Creator Names

Wilford, Bonnie

Essential Marvel Team-Up #3
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Team-Up (HC) #6
Marvel Tales Annual • Marvel Tales (II) • Marvel Tales Starring Spider-Man #235 - 236
Marvel Team-Up Annual #1
Spider-Man and the Uncanny X-Men TPB #1
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB #5
Wolverine Saga (I) #2
X-Men Premiere (HC): Bronze Age (Slipcase Edition) #1
X-Men Premiere (HC): With Great Power #1

Ant-Man/Giant-Man Epic Collection TPB #2
Black Goliath #4 - 5
Black Panther Omnibus (HC): The Early Marvel Years #1
Classic X-Men • X-Men Classic #8 - 10, 55
Daredevil Annual #4
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB #7
Iron Fist (I) #7 - 10
Iron Fist: Danny Rand Omnibus (HC): The Early Years #1
Iron Fist Epic Collection TPB #1
Luke Cage Epic Collection TPB #2
Luke Cage Omnibus (HC) #1
Marvel Classics Comics Omnibus (HC) #1
Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring #14 - 15
Marvel Masterworks: Ant-Man/Giant-Man (HC) #3
Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil 2nd Edition (HC) #13
Marvel Masterworks: Iron Fist (HC) #2
Marvel Masterworks: Luke Cage, Power Man (HC) #3
Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor 2nd Edition (HC) #20
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men 2nd Edition (HC) #1 - 2, 7
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men 3rd Edition (HC) (Re-Masterworks) #1 - 2
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men (HC) #1 - 2
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men TPB #1 - 2
Marvel Universe (HC) By Chris Claremont #1
Marvel Universe Omnibus (HC) By John Byrne #2
The Mighty Thor Annual (I) #9
Phoenix Omnibus (HC) #1
Power Man Annual #1
Son of Satan #7
Son of Satan Classic TPB #1
Thor Epic Collection TPB #11
True Believers: Enter - the Phoenix! #1
Uncanny X-Men (I) • X-Men (I) #100 - 102, 151
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB #5, 8
Uncanny X-Men (Facsimile Edition) #101
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus (HC) #1 - 2
Women of Marvel TPB (I) #1
X-Men Classic Omnibus (HC) #1
X-Men Classic TPB The Complete Collection #1
X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga Omnibus (HC) #1
X-Men Premiere (HC): Bronze Age (Slipcase Edition) #1

Wilkerson, Marti

X-Men: Year of the Mutants Collectors' Preview #1.FT

Wilkins, David

Black Panther (IV) #35
Blade Omnibus (HC): The Early Years #1
Blade TPB By Marc Guggenheim: The Complete Collection #1
Cable (II) #16 - 20
Cable Premiere (HC) #3
Deadpool and Cable #26
Guardians of the Galaxy (II) #21
King Conan (II) #2
Marvel Comics Presents (II) #6, 11
Moon Knight Annual (I) #1
Moon Knight Premiere (HC) #4
Moon Knight TPB (I) #4
New Mutants (III) #15 - 21
New Mutants Premiere (HC): Fall of the New Mutants #1
New Mutants TPB (I) #3
Punisher (VIII) #11
Punisher (HC): Franken-Castle #1
The Punisher War Journal (II) #26
Punisher War Journal Annual #1
The Savage Sword of Conan (II) #12
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Iron Eclipse (Dark Horse Comics) #1
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison (Dark Horse Comics) #1 - 5
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - War (Dark Horse Comics) #1
Star Wars: Legacy (II) (Dark Horse Comics) #1 - 5
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Empire #2 - 3
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: Legacy #4
Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Empire #1
Venom (VI) #4
Warhammer 40,000: Sisters of Battle #1 - 5
Warhammer 40,000: Sisters of Battle TPB #1
What If? (III) #200
What If? TPB: Dark Avengers #1
Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1 - 4
Wolverine vs. Blade Special #1
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Blade #1

Blade TPB By Marc Guggenheim: The Complete Collection #1
Marvel Comics Presents (II) #1 - 3, 5 - 6
Origins of Marvel Comics TPB #1
Origins of Marvel Comics: X-Men #1
What If? (III) #200
What If? TPB: Dark Avengers #1
What If? TPB: Event Horizon #1
What If? X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #1
Wolverine vs. Blade Special #1
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus Companion (HC) #1
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse Twilight #1

