Creator Names

Lafuente, Eduardo Lopez

Nick Fury TPB: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1.FT

Lagace, Gisele

The Unbelievable Gwenpool 12 - 13
The Unbelievable Gwenpool TPB 3

The Unbelievable Gwenpool 11.FT - 12.FT

Lagacé, Gisèle

The Sensational She-Hulk (II) 1

Lago, Ray External link

All Winners Comics (I) 19
Avengers (III) 2
Fantasy Masterpieces (I) 10
Golden Age of Marvel Comics TPB 1
Hellraiser 19
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners (HC) 4
The Official Marvel Index to the Avengers (II) 1
Open Space 4
Star Wars: Jedi Academy - Leviathan (Dark Horse Comics) 1
Timely Presents: All Winners 1
Timely Presents: The Human Torch 1
X-Men: The Ultra Collection 5

Hellraiser 19
Hook 2 - 3
Hook The Movie 1
Hook The Movie Magazine 1
Open Space 1 - 2, 4

Hellraiser 19
Open Space 1 - 2, 4

Hellraiser 19
Open Space 1 - 2, 4

Hellraiser 18.FT
Hook 4.FT
Hook The Movie 1.FT
Hook The Movie Magazine 1.FT
The Marvel Masterpieces 2 Collection 1.FT - 3.FT
Marvel: Portraits of a Universe • Marvel: Portraits 2.FT - 3.FT
Timely Presents: All Winners 1.FT
X-Men: The Ultra Collection 1.FT, 3.FT - 4.FT

Laguna, Fabio

Avengers (I) • The Mighty Avengers 389
Avengers Omnibus (HC): The Crossing 1
Avengers: Timeslide 1
Deadpool Beginnings Omnibus (HC) 1
Deadpool Epic Collection TPB 2
Deadpool TPB: Classic Companion 1
Essential Wolverine 4
Hyperkind Unleashed 1
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB 22
Morbius: The Living Vampire (I) 31 - 32
Ultraverse: Future Shock (Malibu Comics) 1
Wolverine (II) 88 - 89
Wolverine Epic Collection TPB 8
Wolverine (Facsimile Edition) 88
Wolverine Omnibus (HC) 5
Wolverine vs. Deadpool TPB 1
X-Men (HC): Legionquest 1
X-Men Unlimited (I) 6

Captain America (V) 42 - 44
Captain America Omnibus (HC): Captain America Lives! 1
Captain America Omnibus (HC): The Death of Captain America 1
Captain America Premiere (HC): The Death of Captain America 3
Captain America Premiere (HC): The Man with no Face 1
Captain America TPB: The Death of Captain America 3
Captain America TPB: The Death of Captain America - The Complete Collection 1
Captain America TPB: The Man with no Face 1
Star Wars Tales (Dark Horse Comics) 14

Lai, Ben External link Wikipedia

Sigil Omnibus (HC) 1
Thor (II) • The Mighty Thor (II) 61 - 65, 67, 69 - 70
Thor TPB (I) 5

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (HC): The Avengers Initiative 1
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Thor 1
March on Ultimatum Saga 1
Marvel Must Haves: Ultimate War 1
Mighty Marvel Must Haves 5
New X-Men TPB Companion 1
Thor (II) • The Mighty Thor (II) 61 - 62, 65
Thor Omnibus (HC): Heroes Return 2
Thor TPB (I) 4
Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) 26
Ultimate X-Men (I) 26
Ultimate X-Men (HC) 3
Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) 1
Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) 6
Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection 3
Ultimatum (HC): Companion 1
X-Men Unlimited (II) 1

Marvel Must Haves: Ultimate War 1
Mighty Marvel Must Haves 5
New X-Men TPB Companion 1
Thor (II) • The Mighty Thor (II) 61 - 62, 65
Thor Omnibus (HC): Heroes Return 2
Thor TPB (I) 4
Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) 26
Ultimate X-Men (I) 26
Ultimate X-Men (HC) 3
Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) 1
Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) 6
Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection 3
X-Men Unlimited (II) 1

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 6.FT
The Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe: The Ultimates and X-Men 2005 1.FT
Ultimate Secrets 1.FT
Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four TPB 1.FT

