Creator Names

Springfield, Suella

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hearts and Minds (Malibu Comics) #1

Sprouse, Christopher Wikipedia

The Amazing Spider-Man (VIII) #4
Amazing Spider-Man: Full Circle #1
Avengers (IX) #687 - 690
Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing #1
Black Panther (VII) #172
Black Panther (VIII) #18
Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #2
Captain America Annual (II) #1
Captain America: Sam Wilson (I) #7
Civil War II #1, 7
Daredevil (VII) #601 - 605
Doom 2099 (I) #37
Generations: Miles Morales Spider-Man and Peter Parker Spider-Man #1
Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel #2
Ghost Rider 2099 (I) #21
Ghost Rider 2099 Omnibus (HC) #1
Guardians of the Galaxy (VII) #14
Heroes Reborn: American Knights #1
Heroes Reborn: Hyperion and the Imperial Guard #1
Invincible Iron Man (X) #599 - 600
Miracleman By Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham: The Silver Age #1
The Punisher Summer Special #2
Rise of the Black Panther #1
Spider-Man 2099 (I) #39
Spider-Man Classics #13, 15
Star Wars (V) #75
Star Wars (VI) #1 - 22, 24 - 27, 31 - 32, 34 - 40, 46 - 50
Star Wars (VII) #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Luke Skywalker #1
Star Wars: Ahsoka #1
Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Insurgency Rising #1 - 4
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #2 - 21, 23 - 27, 30 - 39
Star Wars: Darth Vader (III) #1 - 21, 23 - 27, 30 - 39, 46 - 50
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (II) #1, 11 - 19, 21 - 24, 28 - 37
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - The 40th Anniversary Covers By Chris Sprouse #1
Star Wars: Han Solo and Chewbacca #4 - 6
Star Wars: The High Republic (III) #7 - 8
Star Wars: Inquisitors #1 - 4
Star Wars: Jango Fett (II) #3 - 4
Star Wars: Life Day #1
Star Wars: Mace Windu (II) #4
Star Wars: Obi-Wan #2 - 5
Star Wars: Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Special #1
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The 40th Anniversary Cover by Chris Sprouse #1
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #5
Star Wars: Yoda #10
Thors #1 - 4
Thors TPB #1
The Ultimates (V) • Ultimates (V) #3
X-Men 2099 #28
X-Men vs. Dracula #1

Amazing Spider-Man: Full Circle #1
Amazing Spider-Man (HC): Full Circle #1
Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Nick Spencer #1
Black Panther (VI) #5 - 8, 10 - 12, 16 - 18
Black Panther (VII) #168
Black Panther (VIII) #18
Black Panther (HC) #1 - 2, 4
Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1
Black Panther TPB (I) #4 - 5, 8
Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #2 - 3
Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1
Black Panther TPB: The Saga of Shuri and T'Challa #1
Black Panther TPB By Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda #1
Captain America Annual (II) #1
Dream Team (Malibu Comics) #1
Fantastic Four Anniversary Tribute #1
Guardians of the Galaxy (VII) #3
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Al Ewing (I) #1
Infinity Countdown: Daredevil #1
Infinity Warps TPB: Two-in-One #1
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps • Infinity Warps #2
Marvel Universe TPB: Time and Again #1
S.H.I.E.L.D. (III) #4
S.H.I.E.L.D. TPB (II) #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Han Solo #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Luke Skywalker #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Princess Leia #1
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - The 40th Anniversary Covers By Chris Sprouse #1
Star Wars (HC): Age of Rebellion #1
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Rebellion #5
Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Rebellion #2
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The 40th Anniversary Cover by Chris Sprouse #1
Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind's Eye (Dark Horse Comics) #1 - 4
Star Wars TPB: Age of Rebellion - Heroes #1
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron #1
Thor TPB By Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection #2
Thors #1 - 4
Thors TPB #1
Ultraverse Origins (Malibu Comics) #1
Uncanny X-Men (I) • X-Men (I) #304
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB #23
X-Men (HC): Fatal Attractions #1
X-Men Milestones TPB: Fatal Attractions #1
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Fatal Attractions #1
X-Men TPB: Fatal Attractions #1

