Original language | English |
Guten Tag, Herr Beinmer! | Good morning, Mr. Beinmer! |
Original language | English |
Frankfurt | "The ford of the Franks" (not the sausages, but the German tribe after which France is named) |
Notiz | Note, memo |
Wichtig | Important |
Original language | English |
Zerbrechlich | Fragile |
Original language | English |
Übermensch | Superman |
Original language | English |
Geheim-Akte von SS Maj. Kerfoot | Secret files of SS Major Kerfoot |
München Flugplatz | Munich Airport |
Ruhe bitte | Silence please |
Original language | English |
Töten (corr: Tötet) die amerikanischen Schweine! | Kill the American pigs! |
Original language | English |
Die Juden | The Jews |
Die Schwarzen (not: Schwarzes) | The black (people) |
Eisel? maybe: Esel | Donkey, jack-ass |
Mein Kapitan (should be: mein Hauptmann) | My captain |
Original language | English |
Das Ende | The end |
Der Rote Schädel | The Red Skull |
Eisel? maybe: Esel | Donkey, jack-ass |
Sturm und Drang (also a drama by F. M. Klinger after which the period of the German literature from 1765 to 1785 was called) | Storm and pressure |
Original language | English |
Ratskeller (Rathskeller is an unusual spelling) | The cellar of a city hall having a restaurant. |
Original language | English |
Eins - zwei - drei - vier (not: veir) | One - two - three - four |
Lieber Vater | Dear father |
Verstehen Sie das? | Do you understand? |
Original language | English |
Auf Wiedersehen (not: Auf Wiedersein) | Good bye |
Blitzkrieger | Lightning-Warrior |
Hauptmann Deutschland | Captain Germany |
Schutzheiligengruppe (Schutzheiliggruppe is wrong) | Lit.: Group of Patron Saints, fig.: League of Guardian Angels |
Wunderbar (not: Wundabar) | Wonderful |
Original language | English |
Der verdammte Mannfisch (not: urverdamten - this is no German word) | The damned man-fish |
Untersee-Boot | "Under sea boat", submarine |
Original language | English |
Kinder | Children |
Mater is wrong because it is Latin, corr: Mutter | Mother |
Reinhold | A name with the meaning rein = pure and hold = lovely |
Original language | English |
Blitzkrieger | Lightning-Warrior |
Hauptmann Deutschland | Captain Germany |
Vormund | Guardian (of a child etc.) |
Original language | English |
Kübekult | The cult of the Kübe(?) |
Original language | English |
Schwein, Schweine (not: Schwine) | Pig, pigs |
Willkommen (not: Velkommen) | Welcome |
Original language | English |
Der Reichstag | German parliament during WWII, Imperial Diet |
Halt! Halten Sie ein! Aufhören! | Stop! Hold hard! |
Halten Sie! | Hold! (But I am sure they mean the next phrase.) |
hein | No German word at all. It should have been "nicht?" or "oder?" |
Herr Reichsführer | Leader of the Realm |
Kapitän Amerika is wrong, it should be Hauptmann Amerika (Captain = Kapitän for ships, Hauptmann for military) | Captain America |
Original language | English |
Ein Hinterhalt! | An ambush! |
Euch Schweinehunde mach ich zu Hackfleisch! | I'll make minced meat of you filthy swines. |
Hillfswillige | "Those willing to help", volunteers |
Hinter uns! | Behind us! |
HiWi | In this case short for Hilfswillige, but I would not recommend to use it here in Austria as it is an abusive word |
Wer wagt es, meine Ruhe zu stören?! | Who dares to disturb my rest?! |
Original language | English |
Biergarten | Beer garden |
Original language | English |
Johannes Heester | Johannes Heesters (1903 - 2011) was a famous singer and actor who was active on stage from 1921 until close to his death. |
Julius Meinl [...]eskaffee | Julius Meinl is a well-known vendor of coffee and delicatessen from Vienna. The last word could be "Loeskaffee" - instant coffee - an atrocity in the eyes of every coffee lover in Vienna. |
