10, 70
Moon Knight: Knight of Blood Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 1
Tiger Division 1 - 5
Tiger Division TPB 1
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Magik 1
X-Men: Days of Future Past - Doomsday 1 - 4
X-Men TPB: Days of Future Past - Doomsday 1
X-Men Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 80 - 83, 85, 121 - 124, 134 - 141