Blade TPB By Marc Guggenheim: The Complete Collection #1
Marvel Comics Presents (II) #1 - 3, 5 - 6
What If? TPB: Event Horizon #1
What If? X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #1
Wolverine vs. Blade Special #1
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus Companion (HC) #1
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse Twilight #1

Blade TPB By Marc Guggenheim: The Complete Collection #1
Origins of Marvel Comics TPB #1
Origins of Marvel Comics: X-Men #1
What If? (III) #200
What If? TPB: Dark Avengers #1
Wolverine vs. Blade Special #1

Black Panther (IV) #34.FT
Cable (II) #16.FT - 19.FT
December 2010 Sneak Peeks #1.FT
Marvel Calendar 2023 #1.FT
Marvel Previews (V) • Marvel Legacy Previews #12.FT
New Mutants (III) #15.FT - 20.FT
Punisher (VIII) #10.FT
The Savage Sword of Conan (II) #11.FT
Warhammer 40,000: Sisters of Battle #1.FT - 4.FT
What If? Dark Reign #1.FT
What If? Iron Man: Demon in an Armor #1.FT
X-Force/Cable: Messiah War #1.FT
X-Men (III) #1.FT
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants Saga #1.FT

Wilkinson, Brian E.

Decimation: X-Men TPB: The 198 #1
X-Men: The 198 Files #1
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Decimation #1

Wilkinson, Kerry

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man 2005 #1

Wilkinson, Sean

Civil War II #1

Wilkofsky, Marc

Associate Editor
Wizard: X-Men Turn Thirty (Wizard Publication) #1

Copy Editor
Wizard: Marvel's Heroes Return (Wizard Publication) #1


Black Eyed Peas Presents: Masters of the Sun - The Zombie Chronicles (HC) #1

Black Eyed Peas Presents: Masters of the Sun - The Zombie Chronicles (HC) #1

Based on Work
Black Eyed Peas Presents: Masters of the Sun - The Zombie Chronicles (HC) #1

Black Eyed Peas Presents: Masters of the Sun - The Zombie Chronicles (HC) #1

William, Frank

A.X.E.: Starfox #1
Iron Man (XII) • The Invincible Iron Man (XI) #6
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (II) #11

Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices (Infinity Comic) #20 - 23, 28
A.X.E.: Judgment Day Companion TPB #1
A.X.E.: Starfox #1
Judgment Day Omnibus (HC) #1
Marauders TPB By Steve Orlando #2
Marvel's Voices: Community #1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Community #1
Scarlet Witch (III) #6 - 10
Scarlet Witch (IV) #1 - 7, 9
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver #1 - 4
Scarlet Witch TPB By Steve Orlando #2 - 4
Star Wars: Darth Vader (III) #50
Star Wars: The High Republic (II) #1 - 10
Star Wars: Obi-Wan #3
Star Wars Omnibus (HC): The High Republic Phase II - Quest of the Jedi #1
Star Wars TPB: The High Republic Season 2 #1 - 2
Star Wars TPB: Obi-Wan - A Jedi's Purpose #1
Storm: Lifedream #1
X-Men: Before the Fall - Mutant First Strike #1

Free Comic Book Day 2023: Marvel's Voices #1.FT


Avengers (II) #8
Conan the Barbarian (I) #241
DC versus Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus HC (Amalgam (DC/Marvel)) #1
Heroes Reborn TPB: Avengers #1
The Sensational She-Hulk (I) #27
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Days of Future Past #1

Doom 2099 (I) #42
Fantastic Four/Doom 2099 Omnibus (HC) #1
X-Babies: Murderama • Pint-sized X-Babies #1
Young Marvel TPB: Little X-Men, Little Avengers, Big Trouble #1

Firearm (Malibu Comics) #5.FT
Marvel Super-Heroes (III) #10.FT
X-Men TPB: Days of Future Past #1.FT

Williams, A.

The Punisher: War Zone Annual #1.FT

Williams, Aaron

Spider-Man Unlimited (III) #13

Williams, Al

The Incomplete Death's Head (Marvel UK) #9
Lorna the Jungle Queen • Lorna the Jungle Girl #14
Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Jungle Adventures (HC) #3

Buck Rogers Giant Movie Edition #1
Six-Gun Western #3

Six-Gun Western #3

Marvel Swimsuit Special #3.FT

Williams, Anthony Wikipedia

Darkhawk (I) #31
Gun Runner (Marvel UK) #3 - 6
Hokum and Hex #1 - 9
Marvel Action Hour, Featuring Iron Man #1 - 2
X-Men Movie Adaptation #1

