Creator Names

Cady, Ryan

Acts of Evil TPB 1
Alien: Black, White and Blood 1
Alien Treasury Edition TPB: Black, White and Blood 1
Heroes Reborn: Hyperion and the Imperial Guard 1
Heroes Reborn Omnibus (HC): America's Mightiest Heroes 1
Heroes Reborn TPB: America's Mightiest Heroes Companion 1
Old Man Logan Annual 1
Venom Annual (II) 1
Weapon Plus: World War IV 1
Winter Guard 1 - 4
Winter Guard TPB: Operation Snowblind 1

Caeli, Gloria

X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse - Termination 1
X-Men TPB: X-Termination 1
X-Treme X-Men (II) 12


Shi/Daredevil Banzai Edition (Crusade Comics / Marvel) 1
Skrull Kill Krew (II) 3
X-Man 38 - 39

B-Sides • The Craptacular B-Sides 1
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB 24
Incredible Hulk Omnibus (HC) By John Byrne and Joe Casey 1
Shi/Daredevil: Honor Thy Mother (Crusade Comics / Marvel) 1
X-Man 38
X-Man/Incredible Hulk Annual '98 1

Cagno, Joe Cal

Daring Mystery Comics 2
Marvel Firsts TPB: WWII Super Heroes 1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Daring Mystery (HC) 1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Mystic Comics (HC) 1
Mystic Comics (I) 1
The Twelve ½ One-Shot ½

Cagol, Andrea

Disney-Pixar Giant Size Comics Presents 6
Toy Story 2

The Amazing Spider-Man (Little Golden Book) (Penguin Random House) 1
Spider-Man: High Voltage! (Little Golden Book) (Penguin Random House) 1
Spider-Man: Trapped by the Green Goblin! (Little Golden Book) (Penguin Random House) 1

Toy Story 1.FT

Cahela, Mary

Doctor Strange (IV) 1

Cahill, Brendan

Legion of Monsters (HC) 1
Legion of Monsters: Morbius 1
Sable and Fortune 1 - 4

Cain, Chelsea

Civil War II: Choosing Sides 6
Civil War II: Choosing Sides TPB 1
Mockingbird 1 - 8
Mockingbird: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary 1
Mockingbird TPB 1 - 2
S.H.I.E.L.D. TPB: Secret History 1
The Vision (IV) 1

Mockingbird 1.FT, 8.FT

Cairns, Bryan

Marvel Vision 26.FT

Cal, Alex

Amazing Spider-Man Family 1
Spider-Man Firsts TPB 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Family Ties 1
Spider-Man TPB: Family Ties 1

Amazing Spider-Man Family 1
Spider-Man Firsts TPB 1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Family Ties 1
Spider-Man TPB: Family Ties 1

Calabrese, Gerard

Captain America Battlebook: Streets of Fire 1
Elektra Battlebook: Streets of Fire 1
Magneto and his Magnetic Men (Amalgam (DC/Marvel)) 1
Marvel/DC Collection Crossover Classics TPB (DC Comics / Marvel) 1
Marvel Vision 1, 3, 5
Marvel vs. DC (DC Comics / Marvel) 1 - 4
Marvel vs. DC TPB (DC Comics / Marvel) 1
Spider-Boy (I) (Amalgam (DC/Marvel)) 1
Thor Battlebook: Streets of Fire 1
Wolverine Battlebook: Streets of Fire 1
X-Patrol (Amalgam (DC/Marvel)) 1

Calabria, Dario

Free Comic Book Day 2023: Spidey and Friends 1
Free Comic Book Day 2024: Spidey and his Amazing Friends 1
Spidey and His Amazing Friends Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 1

Calabro, Roberto

Conan: Return of Styrm 1 - 3

Calafiore, James Wikipedia

Century: Distant Sons 1
Deadpool (II) 42 - 43, 45
Deadpool Classics TPB 6
Exiles (I) 16, 42, 55 - 57, 60 - 61, 63 - 68, 75 - 78, 81 - 82, 89
Exiles TPB (I) 10, 13 - 14
Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection • Exiles TPB: The Complete Collection 4 - 5
Fantastic Four Unplugged 1 - 6
Force Works 9 - 12
Iron Man (I) • The Invincible Iron Man (I) 325
New Excalibur 14 - 15
Professor Xavier and the X-Men 17
Spider-Man and the Uncanny X-Men TPB 1
War Machine (I) 14 - 15, 19, 23, 25
What If? (II) 94, 106
X-Men Unlimited (I) 19