Lai, Ray

Thor (II) • The Mighty Thor (II) 61 - 65, 67, 70

March on Ultimatum Saga 1
Marvel Must Haves: Ultimate War 1
Mighty Marvel Must Haves 5
New X-Men TPB Companion 1
Thor (II) • The Mighty Thor (II) 61 - 62, 65
Thor Omnibus (HC): Heroes Return 2
Thor TPB (I) 4
Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) 26
Ultimate X-Men (I) 26
Ultimate X-Men (HC) 3
Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) 1
Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) 6
Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection 3
Ultimatum (HC): Companion 1
X-Men Unlimited (II) 1

Marvel Must Haves: Ultimate War 1
Mighty Marvel Must Haves 5
New X-Men TPB Companion 1
Thor (II) • The Mighty Thor (II) 61 - 62, 65
Thor Omnibus (HC): Heroes Return 2
Thor TPB (I) 4
Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) 26
Ultimate X-Men (I) 26
Ultimate X-Men (HC) 3
Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) 1
Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) 6
Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection 3
X-Men Unlimited (II) 1

The Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe: The Ultimates and X-Men 2005 1.FT
Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four TPB 1.FT

Laiken, Paul

Avengers (I) • The Mighty Avengers 14
Avengers Epic Collection TPB 1
Avengers Omnibus (HC) 1
Avengers Premiere (HC) By Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (Slipcase Edition) 1
Essential Avengers 1
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers 2nd Edition (HC) 2
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers 3rd Edition (HC) (Re-Masterworks) 2
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers (HC) 2
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers TPB 2
Marvel Triple Action (I) 8
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: The Avengers 2

Howard the Duck TPB: The Complete Collection 2.FT

Laird, Jay

Star Wars Tales (Dark Horse Comics) 15

Laiso, Emilio

Avengers (XI) 7
Avengers Assemble (III) 1
Doctor Strange (VIII) 10
Fall of the House of X 2
Guardians of the Galaxy (VIII) 8 - 10
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (V) 1
Iron Man (XII) • The Invincible Iron Man (XI) 13
Jackpot and Black Cat 1
Spider-Woman (VIII) 3
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters 39
X-Men Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 5 - 12, 29 - 33, 44 - 49, 68 - 70, 72 - 73, 86 - 91
X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green 1 - 2

The Amazing Spider-Man (VIII) 31, 37 - 38, 55
Amazing Spider-Man TPB By Zeb Wells 7 - 8
Captain Marvel TPB By Margaret Stohl 1
Champions TPB (I) 4
Civil War II: Gods of War 1 - 4
Civil War II: Gods of War TPB 1
Deadpool (V) 7
Deadpool (HC): World's Greatest 1
Deadpool TPB: World's Greatest 2
Doctor Aphra • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (I) 14 - 19, 26 - 31
Hercules (IV) 2
Hercules TPB 1
Infinity Countdown: Champions 1 - 2
Jackpot and Black Cat 1 - 4
Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Shattered Empire 2
Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Velocity 1
Marvel's Spider-Man: Velocity • Gamerverse Spider-Man: Velocity 1 - 5
The Mighty Captain Marvel 0
The Mighty Captain Marvel TPB 1
Squadron Supreme (IV) 15
Squadron Supreme TPB (II) 3
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Jabba the Hutt 1
Star Wars Annual (II) 2
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra TPB (I) 3, 5
Star Wars (HC) 3
Star Wars (HC): Age of Rebellion 1
Star Wars (HC): Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Shattered Empire 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): Doctor Aphra 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron 1
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation 1 - 2, 4 - 6
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation (HC) 1
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation TPB 1
Star Wars TPB (I) 5
Star Wars TPB: Age of Rebellion - Villains 1
Star Wars TPB: Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Shattered Empire 1
Uncanny Avengers (IV) 3
Uncanny Avengers TPB (III) 1
Uncanny Avengers TPB: The Resistance 1
X-Men Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 5 - 12, 29 - 33, 44 - 49, 68 - 73, 86 - 91
X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green 1 - 2