The Amazing Spider-Man Annual (I) #28
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB #26
Captain America (HC): Sentinel of Liberty #1
Captain America Omnibus (HC) By Mark Waid and Ron Garney #1
Captain America Sentinel of Liberty (I) #11 - 12
Darkhawk (I) #30 - 32
Deadpool (II) #22, 52 - 53
Deadpool Classic Omnibus (HC) #1
Deadpool Classics TPB #4, 7
Deadpool Epic Collection TPB #4
Deadpool Omnibus (HC) By Joe Kelly #1
Deathlok (II) #34
Death's Head II (II) (Marvel UK) #8
Ectokid #1
Fantastic Four (III) #12
Fantastic Four TPB: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection #1
Gambit (III) #9, 13 - 14
Gun Runner (Marvel UK) #2 - 6
Hokum and Hex #1 - 9
Infinity Crusade Omnibus (HC) #1
Infinity Crusade Premiere (HC): Crossovers #1 - 2
Iron Man (III) • The Invincible Iron Man (III) #16
Iron Man Omnibus (HC) By Kurt Busiek and Sean Chen #1
Iron Man TPB: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection #2
Ka-Zar (III) #18
Marvel Action Hour, Featuring Iron Man #1 - 2, 5 - 8
Marvel Action Hour Preview #1
Razorline The First Cut #1
Rise of Apocalypse #4
Rise of Apocalypse TPB #1
The Shroud #4
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By David Michelinie and Mark Bagley #2
Spider-Man TPB: Spider-Man's Greatest Villains #1
Spider-Man: Web of Doom #2 - 3
Squadron Supreme Classic Omnibus (HC) #1
Squadron Supreme: New World Order #1
Squadron Supreme TPB: Death of a Universe #1
Uncanny X-Men Annual '99 #1
What If? (II) #82
X-Force (I) #93, 96 - 97
X-Force Epic Collection TPB #8
X-Men (II) • New X-Men (I) • X-Men Legacy (I) #106
X-Men: Gambit TPB The Complete Collection #1 - 2
X-Men Movie Adaptation #1
X-Men The Movie Special Edition #1
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Revolution By Chris Claremont #1
X-Men TPB: The Rise of Apocalypse #1
X-Men vs. Apocalypse Omnibus (HC): The Twelve #1
X-Men vs. Apocalypse TPB #2

Hokum and Hex #5, 9

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7.FT
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #2.FT
Avengers: Roll Call #1.FT
Body Count (Marvel UK) #1.FT
Dinosaurs: A Celebration #2.FT - 3.FT
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #4.FT
Secret Wars: Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse #1.FT
Warlock Chronicles #8.FT
X-Men Earth's Mutant Heroes #1.FT

Williams, Brittney L.

Amazing Mary Jane #5
Civil War II: X-Men #4
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 - 14, 16 - 17
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! TPB #1 - 3
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (II) #2

Marvel's Voices (I) #1
Marvel's Voices: Pride (II) #1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Legacy #1
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 - 5, 7 - 17
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! TPB #1 - 3
Secret Wars, Too #1
Secret Wars Too TPB #1
Women of Marvel TPB (II) #1

Marvel's Voices (I) #1
Marvel's Voices: Pride (I) #1
Marvel's Voices: Pride (II) #1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Legacy #1
Marvel's Voices TPB: Pride #1
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 - 5, 7 - 17
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! TPB #1 - 3
Secret Wars, Too #1
Secret Wars Too TPB #1
Women of Marvel TPB (II) #1

All-New, All-Different Marvel December/January Previews #1.FT
All-New, All-Different Marvel November Previews #1.FT
Marvel Calendar 2016 #1.FT
Marvel Free Previews 2016 #1.FT
Marvel Now! Previews (III) #1.FT
Marvel Previews (III) #3.FT - 4.FT, 13.FT
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1.FT, 3.FT - 4.FT, 12.FT - 13.FT, 15.FT

Williams, David A. ("BroHawk")