Deadpool Almost Destroys the Marvel Universe 1
Exiles (I) 41 - 42
Exiles TPB (I) 7
Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection • Exiles TPB: The Complete Collection 3

Avengers/Iron Man: Force Works TPB 1
Avengers Omnibus (HC): The Crossing 1
Black Panther (III) 34 - 35, 55 - 56, 61 - 62
Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Christopher Priest 1 - 2
Black Panther TPB By Christopher Priest: The Complete Collection 2, 4
Captain Marvel (V) 32
Captain Marvel: Genis-Vell Omnibus HC By Peter David 1
Century: Distant Sons 1
Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead 6
Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead Premiere (HC) 1
Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead TPB 1
Dark Tower Omnibus (Slipcase HC) 1
Deadpool (II) 37, 42 - 45, 61, 64
Deadpool (III) 33.1
Deadpool Almost Destroys the Marvel Universe 1
Deadpool Classic Omnibus (HC) 1
Deadpool Classics TPB 6, 8, 20
Deadpool Epic Collection TPB 5
Deadpool (HC) The Adamantium Collection Slipcase 1
Deadpool Omnibus (HC) By Daniel Way 2
Deadpool Premiere (HC) 7
Deadpool TPB (I) 7
Deadpool TPB By Daniel Way: The Complete Collection 3
Deadpool TPB: The Saga of Wade Wilson 1
Excalibur (I) 119
Excalibur Epic Collection TPB 9
Exiles (I) 5 - 6, 11, 16 - 17, 20 - 22, 31 - 32, 34, 38 - 45, 49, 52 - 53, 55 - 57, 60 - 61, 66 - 68, 75 - 78, 81 - 82, 84, 89
Exiles TPB (I) 2 - 4, 6 - 11, 13 - 14
Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection • Exiles TPB: The Complete Collection 1 - 5
Force Works 9 - 12
Heroes Reborn Omnibus (HC): The Return 1
Hulk (HC): Planet Hulk 1
Hulk Omnibus (HC): Planet Hulk 1
Hulk TPB: Planet Hulk 1
Iron Man (I) • The Invincible Iron Man (I) 324 - 325
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB 21 - 22
Marvel Point One TPB 1
New Excalibur 13 - 15
New Excalibur TPB 2
Planet Hulk: Gladiator Guidebook 1
Squadron Supreme Classic Omnibus (HC) 1
Venom: The Hunted 1 - 3
Venom TPB: Along Came a Spider... 1
Venomnibus (HC) 2
What If? (II) 94
X-Men 2099 Omnibus (HC) 1
X-Men 2099 Special 1
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus Companion (HC) 1
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse Twilight 1
X-Men TPB: Onslaught Aftermath 1
X-Men Unlimited (I) 13, 19

All-New Iron Manual 1.FT
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 2.FT, 6.FT
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update 3.FT - 4.FT
Astonishing X-Men Saga 1.FT
Avengers Assemble (I) 1.FT
Dark Reign Files 1.FT
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born 1.FT - 2.FT
Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul 1.FT
The Hulk 100 Project (Hero Initiative) 1.FT
Iron Man: Requiem 1.FT
Iron Manual Mark 3 1.FT
Marvel Knights Millennial Visions • Marvel Knights 2001 Millennial Vision 1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB 1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1990s Handbook 1.FT
Marvel Previews (I) 15.FT
The New Avengers 100 Project (Hero Initiative) 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Avengers 2005 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men 2004 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men 2005 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men Age of Apocalypse 2005 1.FT
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update 4.FT
Wakanda 1.FT
War Machine (I) 20.FT
Wizard Presents The Legacy of Spider-Man Special Edition (Wizard Publication) 1.FT
The Wolverine: Weapon X 100 Project (Hero Initiative) 1.FT
X-Men: Millennial Visions 1.FT - 2.FT