Original language | English |
Lueger | Lueger is an actual name, pronounced "Loo-eh-gher". But as noun it means "liar" (spelled "Lüger"). |
Original language | English |
Acht--(ung)! | Attention! |
D(...) erst(aunliche?) (ver?)schiede[ne] (Mas?)chinen zur hil[fe] für die ernte. | ... amazing various machines to help at the harvest. |
Das (Tal) gedieh (unter) seine[r]m Schutz über einen Zeitraum von länger einer Generation. | The valley thrieved under his protection over a period of longer than one generation. |
Das Mons(ter) | The monster |
Das Schlobos (?, correct is: Schloß) von Eisen | The castle of iron |
E(r) war ein sehr fortgeschri[s]tt(ener) Erfinder für die damalige Epoche. | He was a very advanced inventor at that time epoch. |
Eisendorf | Iron village |
Er erfand sogar ein(...) sgma(chine?) | He even invented a ... (probably the flying machine Bucky mentions) |
Es lebte in ein(em) Berg. | It lived inside a mountain. |
Ut (just for completeness: Ut is not a German word) | - |
Original language | English |
Amerikanische (in this, the second case it should be: amerikanisches) | American (as adjective) |
Wiener | Viennese, from Vienna |
Original language | English |
Der Tag | The day |
Der weise Jude | The wise jew |
Schutzstaffel | "Protection squadron" |
Original language | English |
Der Hauptsturmführer | "Head storm leader", a paramilitary rank of the Nazi party |
Funkturm | Broadcasting tower |
Gatiswald | Gatisforest |
Jungfero | Virgino |
Käser | Cheesemaker |
Kübelwagen (colloquial for an early form of an all-terrain military car) | Military light utility vehicle |
Sprechen Sie Englisch, Fräulein? | Do you speak English, miss? |
Sturmbannführer | "Assault unit leader", a paramilitary rank of the Nazi party |
Stutthoff (Sztutowo) | A town close to Danzig, Poland |
Vogelsang | Bird song |
Original language | English |
Dummköpfe (not: Dummkopfs) | Fools, nitwits |
Verdammte... | Darn... |
Original language | English |
Bund | Federation |
Original language | English |
Arsenal | Armory, arsenal |
Original language | English |
Bitte töten Sie mich nicht! | Please do not kill me! |
Bohnen | Beans |
Cafe Mitternächtliches | Cafe Midnightly |
Fröhlicher Jahrestag, Liebling. (I think instead of Jahrestag it could be Hochzeitstag.) | Happy anniversary, darling |
Hotel Billiger Schlaf (not: Billiges) | Hotel Cheap Sleep |
Ich liebe Sie. (Considering they a lovers, 'I liebe dich' would be better.) | I love you. |
Ich würde einem Affen, der auf einem Stein sitzt, meine Probleme nicht geben! | I wouldn't give my problems to a monkey on a rock! |
Toilette | Toilet |
Wir meinten Sie keine Verletzung! (This is totally wrong! Correct: Wir wollten Sie nicht verletzen!) | We did not mean to hurt you! |
Original language | English |
Gruppenführer Graf von Kaufmann | Groupleader Count of Merchant (although "Kaufmann" here is a name) |
Kummersdorf | "Sorrowville" |
Original language | English |
Drache (actually, due to German grammar it should be "Drachenschloss" or "Drachen Castle") | Dragon |
Lebensunwertes Leben | Life unworthy to be alive (a category into which the Nazis put everyone physically or mentally handicapped) |
Lohn | Wage, fee |
Projekt Auferstehung | Project: Resurrection |
Original language | English |
Bitte, hilf meinem Kind. | Please, help my child. |
Original language | English |
Ach du heiliger Schreck | Good heavens, "Oh, holy shock" |
Baron | Baron (same spelling, different pronounciation) |
Blöder Hund | Stupid dog |
Breitscheidplatz | Breitscheid place or square |
Halten Sie an! | Stop! |
Halten Sie! | Hold (this)! |