The Amazing Spider-Man (VIII) 31, 37 - 38
Amazing Spider-Man TPB By Zeb Wells 7 - 8
Captain Marvel TPB By Margaret Stohl 1
Champions TPB (I) 4
Civil War II: Gods of War 1 - 4
Civil War II: Gods of War TPB 1
Deadpool (V) 7
Deadpool (HC): World's Greatest 1
Deadpool TPB: World's Greatest 2
Doctor Aphra • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (I) 14 - 20, 26 - 31
Hercules (IV) 2
Hercules TPB 1
Infinity Countdown: Champions 1 - 2
Jackpot and Black Cat 1 - 4
Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Shattered Empire 2
Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Velocity 1
Marvel's Spider-Man: Velocity • Gamerverse Spider-Man: Velocity 1 - 5
The Mighty Captain Marvel 0
The Mighty Captain Marvel TPB 1
Squadron Supreme (IV) 15
Squadron Supreme TPB (II) 3
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Jabba the Hutt 1
Star Wars Annual (II) 2
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra TPB (I) 3 - 5
Star Wars (HC) 3
Star Wars (HC): Age of Rebellion 1
Star Wars (HC): Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Shattered Empire 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): Doctor Aphra 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron 1
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation 1 - 2, 4 - 6
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation (HC) 1
Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation TPB 1
Star Wars TPB (I) 5
Star Wars TPB: Age of Rebellion - Villains 1
Star Wars TPB: Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Shattered Empire 1
Uncanny Avengers (IV) 3
Uncanny Avengers TPB (III) 1
Uncanny Avengers TPB: The Resistance 1
X-Men Unlimited (Infinity Comic) 5 - 12, 29 - 33, 44 - 49, 68 - 73, 86 - 91
X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green 1

Guardians of the Galaxy (VIII) 7.FT - 10.FT
Marvel Civil War II Free Previews 1.FT
The Sensational She-Hulk (II) 1.FT

Lake, Sam

Max Payne 3 (Custom Comic) 1 - 3

Lakey, John

Epic Illustrated 25 - 26, 29

Epic Illustrated 29

Epic Illustrated 29

Lakey, Laura

Epic Illustrated 29

Epic Illustrated 29

Epic Illustrated 29

Lam, Jon

Acts of Evil TPB 1
Future Fight Firsts: Crescent and Io 1
Future Fight Firsts TPB 1
Ms. Marvel Annual (II) 1

Acts of Evil TPB 1
Future Fight Firsts: Crescent and Io 1
Future Fight Firsts TPB 1
Ms. Marvel Annual (II) 1

Empyre Handbook 1.FT

Lam, Nghia

Essential Wolverine 1

X-Men Books of Askani 1
X-Men TPB: The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix 1

X-Factor (I) 147

Fantastic Four: The Legend 1.FT
X-Men Books of Askani 1.FT

Lamanna, Paolo

Daffodil (Soleil Comics) 2

Daffodil (Soleil Comics) 2
Daffodil Premiere (HC) (Soleil Comics) 1
Daffodil TPB (Canceled) (Soleil Comics) 1

Lamb, Braden

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe OGN (HC) 1.FT

Lamb, Kara

Street Fighter (Malibu Comics) 3.FT

Editorial Intern/Assistant/Staff
Airman (Malibu Comics) 1
Ferret (II) (Malibu Comics) 1
Protectors (Malibu Comics) 5 - 6
Raver (Malibu Ultraverse) (Malibu Comics) 1 - 2

Assistant Editor
Bravura ½ (Malibu Bravura) (Malibu Comics) ½
The Mighty Magnor (Malibu Comics) 4 - 5
Power and Glory (Malibu Bravura) (Malibu Comics) 2
Raver (Malibu Ultraverse) (Malibu Comics) 3
Savage Dragon vs. Savage Megaton Man (Malibu Comics / Image) 1
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Malibu Comics) 3, 5 - 8

Associate Editor
Dreadstar (Malibu Bravura) (Malibu Comics) 1
The Mighty Magnor (Malibu Comics) 6