Calamari, Joseph

Marvel Knights Sketchbook (Wizard Publication) 1
Marvel Knights Tour Book 1

Calderon-Zurita, Victor

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe 3 - 4
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe TPB 1

Caldwell, Ben

A-Force (II) 5 - 7
Age of Conan: Bêlit 4
America 8
Captain America (XI) 20
Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown 2
Defenders: Beyond 3
Extraordinary X-Men 19
Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler 1
Heroes Reborn: Hyperion and the Imperial Guard 1
Journey Into Mystery: The Birth of Krakoa 1
Original Sin 1
She-Hulk (IV) 160
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (II) 1
The Unstoppable Wasp (II) 1
The Variants 1
X-Men: Gold (II) 13

A-Force (II) 5 - 7
A-Force TPB 2
Death of Wolverine TPB: Companion 1
Wolverine Omnibus (HC): Death of Wolverine 1
Wolverine and the X-Men (II) 11
Wolverine and the X-Men TPB 2

A-Force (II) 5
A-Force TPB 2
Death of Wolverine TPB: Companion 1
Wolverine Omnibus (HC): Death of Wolverine 1
Wolverine and the X-Men (II) 11
Wolverine and the X-Men TPB 2

Death of Wolverine TPB: Companion 1
Wolverine Omnibus (HC): Death of Wolverine 1
Wolverine and the X-Men (II) 11
Wolverine and the X-Men TPB 2

A-Force (II) 4.FT - 6.FT
Deadpool: The Variant Covers (Digital Exclusive Comic) 1.FT
Marvel New Stories/Road to Civil War II Previews 1.FT
Uncanny X-Men: The Variant Covers (Digital Exclusive Comic) 1.FT

Caldwell, Clyde External link

Conan Saga 60
Marvel Preview 23
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 59

Bizarre Adventures (II) 1.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan (I) • The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 27.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan TPB (Dark Horse Comics) 5.FT

Caldwell, John

MAD Magazine (EC Publications) 444

MAD Magazine (EC Publications) 444

MAD Magazine (EC Publications) 418.FT

Caldwell, Talent Wikipedia

Spectacular Spider-Man (II) 21 - 22

Spectacular Spider-Man (II) 21 - 22
Spectacular Spider-Man TPB (II) 6
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus Companion (HC) 1
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse One Shot 1
X-Men TPB: The New Age of Apocalypse 1

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man 2005 1.FT

Caldwell, Tim

Epic Illustrated 7

Calero, Dennis External link Wikipedia

Daredevil Noir 1 - 4
Daredevil Noir GN-TPB 1
Daredevil Noir Premiere (HC) 1
Dark Tower: Treachery 6
Jesse James is a Dead Man (Custom Comic) 1
Luke Cage Noir 1 - 4
Luke Cage Noir GN-TPB 1
Luke Cage Noir Premiere (HC) 1
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four 36
Marvel Illustrated: Kidnapped! 5
Marvel Noir TPB: Daredevil/Cage/Iron Man 1
Marvel Noir TPB: Wolverine and The X-Men 1
Marvel Vision 2
Mega Marvel: The Marvel Comics 1
Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (I) • Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 235 - 239
Pride and Prejudice 2 - 3
Punisher Noir 1 - 4
Punisher Noir GN-TPB 1
Punisher Noir Premiere (HC) 1
Spider-Man Noir (I) 1 - 4
Spider-Man Noir: Eyes Without a Face 1 - 4
Spider-Man Noir GN-TPB 1
Spider-Man Noir Premiere (HC) 1
Trojan War 1 - 5
Trojan War GN-TPB 1
Trojan War Premiere (HC) 1
Weapon X Noir 1
Wolverine: First Class 15
Wolverine: First Class TPB: Ninjas, Gods and Divas 1
Wolverine Noir 1 - 4
Wolverine Noir GN-TPB 1
Wolverine Noir Premiere (HC) 1
X-Factor (III) 8
X-Men Noir 1 - 4
X-Men Noir GN-TPB 1
X-Men Noir GN-TPB: Mark of Cain 1
X-Men Noir: Mark of Cain 1 - 4
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC) 1
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC): Mark of Cain 1