Hauptmann Amerika | Captain America |
Hitlerjugend | Hitler's youth corps |
Kapitän | Captain (of a ship) |
Mein Sohn | My son |
Meine Mutter | My mother |
Nicht wahr? | Didn't she? (In the German language the phrase does not depend on the sentence before it.) |
Rosenvelt? Maybe: Rosenwelt | World of roses |
Schotzie | No word I ever heard (maybe they mean: Schatzi = darling) |
Schweinehund (not: Schweinhund) | Filthy swine |
Schweinehunde (not: Schweinhunds) | Filthy swines |
Sprechen Sie Englisch? | Do you speak English? |
Zoologischer Garten | Zoological gardens |
Original language | English |
Wespe | Wasp |
Original language | English |
Amerikanisches Schwein (Not: Amerikaner ...) | American pig |
Kapitän | Captain (of a ship) |
Mein ... | My ... |
Sieg | Victory |
Original language | English |
Dummer (not: dummes) Amerimaker | Foolish american |
Original language | English |
Explosiv | Explosive |
Original language | English |
Sturm und Drang (also a drama by F. M. Klinger after which the period of the German literature from 1765 to 1785 was called) | Storm and pressure |
Original language | English |
Münchhausen, Baron Freiherr von | Münchhausen (which is the name of a town, meaning something like "home of the monks") was the hero of the fictional story "The Adventures of Baron Münchhausen", in which he narrates his adventures in a way that earned him the title "Baron of Lies". These adventures have amongst other men with super-human strength, speed, abilities to aim and shoot, which can be seen as predecessors of modern day super-heroes. |
Original language | English |
Wolfsschanze | Wolf earthwork |
Original language | English |
Frau | Mrs., woman |
Original language | English |
Ein Übermensch (a concept developed by Friedrich Nietzsche in "Also sprach Zarathustra" - a Übermensch is a person who rises above him/herself as a permanent improvement) | A superman |
Herr Obersturmbannführer (not: Oberstrumbanführer) | A military rank in the Nazi Schutzstaffel ("protection squadron") similar to a "lieutenant colonel" (it consists of the words upper/major, storm (like in attack), banner (the flag) and leader) |
Kapo | A "Kapo" is a prisoner of a death camp, who works for the leaders of the death camp. Kapo is either from the Italian Capo (meaning head and leader) or an abbreviation of "Kameradenpolizei" (police man watching peers). |
Waffen SS | The military-like organized part of the Schutzstaffel ("protection squadron") |
Original language | English |
Ein Geist | A ghost, a spirit |
Original language | English |
Auf Wiedersehen, Americans... und Danke! | Good bye, americans... and thank you! |
Ja, Herr Colonel (should be Oberst) | Yes, colonel |
Ja, Herr General | Yes, general |
Original language | English |
Ach, nein! | Oh, no! |
Mit | With |
Und | And |
Verfluchter Scheissdreck! (not: Verfluchte Scheissedreck!) | Damned shit! |
Original language | English |
АВТОЗАВОД | Car factory |
АРСЕНАЛ ТОМСКА | Arsenal Tomska |
ВНИМАНИЕ | Attention |
ГОСПОДЙН (Gospodin) | Mister |
ЛЕНИН ЖИВЁТ! | Lenin lives! |
МЕРЗАВЕЦ (merzavets) | Scum, scoundrel |
ПРАВДА | Truth, the name of a major newspaper in Russia |
Original language | English |
БУЙСТВО | Rampage |
ДУРАК | Fool |
МАЛЕНЪКИЙ МЕРЗАВЕЦ | Little scoundrel |
ПИРОЖКИ | Piroshki |
РОБОТ СЕРДИ(ТЪ) | Furious robot |
Original language | English |
МАКДОНАЛДС | MacDonalds |
СПАСЙБО (Spasiba) | Thank you |
Original language | English |
ИЗВЕСТЯ (Izvestiya) | News, the name of a major newspaper in Russia |
Original language | English |
КРАСНЫЙ ДИНАМО (Krasnii Dynamo) | Crimson (Red) Dynamo |
Original language | English |
КАРОЛИНСКОЕ МЕБЕЛЪ МОСКВА | Carolina Furniture Moscow |