
Nightmare Boxes

Fear Itself: Fellowship of Fear #1.FT

Nightmare Dimension

Division of: Multiverse
Universe/Dimension/Timeline of: Nightmare (I) (NightmareD)

Nightmask (Adam)

Gender: ♂

Avengers (VI) #34.2
Avengers World TPB #4
Avengers World TPB: The Complete Collection #1

Avengers Now! #1.FT

Nightmask (Keith Randall) (R-148611)

Gender: ♂
Merged into: Hawkmask (Kyle Remsen) (R-InfWarp)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-148611 (New Universe)

D.P.7 #25
Justice #25
Nightmask: New Universe TPB #1
Star Brand #16 - 17
Star Brand TPB: New Universe #2

Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1980s Handbook #1.FT


All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #2.FT

Nightshade (Logan Lewis)

Marvel's Voices (II) (Infinity Comic) #71 - 74
Marvel's Voices: Pride (III) #1


Gender: ♀
Member of: Imperial Guard of the Shi'ar (I)

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #6.FT


Gender: ♀

Edge of Spider-Verse (II) #3
Edge of Spider-Verse TPB #1
Spider-Verse TPB: Across the Multiverse #1


Member(s): Eric Brooks (I), Frank Drake, Hannibal King

Blade Epic Collection TPB #2
Ghost Rider Danny Ketch Epic Collection TPB #6
Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch Omnibus (HC) #2
Ghost Rider and the Midnight Sons Magazine #1
Marvel Comics Presents (I) #145 - 146
Midnight Sons Unlimited #1, 3

Ghost Rider (II) #25.FT, 28.FT

Nightstrutter (R-99476)

Gender: ♂
Alternate version of: Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)
Member of: Excalibur (IV) (R-99476)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-99476

Nightwatch (Kevin Barry Trench)

Gender: ♂
Alias: Warbringer (Kevin Trench)

Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1990s #2
Marvel Omnibus (HC): Firsts - The 1990s #1
Web of Spider-Man (I) #100, 104 - 106
Web of Spider-Man Annual #9

Beavis and Butt-Head #10.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1990s Handbook #1.FT
Nightwatch #1.FT
Web of Spider-Man Annual #10.FT


Gender: ♀
Member of: Rising Sons

Nightwing Restorations Inc.

Member(s): Mercedes Knight (I), Colleen Wing (I)

Essential Power Man and Iron Fist #1.FT
Power Man and Iron Fist (I) #69.FT

Nihil (R-1610)

Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-1610 (Ultimate)

The Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe 2005: The Fantastic Four and Spider-Man #1.FT
Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four TPB #1.FT

Aleksandra "Sasha" Nikolaevich

Gender: ♀
Alias: Aleksandra Kravinoff
Child(ren): Grim Hunter (Vladimir Kravinoff), Anastasia Kravinoff
Spouse(s): Kraven (Sergei Kravinoff)

Spider-Man: Grim Hunt - The Kraven Saga #1.FT

Tana Nile

Gender: ♀
Individual of: Rigellians
Member of: Daydreamers, Starmasters

Annihilation (HC) #3.FT
Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files #1.FT
Annihilation: Ronan #2.FT
Annihilation TPB #3.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #3.FT
Essential Thor #5.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #11.FT

Nimrod (I) (R-811)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Sentinels (I)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-811 (Days of Future Past)

Beavis and Butt-Head #12.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #9.FT
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #1.FT
Wolverine Encyclopedia #2.FT
X-Men: The Ultra Collection #1.FT

Nimrod (II)

Individual of: Vampires

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #20.FT
Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1.FT


Gender: ♀

Elektra (I) #-1.FT

Nine Realms

Part(s): Alfheim, Asgard (I), Jotunheim, Midgard, Nidavellir, Niffleheim, Vanaheim


Gender: ♂
Individual of: Annunaki, Demons
Parent(s): Anu
Sibling(s): Ba'al-Hadad, Dagon, Ea, Ereshkigal, Inanna, Tammuz