Ultraverse Origins (Malibu Comics) #1

Battlezones: Dream Team 2 (Malibu Comics) #1.FT
Black Panther (VIII) #17.FT
Daredevil (VII) #602.FT - 604.FT
Dream Team (Malibu Comics) #1.FT
Invincible Iron Man (X) #598.FT - 599.FT
Marvel Free Previews 2016 #1.FT
Marvel Previews (II) • Marvel Now! Previews (I) • All-New Marvel Now! Marvel Previews (I) #33.FT - 34.FT
Marvel Previews (IV) • Marvel Legacy Previews #8.FT
Marvel Previews Secret Wars (II) #1.FT
Sludge (Malibu Comics) #4.FT
Spider-Man: Hot Shots #1.FT
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - The 40th Anniversary Covers By Chris Sprouse #1.FT
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The 40th Anniversary Cover by Chris Sprouse #1.FT
Thors #1.FT
Wakanda #1.FT, 4.FT - 5.FT

Spurgeon, Tom Wikipedia

Criminal: The Sinners (Icon Comics) #1.FT

Spurrier, Simon Wikipedia

Age of X: Universe #1 - 2
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia (HC) #1
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia TPB #1
Axis: Revolutions #1
Axis: Revolutions TPB #1
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1 - 5
Black Knight TPB: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1
Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way! #2
Dark X-Men: The Beginning #3
Death of Doctor Strange Companion TPB #1
Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men/Black Knight #1
Doctor Aphra • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (I) #14 - 40
Edge of Venomverse #3
Edge of Venomverse TPB #1
Fear Itself: The Home Front #5
Fear Itself Premiere (HC): The Home Front #1
Fear Itself TPB: The Home Front #1
Ghost Rider Annual (II) #2
Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch #1 - 5
Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch TPB: Addict #1
Ghost Rider TPB: Trials and Tribulations #1
Ghost Rider TPB: The War for Heaven #1 - 2
King in Black: Black Knight #1
King in Black Omnibus (HC) #1
King in Black TPB: Planet of the Symbiotes #1
Legion TPB: Son of X #1 - 4
Legion of X #1 - 10
Legion of X TPB By Si Spurrier #1 - 2
Marvel Now! Omnibus (HC) #1
Marvel Zombies 6 #1 - 4
Marvel Zombies: Battleworld TPB #1
Marvel Zomnibus (HC) Returns #1
Monsters Unleashed Prelude TPB #1
Nation X #1
Newuniversal: Conqueror #1
Nightcrawlers #1 - 3
Origins of Marvel Comics TPB #1
Origins of Marvel Comics: X-Men #1
Punisher War Journal Annual #1
Punisher War Journal Premiere (HC) #5
Punisher War Journal TPB (I) #5
Reign of X TPB #10 - 11, 14
Secret Empire: Brave New World #5
Secret Empire TPB: Brave New World #1
Secret Wars Journal #2
Secret Wars Journal/Battleworld TPB #1
Silver Surfer: In Thy Name #1 - 4
Silver Surfer TPB: In Thy Name #1
Sins of Sinister (HC) #1
Sins of Sinister TPB #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Special #1
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual #2 - 3
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra TPB (I) #3 - 7
Star Wars: Empire Ascendant #1
Star Wars (HC): Age of Rebellion #1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): Doctor Aphra #1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC) By Kieron Gillen and Greg Pak #1
Star Wars TPB: Age of Rebellion - Villains #1
Trials of X TPB #4 - 5
Uncanny Spider-Man #1 - 5
Uncanny Spider-Man TPB: Fall of X #1
Uncanny X-Force Premiere (HC): Final Execution #2
Way of X #1 - 5
Way of X TPB By Si Spurrier #1
Wolverine: Dangerous Games #1
Wolverine Premiere (HC): Dangerous Games #1
Wolverine TPB: Dangerous Games #1
X-23 Omnibus (HC) #1
X-23 TPB: The Complete Collection #1
X-Club #1 - 5
X-Force (IV) #1 - 15
X-Force TPB (III) #1 - 3
X-Men: Before the Fall - Sons of X #1
X-Men: Blind Science #1
X-Men Blue: Origins #1
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Smoke and Blood #1
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - X-Men vs. Vampires #2
X-Men (HC): Age of X #1
X-Men (HC): Hellfire Gala - The Red Carpet Collection #1
X-Men (HC): Nation X #1
X-Men (HC): Second Coming - Revelations #1
X-Men Legacy (II) #1 - 24
X-Men Legacy (III) #300
X-Men Legacy Omnibus (HC): Legion #1
X-Men Legacy TPB #1 - 4
X-Men Milestones TPB: Age of X #1
X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation #1
X-Men Premiere (HC): Curse of the Mutants - Mutants vs. Vampires #1
X-Men: To Serve and Protect #2
X-Men TPB: Age of X #1
X-Men TPB: Curse of the Mutants - Mutants vs. Vampires #1
X-Men TPB: Nation X #1
X-Men TPB: Second Coming - Revelations #1
X-Men TPB: To Serve and Protect #1
X-Men: X-Club TPB #1