Marvel Noir TPB: Wolverine and The X-Men 1
Weapon X Noir 1

Civil War (HC): X-Men 1
Civil War Premiere (HC): X-Men 1
Civil War TPB: X-Men (II) 1
Civil War TPB: X-Men Universe 1
Marvel Noir TPB: Wolverine and The X-Men 1
Ororo: Before the Storm GN-TPB 1
Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special 1
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Hated and Feared 1
Weapon X Noir 1
Wolverine: First Class 19 - 20
Wolverine: First Class TPB: Class Actions 1
X-Factor (III) 2 - 6, 8 - 9
X-Factor (IV) 221
X-Factor (HC): Original Sins 1
X-Factor Omnibus (HC) By Peter David 2 - 3
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Hard Labor 1
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Life and Death Matters 1
X-Factor Premiere (HC): The Longest Night 1
X-Factor TPB (I) 1 - 2, 13
X-Factor TPB By Peter David: The Complete Collection 1
X-Men Noir 1 - 4
X-Men Noir GN-TPB 1
X-Men Noir GN-TPB: Mark of Cain 1
X-Men Noir: Mark of Cain 1 - 4
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC) 1
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC): Mark of Cain 1
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Decimation 1

Civil War (HC): X-Men 1
Civil War Premiere (HC): X-Men 1
Civil War TPB: X-Men (II) 1
Civil War TPB: X-Men Universe 1
Marvel Noir TPB: Wolverine and The X-Men 1
Ororo: Before the Storm GN-TPB 1
Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special 1
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Hated and Feared 1
Weapon X Noir 1
Wolverine: First Class 19 - 20
Wolverine: First Class TPB: Class Actions 1
X-Factor (III) 2 - 6, 8 - 9
X-Factor (IV) 221
X-Factor (HC): Original Sins 1
X-Factor Omnibus (HC) By Peter David 2 - 3
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Hard Labor 1
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Life and Death Matters 1
X-Factor Premiere (HC): The Longest Night 1
X-Factor TPB (I) 1 - 2, 13
X-Factor TPB By Peter David: The Complete Collection 1
X-Men Noir 1 - 4
X-Men Noir GN-TPB 1
X-Men Noir GN-TPB: Mark of Cain 1
X-Men Noir: Mark of Cain 1 - 4
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC) 1
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC): Mark of Cain 1
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Decimation 1

Hercules Premiere (HC): Against the World 1
Hulk TPB: Giant-Size 1
Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide 1
Incredible Hercules 115, 120
Incredible Hercules (HC): Sacred Invasion 1
Incredible Hercules (HC): Smash of the Titans 1
Incredible Hercules Premiere (HC): Secret Invasion 1
Incredible Hercules TPB: Against the World 1
Incredible Hercules TPB: The Complete Collection 1
Marvel Noir TPB: Wolverine and The X-Men 1
Ororo: Before the Storm GN-TPB 1
Secret Invasion: Incredible Hercules TPB 1
Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special 1
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Hated and Feared 1
Weapon X Noir 1
Wolverine: Doombringer 1
Wolverine: First Class 19 - 20
Wolverine: First Class TPB: Class Actions 1
X-Men Noir 1 - 4
X-Men Noir GN-TPB 1
X-Men Noir GN-TPB: Mark of Cain 1
X-Men Noir: Mark of Cain 1 - 4
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC) 1
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC): Mark of Cain 1

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 11.FT
Daredevil Noir 2.FT
Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.FT - 5.FT
Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead 1.FT - 6.FT
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Journey Begins 1.FT - 3.FT
Dark Tower: Treachery 6.FT
Heroes 1.FT
Luke Cage Noir 2.FT
Marvel Illustrated: The Odyssey • The Odyssey 8.FT
Marvel: Portraits of a Universe • Marvel: Portraits 1.FT, 3.FT
New Avengers Annual (II) 1.FT
Punisher Noir 1.FT
Spider-Island: I Love New York City 1.FT
Wolverine: First Class 14.FT
Wolverine Poster Book (II) 1.FT
X-Factor (IV) 200.FT
X-Men (III) 17.FT
X-Men Noir 1.FT
X-Men Noir: Mark of Cain 1.FT - 3.FT



File created on 2024 06 28