Ninth Immportal

Gender: ♂
Member of: People's Defense Force

Adri Nital

Gender: ♂
Parent(s): Taj Nital

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #20.FT
Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1.FT

Taj Nital

Gender: ♂
Child(ren): Adri Nital

Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1.FT

Nitro (Robert L. Hunter)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Lunatic Legion, Untouchables

Secret Defenders #12 - 14
Thanos: Cosmic Powers TPB #1

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #4.FT
Civil War Files #1.FT
Civil War TPB: Companion #1.FT
Dark Reign Files #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
New Avengers (HC) #1.FT
New Avengers (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis (I) #1.FT
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files #1.FT
New Avengers Premiere (HC) (I) #2.FT
New Avengers TPB (I) #2.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #8.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #9.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT

Kiden Nixon (I)

Gender: ♀

Heroic Age: X-Men #1.FT
NYX: No Way Home #1.FT
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #2.FT

Kiden Nixon (II) (R-80521)

Gender: ♀
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-80521 (2973 A.D. Messiah War Timeline)


Gender: ♂
Individual of: Asgardian Entities
Parent(s): Buri


Gender: ♀
Individual of: Skrulls (I)


Individual of: Phalanx

Wolverine Encyclopedia #2.FT

N-ME (I)

Battlezones: Dream Team 2 (Malibu Comics) #1.FT

NM-E (II) (R-93060)

Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-93060 (Malibu Universe/Ultraverse)

Dream Team (Malibu Comics) #1.FT

Carmen Nobili

Individual of: Inhumans (I)

Joseph Nobili

Gender: ♂
Individual of: Inhumans (I)


Gender: ♂
Member of: New Immortals

Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #30.FT


Individual of: Inhumans (I)

Nocturne (Angela Cairn)

Gender: ♀

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man Annual (I) • Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #13
Spectacular Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By J.M. DeMatteis and Sal Buscema #1

Nocturne (Talia Josephine Wagner) (R-2182)

A.K.A.: TJ
Gender: ♀
Beloved: Thunderbird (John Proudstar) (R-1100)
Member of: Exiles (III) (CrystPal), New Excalibur
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-2182

Exiles TPB (I) #5
Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection • Exiles TPB: The Complete Collection #2
X-Men Unlimited (I) #41

Exiles (I) #7.FT
Nightcrawler Poster Book #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men Age of Apocalypse 2005 #1.FT
X-Men: Millennial Visions #1.FT
X-Men Unlimited (I) #41.FT

Nocturne (Talia Josephine Wagner) (R-295)

A.K.A.: TJ
Gender: ♀
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-295 (Age of Apocalypse)

Nocturne (III)

Gender: ♂

Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1.FT


Nom the Giant

Bishop The Last X-Man #12

Nomad (Rebecca Barnes)

A.K.A.: Rikki
Gender: ♀
Alias of: Bucky (Rebecca Barnes) (CtrEarth2)
Member of: Young Allies (III)

Araña GN-TPB: Night of the Hunter #1
Captain America (VI) #602 - 615
Captain America Omnibus (HC): The Trial of Captain America #1
Captain America Premiere (HC): No Escape #1
Captain America Premiere (HC): Two Americas #1
Captain America TPB: Two Americas #1

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #3.FT
Onslaught Unleashed #2.FT
Young Allies #1.FT

Nomad (Edward Ferbel)

Gender: ♂

Marvel Comics Presents (I) #14

Nomad (Jack Monroe)

Gender: ♂
Alias of: Jack Monroe
Member of: Secret Defenders

Captain America Annual (I) #9 - 10
Captain America Epic Collection TPB #16
Captain America Omnibus (HC) By Mark Gruenwald #2
From the Marvel Vault TPB #1
Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1990s #1
Marvel Omnibus (HC): Firsts - The 1990s #1
Thunderbolts: From the Marvel Vault #1
Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC) #2

Captain America (I) #350.FT
Captain America Annual (I) #10.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1.FT
Marvel Swimsuit Special #1.FT
Nomad (I) #2.FT
Nomad (II) #13.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #8.FT, 15.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #9.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #6.FT
Wolverine Encyclopedia #2.FT