Edge (Malibu Bravura) (Malibu Comics) 1 - 2
The Mighty Magnor (Malibu Comics) 1 - 3
The Night Man (I) (Malibu Comics) 17, 19 - 20
The Strangers (Malibu Comics) 19 - 24
The Strangers: The Pilgrim Conundrum Saga (Malibu Comics) 1

Lambros, Justin

Guardians of the Galaxy: Telltale Games • Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series 4.FT

Laming, Marc

Deadpool (VI) 7
Doctor Aphra • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (I) 5
Star Wars (VI) 20
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters 26, 30
Star Wars: Darth Vader (III) 41
Star Wars: The Halcyon Legacy 4
Star Wars: The High Republic (II) 3
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): The High Republic Phase II - Quest of the Jedi 1
Weapon X (III) 12

All-New Invaders 6 - 7, 12
All-New Invaders TPB 2 - 3
Daredevil (VI) 19
Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Charles Soule 1
Daredevil TPB: Back in Black 4
Fantastic Four (VII) 9 - 10, 14
Fantastic Four TPB (III) 2 - 3
Halloween Comic Fest 2019: Star Wars: Boba Fett 1
Hulk Annual (I) 1
Hulk TPB (II) 2
Hulk TPB By Mark Waid and Gerry Duggan: The Complete Collection 1
Hyperion 6
Hyperion TPB 1
Kingpin (III) 3
Kingpin TPB: Born Against 1
Original Sin Companion (HC) 1
Planet Hulk 1 - 5
Planet Hulk: Warzones! TPB 1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett 1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Grand Moff Tarkin 1
Star Wars Annual (II) 4
Star Wars: Beckett 1
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual 1
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra TPB (I) 2
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Adaptation 3
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Adaptation (HC) 1
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Adaptation TPB 1
Star Wars: Han Solo TPB: Imperial Cadet 1
Star Wars (HC): Age of Rebellion 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): Doctor Aphra 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC) By Kieron Gillen and Greg Pak 1
Star Wars Tales: Krrsantan 1
Star Wars: Target Vader 1
Star Wars TPB (I) 9
Star Wars TPB: Age of Rebellion - Villains 1
Star Wars TPB: Target Vader 1
Uncanny Avengers Annual (II) 1
X-Men: Gold (II) 14
X-Men TPB: Gold 3

All-New Invaders 6 - 7, 12
All-New Invaders TPB 2 - 3
Daredevil (VI) 19
Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Charles Soule 1
Daredevil TPB: Back in Black 4
Fantastic Four (VII) 9 - 10, 14
Fantastic Four TPB (III) 2 - 3
Halloween Comic Fest 2019: Star Wars: Boba Fett 1
Hulk Annual (I) 1
Hulk TPB (II) 2
Hulk TPB By Mark Waid and Gerry Duggan: The Complete Collection 1
Hyperion 6
Hyperion TPB 1
Original Sin Companion (HC) 1
Planet Hulk 1 - 5
Planet Hulk: Warzones! TPB 1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett 1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Grand Moff Tarkin 1
Star Wars Annual (II) 4
Star Wars: Beckett 1
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual 1
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra TPB (I) 2
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Adaptation 3
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Adaptation (HC) 1
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Adaptation TPB 1
Star Wars: Han Solo TPB: Imperial Cadet 1
Star Wars (HC): Age of Rebellion 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): Doctor Aphra 1
Star Wars Omnibus (HC) By Kieron Gillen and Greg Pak 1
Star Wars Tales: Krrsantan 1
Star Wars: Target Vader 1
Star Wars TPB (I) 9
Star Wars TPB: Age of Rebellion - Villains 1
Star Wars TPB: Target Vader 1
Uncanny Avengers Annual (II) 1
X-Men: Gold (II) 14
X-Men TPB: Gold 3

Legacy Free December Previews Spotlight 1.FT
Marvel Previews (II) • Marvel Now! Previews (I) • All-New Marvel Now! Marvel Previews (I) 32.FT
Marvel Previews (IV) • Marvel Legacy Previews 3.FT
Planet Hulk 3.FT
Secret Wars: Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse 1.FT
Star Wars May the 4th Previews 1.FT



File created on 2024 06 28