Marvel Now! Previews (II) #1.FT
Marvel Previews (I) #49.FT
X-Men Legacy (II) #24.FT


Nomad (II) #21
Untamed #1

Srisuwan, Skan

2020 Ironheart • Ironheart 2020 #1 - 2
Absolute Carnage: Weapon Plus #1
Aliens: What If...? #1
All-New Venom #1
The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #9, 31
Amazing Spider-Man (Facsimile Edition) #260
Avengers: Forever (II) #4, 13
Black Cat (II) #12
Black Widow (IX) #4
Carnage (III) #13
Conan the Barbarian (III) #15
Contest of Champions (III) #9 - 10
Cult of Carnage: Misery #1 - 5
Cult of Carnage TPB: Misery #1
Danny Ketch: Ghost Rider #2
Daredevil (VIII) #14
Dark Web #1
Devil's Reign TPB: Villains for Hire #1
Devil's Reign: Villains for Hire #1 - 3
Extreme Carnage: Agony #1
Extreme Carnage: Lasher #1
Extreme Carnage: Phage #1
Extreme Carnage: Riot #1
Extreme Carnage: Scream #1
Extreme Carnage: Toxin #1
Generations: Iron Man and Ironheart #1
Guardians of the Galaxy (IV) #10
Guardians of the Galaxy (VII) #1
Hellverine (II) #4
Iceman (III) #1
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #1 - 4
Infinity Countdown TPB: Darkhawk #1
International Iron Man #3
Iron Cat #1
Iron Man (XI) #2
Iron Man (XII) • The Invincible Iron Man (XI) #14
Kang the Conqueror #5
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection (II) #4
Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Velocity #1
Marvel's Spider-Man: Velocity • Gamerverse Spider-Man: Velocity #1 - 5
Mech Strike: Monster Hunters #5
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (I) #38
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (II) #32
Moon Knight (IX) #12
Morbius #3 - 8
The Prox Transmissions TPB #1
The Punisher (XV) #4
Ravencroft #2
Red Hulk #2
She-Hulk (V) #3
Silver Surfer: The Best Defense #1
Spider-Man: Reign (II) #2
Superior Spider-Man (III) #6
Thor (X) #6, 28
Ultimate Black Panther #3
Venom (V) #25
Venom (VI) #31
Venom: Lethal Protector (III) • Venom: Lethal Protector II #2
Weapon H #1 - 2
Weapon Plus: World War IV #1
Weapon X (III) #5 - 9
Weapons of Mutant Destruction: Alpha #1
Weapons of Mutant Destruction TPB #1
What If...? Dark: Venom #1
Wolverine (VIII) #46
Wolverine and Captain America: Weapon Plus #1
X-Force (VI) #23, 28