Nomad (Ian Rogers)

Gender: ♂
Alias of: Ian Rogers

Nomad (Steven Rogers)

Gender: ♂
Alias of: Steven Rogers

The Amazing Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Alien Costume Saga #2
Doctor Strange and the Secret Defenders TPB #1
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Omnibus (HC) #2
Marvel Team-Up (I) #146
Secret Defenders #1 - 3
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): The Complete Black Costume Saga #1
Taskmaster TPB: Anything You Can Do... #1

Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1970s Handbook #1.FT
Marvel Swimsuit Special #2.FT

Nomad (V) (GoldAge)

Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Golden Age

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age Marvel 2004 #1.FT

No-More the Sunk-Mariner (WhatThe)

Gender: ♂
Spoof of: Sub-Mariner (Namor MacKenzie)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Whattheverse

Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB #3
Marvel Madhouse (Marvel UK) #3
Marvel Masterworks: Not Brand Echh (HC) #1
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: The Incredible Hulk #4
Namor the Sub-Mariner Omnibus (HC) #1
Not Brand Echh (I) #9
Not Brand Echh TPB: The Complete Collection #1

No-Name of GeNext (R-41001)

Gender: ♀
Individual of: Mutants
Member of: GeNext (R-41001)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-41001 (GeNext)

GeNext #1.FT

No-Name of the Brood

Gender: ♀
Individual of: Brood (I)
Member of: Warbound

Hulk Omnibus (HC): World War Hulk #1
Hulk: WWH - Warbound TPB #1
WWH Aftersmash: Warbound #4


Gender: ♀
Member of: Heavy Hitters

Nasirah Noorani

Student(s) at/of: Strange Academy (Strange)

Norman the Doorman

Gender: ♂

Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Young Allies (HC) #2
Young Allies Comics #5, 7

Norn (R-4290001)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Great Society (R-4290001)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-4290001

Norn Stones

Thor: Asgard's Avenger #1.FT


Division of: Asgard (I)
Ruled by: Karnilla


Individual(s): Karnilla
Subgroup of: Asgardian Entities
Subgroup(s): Norns of Fate

Norns of Fate

Member(s): Skuld, Urd, Verdani
Subgroup of: Norns

Jackson Norriss

Gender: ♂

Defenders: Strange Heroes #1.FT

Dakota North

Gender: ♀

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1980s Handbook #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #5.FT

Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)

Gender: ♂
Advisor of: Alpha Squadron
Member of: Alpha Flight (I), Secret Defenders, X-Factor (IV), X-Men (I)
Sibling(s): Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier)
Spouse(s): Kyle Jinadu

Alpha Flight (I) #10
Alpha Flight Classic TPB #2
Alpha Flight Omnibus (HC) By John Byrne #1
Astonishing X-Men (HC): Northstar #1
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) #10
Doctor Strange and the Secret Defenders TPB #1
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Omnibus (HC) #2
Marvel Comics Presents (I) #92
Marvel's Voices: Pride (I) #1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Pride #1
Nation X #2
Origins of Marvel Comics TPB #1
Origins of Marvel Comics: X-Men #1
Secret Defenders #11
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #1
X-Men Divided We Stand #1
X-Men (HC): Nation X #1
X-Men TPB: Divided We Stand #1
X-Men TPB: Nation X #1

Alpha Flight (I) #106.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
Heroic Age: Heroes • Heroic Age: Super Heroes #1.FT
Heroic Age: X-Men #1.FT
Marvel Swimsuit Special #2.FT - 4.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #8.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #9.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #13.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men 2005 #1.FT
Wolverine Encyclopedia #2.FT
X-Men (II) • New X-Men (I) • X-Men Legacy (I) #200.FT

Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier) (R-295)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-295 (Age of Apocalypse)

Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen #1.FT
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Age of Apocalypse #1.FT
X-Men TPB: The Complete Age of Apocalypse #2.FT


Gender: ♀

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #8.FT



File created on 2025 02 06