Original language | English |
Cypher and Krakoa, page 20: | Well? I acknowledges (!) and accepts (!) the gift of the External Gate. |
Krakoa, page 24: | You need to understand, you are guests here. Our coexistance is collaborative and wonderful... ...But I am the land. And the land is mine. (He does not say the "It's a union..." part.) |
Krakoa, page 25: | Unless there is a known (!) greater (!) threat... the gate stays open. |
Original language | English |
Doop speak page 14: | Huh. |
Doop speak page 16: | I thought X-Statix needed another member. |
Doop speak page 3: | - |
Guten Tag, meine Damen und Herren. | Good day, ladies and gentlemen (literally: Good day, my ladies and lords) |
Original language | English |
Aufpassen, Idioten Hauptling! (That is wrong, it should be: "Pass auf, Vollidiot!") | Watch up, chief of idiots! ("Aufpassen" is the infinitive, but here the imperative must be used which is "Pass auf". While "chief" can be translated to "Häuptling" (mind the 'ä') that is only the boss of an Indian tribe. I do not know of a common expression in German meaning "chief of idiots" in any way of translation, so I used "Vollidiot" which means "downright idiot".) |
Original language | English |
Volksgeist | Spirit of the People |
Original language | English |
Sturmfänger | Storm catcher |
Original language | English |
Neustrelitz | A town in Germany (www.neustrelitz.de/) |
Verschiagen | On the last panel it looks like the name could be "Verschlagen" = cunning, wily |
Original language | English |
Meine kleine Fee | My little fairy |
Original language | English |
Liebchen (not: Liebschien) | Darling ("Liebschien" sounds more like "dear rail") |
Original language | English |
Meine Freunde | My friends |
Original language | English |
Deutsch | German |
Mein Kind | My child |
Original language | English |
Wohnhaus | Tenement |
Original language | English |
Das ist klar. | That is clear. |
Original language | English |
Was für--? (This is the word-by-word translation and seems to be wrong. "Wozu?" would be a better one.) | What for--? |
Original language | English |
In den [..]mmel [..]fahren [..]st | Could be the Catholic credo, the part about Jesus ascending into Heaven. |
Original language | English |
Meine lieben Damen | My dear ladies |
Original language | English |
Ahnenerbe | Ancestor's heritage |
Also, sind Sie ein Jude? | So, you are a jew? |
Sonderkommando | Special squad |
Teufel | Devil |
Original language | English |
Ich bin die Ausgeburt (not: Ausgebert) des Bösen! | I am a fiend of evil! |
Ich bin ein Bote des Teufels! | I am an emissary of the devil! |
Ich bin ein Dämon ("Daemon" is an alternate way to write "Dämon")! | I am a demon! |
Original language | English |
Das ist unglaublich | That is incredible |
Original language | English |
Metzger | Butcher |
Original language | English |
Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit | The work of art in the age of its technical reproducibility |
Rede, du Bestie. | Talk, you beast. |
Scheusal | Abomination, monster |
Original language | English |
Er hat den Knaben wohl in den [dem] Arm, er fasst ihn sicher | He holdeth the boy tightly clasp'd in his arm, He holdeth him safely,... (This is a part of the poem "Der Erlkönig" (The Erl King) by Wolfgang Goethe, see also wonderingminstrels.blogspot.co.at/2001/10/erl-king-johann-wolfgang-von-goethe.html or ingeb.org/Lieder/werreite.html which is bi-lingual.) |
Passen Sie auf! (Considering that Kurt and Logan are close friends, "Pass auf!" would have been correct.) | Watch up! |
Original language | English |
Das ist kein deutsches Boot. | That is no German boat. |
Die sehen wie Franzosen aus! | They look like Frenchmen! |
Runter von diesem U-Boot! | Get off this sub-marine! |
Original language | English |
Sehr schlecht (not: Sehr sechlecht) | Very bad |
Original language | English |
Gott lebendig (corr: Lebendiger Gott - I cannot remember having heard that outside a mass) | God living |
Original language | English |
Also sprach Sebastian | Thus spoke Sebastian |
Original language | English |
Eisenhardt | Iron hard |
Ich habe deußtcher Mädchen geßchändert! (corr: Ich habe ein deutsches Mädchen geschändet!) | I have raped a German girl. |
Kalb | Calf (the little cow) |
Original language | English |
Grynszpan is the Polish way to spell the German "Grünspan" | Verdigris |
Juden sind hier unerwünscht | Jews are unwanted here |
Scharf | Sharp |
Schulmann | "School man" |
Original language | English |
Einsatzgruppe, Einsatzgruppen | Task force, task forces |
Umschlagplatz | Reloading point |
Original language | English |
Kalb | Calf (in this case it is a name) |
Sonderkommando | Special squad |
Unterscharführer | Sub-troop leader |
Original language | English |
Birkenau | Birches river meadow |
Buchenwald | Beech forest |
Leichenkommando | (Dead) Body squad |
Ravensbrück | Bridge over the Raven (a river) |
Zigeunernacht | Gypsy night |
Original language | English |
Die Heimat des Nachtkriechers! (I just wonder why a German town would write their welcome in English.) | The Home of Nightcrawler! |
Keller | Cellar |
Vielfras (should be "Vielfraß", pronounced like "feelfrahs", the German word leads to assume this means "eat a lot", but it comes from a Scandinavian word meaning "rock cat") | Wolverine |
Weber | Weaver |
Original language | English |
Gott wird dich richten. | God will judge you. |
Sauerbraten | Sour roast (a well known German dish) |
Original language | English |
Achtung Juden | Beware jews |
Eisenhardt | "Iron hard" |
Kristallnacht | Crystal night |
Nürnberg | Nuremberg |
Sonderkommando | Special squad |
Vernichtungslager | Extermination camp |
Original language | English |
Abwehr | Counter-intelligence |
Geist | Ghost |
Heidelberg | A town in Germany with a famous university |
Ich bin ein Junker, Geist. | I am a young nobelman, Ghost. |
Oberst | Colonel |
Original language | English |
Winzeldorf | Maybe "small village"; a former village in Germany (www.boenningstedt.de/chronik.htm) |
Original language | English |
Yartzeit (yidd.) | Anniversary (yar=year, tzeit=time) |
Original language | English |
Liebchen (not: Liebschen) | Darling |