Astonishing X-Men Annual (I) #1
Black Panther: Long Live the King #6
Excalibur (I) #89
Fantastic Four Giant-Size Adventures #1
Hulk and Power Pack #1 - 4
Hulk and Power Pack TPB Digest: Pack Smash! #1
Incredible Hercules #127 - 131
Jean Grey (I) #1
Marvel Adventures The Avengers #35, 37
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four #13 - 16, 46
Marvel Adventures Hulk #3 - 4
Marvel Adventures Super Heroes (I) #14
Marvel Adventures Two-In-One #12
Marvel Assistant-Sized Spectacular #1 - 2
Monsters Unleashed (II) #3
New Exiles Annual #1
Nova (V) #20, 22
Nova TPB (II) #4
Prime (I) (Malibu Comics) #18
Prototype (Malibu Comics) #6, 8, 10
The Punisher (XI) #13
Red She-Hulk #61
She-Hulk (II) #38
Spider-Man/Deadpool #15
Spider-Man Family (II) #8
Spider-Verse Team-Up #1 - 2
Wolverine: First Class #10 - 14, 16, 21
Wolverine: First Class TPB: Wolverine-By-Night #1
X-Factor (IV) #247 - 248, 255

A+X #12
A+X TPB #2
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #14
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider TPB #3
Excalibur (I) #89 - 91
Excalibur Omnibus (HC) #3
Excalibur Visionaries TPB: Warren Ellis #1 - 2
Freex (Malibu Comics) #4
Giant Size Mantra (Malibu Comics) #1
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron #1
Hulk Monster-Size Special #1
Hulk and Power Pack #1 - 2, 4
Hulk and Power Pack TPB Digest: Pack Smash! #1
Marvel Westerns (HC) #1
Marvel Westerns: Kid Colt and the Arizona Girl #1
Ororo: Before the Storm GN-TPB #1
Savage Hulk TPB #2
Spider-Geddon TPB #1
Spider-Verse (HC) #1
Spider-Verse/Spider-Geddon Omnibus (HC) #1
Spider-Verse Team-Up #1 - 3
Spider-Verse TPB #1
Uncanny X-Force (I) #30
Uncanny X-Force Omnibus (HC) By Rick Remender #1
Uncanny X-Force Premiere (HC): Final Execution #2
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) #7
Uncanny X-Force TPB By Rick Remender: The Complete Collection #2
Uncanny X-Men: First Class #4
Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special #1
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Hated and Feared #1
Vault of Spiders #2
What If... This Was the Fantastic Four? A Tribute to Mike Wieringo • Hero Initiative: Mike Wieringo (Hero Initiative) #1
X-Men GN-TPB: X-Verse - X-Women #1

A+X #12
A+X TPB #2
Hulk Monster-Size Special #1
Marvel Westerns (HC) #1
Marvel Westerns: Kid Colt and the Arizona Girl #1
Ororo: Before the Storm GN-TPB #1
Savage Hulk TPB #2
Spider-Geddon TPB #1
Spider-Verse/Spider-Geddon Omnibus (HC) #1
Uncanny X-Force (I) #30
Uncanny X-Force Omnibus (HC) By Rick Remender #1
Uncanny X-Force Premiere (HC): Final Execution #2
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) #7
Uncanny X-Force TPB By Rick Remender: The Complete Collection #2
Uncanny X-Men: First Class #4
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Hated and Feared #1
Vault of Spiders #2
X-Men GN-TPB: X-Verse - X-Women #1

Art Assistant
The Phantom: The Ghost Who Walks #2 - 3

Black Panther TPB: Long Live the King #1.FT
Fantastic Four: Cosmic Threats (Giant-Size Marvel) #1.FT
Hulk and Power Pack #3.FT
Incredible Hercules #126.FT - 127.FT, 129.FT - 130.FT
Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #3.FT
Marvel Adventures The Avengers #38.FT
Marvel Adventures The Avengers Digest TPB #9.FT
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man (I) #48.FT
Marvel Adventures Super Heroes (I) #8.FT
Marvel Assistant-Sized Spectacular #1.FT
Marvel Previews (II) • Marvel Now! Previews (I) • All-New Marvel Now! Marvel Previews (I) #4.FT
Marvel Swimsuit Special #4.FT
Marvel Westerns: Outlaw Files #1.FT
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #4.FT
Spider-Geddon Handbook #1.FT
Spider-Verse Team-Up #1.FT
Venomized: The Variant Covers (Digital Exclusive Comic) #1.FT
What If... This Was the Fantastic Four? A Tribute to Mike Wieringo • Hero Initiative: Mike Wieringo (Hero Initiative) #1.FT
Wolverine Art Appreciation #1.FT
Wolverine: First Class #11.FT - 13.FT, 15.FT, 20.FT
Wolverine Poster Book (II) #1.FT
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz #3.FT
X-Factor (IV) #247.FT, 254.FT
X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special #1.FT



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