Cult of Carnage: Misery #1.FT - 4.FT
Devil's Reign: Villains for Hire #1.FT - 2.FT
Extreme Carnage: Lasher #1.FT
Extreme Carnage: Riot #1.FT
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #1.FT - 3.FT
Marvel Previews (III) #22.FT, 24.FT
Marvel Previews (IV) • Marvel Legacy Previews #23.FT
Marvel's Spider-Man: City at War #6.FT
Marvel's Spider-Man: Velocity • Gamerverse Spider-Man: Velocity #1.FT - 4.FT
Morbius #2.FT - 5.FT
Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1.FT


Spider-Girl (I) #19, 22 - 25
Spider-Girl Digest TPB #5


Spider-Girl (I) #14 - 17

St. Amour, Pat

Hellraiser #12.FT

St. Aubin, Claude

Captain America Battlebook: Streets of Fire #1
Gambit Battlebook: Streets of Fire #1
The Spectacular Spider-Man Super Special #1
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Clone Saga #2
Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Clone Saga Epic #3
Venom TPB: Planet of the Symbiotes #1

Gambit Battlebook: Streets of Fire #1

Hero Initiative: Ed Hannigan: Covered (Hero Initiative) #1.FT

St. Germain, Star

Daredevil TPB: Typhoid's Kiss #1
Girl Comics (II) #3
Girl Comics (HC) #1
Girl Comics TPB #1
Strange Tales (V) #1
Strange Tales (HC) #1
Strange Tales TPB #1
Women of Marvel TPB (II) #1

Strange Tales (V) #1
Strange Tales (HC) #1
Strange Tales TPB #1

St. Pierre, Christian N.

ACTOR Comics Presents (Hero Initiative) #1.FT

St. Pierre, Joe External link

Rune (II) (Malibu Comics) #4
The Spectacular Spider-Man Super Special #1
Spider-Man 2099 (I) #26 - 29
Spider-Man: The Jackal Files #1
Spider-Man Super Special #1
Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic #2
Venom: Along Came a Spider #2 - 4
Venom Super Special #1
Venom: Tooth and Claw #1, 3
Venom TPB: Along Came a Spider... #1
Venom TPB: Planet of the Symbiotes #1
Web of Spider-Man Super Special #1
Wolverine Epic Collection TPB #9

2099 Unlimited #9
Carnage Epic Collection TPB #2
Fantastic Four Unlimited #12
Gambit (III) #20
Spider-Man 2099 (I) #26 - 29
Spider-Man 2099 Omnibus (HC) #1 - 2
Spider-Man 2099 Special #1
Spider-Man 2099 TPB • Spider-Man 2099 Classic TPB #4
Spider-Man 2099 vs. Venom 2099 TPB #1
Spider-Man: Ben Reilly Omnibus (HC) #1
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Clone Saga #2
Spider-Man: The Parker Years #1
Spider-Man Super Special #1
Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic #1 - 2
Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Clone Saga Epic #3
True Believers: Wolverine vs. Venom #1
Venom: Along Came a Spider #1 - 4
Venom Epic Collection TPB #7
Venom: Tooth and Claw #1 - 3
Venom TPB: Along Came a Spider... #1
Venom TPB: Carnage Unleashed #1
Venom TPB: Planet of the Symbiotes #1
Venom TPB: Tooth and Claw #1
Venomnibus (HC) #2
Wolverine Epic Collection TPB #9
Wolverine Omnibus (HC) #6
X-Men: Gambit TPB The Complete Collection #2

Spider-Man: The Jackal Files #1.FT
Wolverine: Weapon X Files #1.FT
Wolverine: Weapon X Files TPB #1.FT
X-Men: Millennial Visions #2.FT



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