
The Name of the Rose (A) (1992)

1/6Web of Spider-Man (I) #84.1 (1992/01)
2/6Web of Spider-Man (I) #85.1 (1992/02)
3/6Web of Spider-Man (I) #86.1 (1992/03)
4/6Web of Spider-Man (I) #87.1 (1992/04)
5/6Web of Spider-Man (I) #88.1 (1992/05)
6/6Web of Spider-Man (I) #89.1 (1992/06)

The Name of the Rose (B) (2010)

1/5Black Widow (V) #1.1 (2010/06)
...® Black Widow Premiere (HC): The Name of the Rose #1.2 (2011/02)
...® Black Widow TPB: The Name of the Rose #1.2 (2011/08)
...® Black Widow TPB: Widowmaker #1.5 (2020/03)
2/5Black Widow (V) #2.1 (2010/07)
...® Black Widow Premiere (HC): The Name of the Rose #1.3 (2011/02)
...® Black Widow TPB: The Name of the Rose #1.3 (2011/08)
...® Black Widow TPB: Widowmaker #1.6 (2020/03)
3/5Black Widow (V) #3.1 (2010/08)
...® Black Widow Premiere (HC): The Name of the Rose #1.4 (2011/02)
...® Black Widow TPB: The Name of the Rose #1.4 (2011/08)
...® Black Widow TPB: Widowmaker #1.7 (2020/03)
4/5Black Widow (V) #4.1 (2010/09)
...® Black Widow Premiere (HC): The Name of the Rose #1.5 (2011/02)
...® Black Widow TPB: The Name of the Rose #1.5 (2011/08)
...® Black Widow TPB: Widowmaker #1.8 (2020/03)
5/5Black Widow (V) #5.1 (2010/10)
...® Black Widow Premiere (HC): The Name of the Rose #1.6 (2011/02)
...® Black Widow TPB: The Name of the Rose #1.6 (2011/08)
...® Black Widow TPB: Widowmaker #1.9 (2020/03)

Namor Goes to Hell (2011)

1/3Namor: The First Mutant #6.1 (2011/03)
...® Namor: The First Mutant TPB #2.2 (2011/10)
2/3Namor: The First Mutant #7.1 (2011/04)
...® Namor: The First Mutant TPB #2.3 (2011/10)
3/3Namor: The First Mutant #8.1 (2011/05)
...® Namor: The First Mutant TPB #2.4 (2011/10)

A Nation Under Our Feet (2016-2017)

1/12Black Panther (VI) #1.1 (2016/06)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #1.1 (2016/10)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.1 (2017/06)
...® Marvel's Black Panther TPB: Prelude #1.8 (2018/02)
...® Black Panther Start Here #1.2 (2018/03)
...® Decades TPB: Marvel in the '10s - Legends and Legacy #1.9 (2019/10)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.1 (2022/02)
...® Marvel's Voices TPB: Legacy #1.23 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: The Saga of Shuri and T'Challa #1.12 (2022/08)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.1 (2025/04)
2/12Black Panther (VI) #2.1 (2016/07)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #1.2 (2016/10)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.2 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.2 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.2 (2025/04)
3/12Black Panther (VI) #3.1 (2016/08)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #1.3 (2016/10)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.3 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.3 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.3 (2025/04)
4/12Black Panther (VI) #4.1 (2016/09)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #1.4 (2016/10)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.4 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.4 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.4 (2025/04)
5/12Black Panther (VI) #5.1 (2016/10)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #2.1 (2017/02)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.5 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.5 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.5 (2025/04)
6/12Black Panther (VI) #6.1 (2016/11)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #2.2 (2017/02)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.6 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.6 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.6 (2025/04)
7/12Black Panther (VI) #7.1 (2016/12)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #2.3 (2017/02)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.7 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.7 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.7 (2025/04)
8/12Black Panther (VI) #8.1 (2017/01)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #2.4 (2017/02)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.8 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.8 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: The Saga of Shuri and T'Challa #1.13 (2022/08)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.8 (2025/04)
9/12Black Panther (VI) #9.1 (2017/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #3.1 (2017/05)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.9 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.9 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: The Saga of Shuri and T'Challa #1.14 (2022/08)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.9 (2025/04)
10/12Black Panther (VI) #10.1 (2017/03)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #3.2 (2017/05)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.10 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.10 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: The Saga of Shuri and T'Challa #1.15 (2022/08)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.10 (2025/04)
11/12Black Panther (VI) #11.1 (2017/04)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #3.3 (2017/05)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.11 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.11 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: The Saga of Shuri and T'Challa #1.16 (2022/08)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.11 (2025/04)
12/12Black Panther (VI) #12.1 (2017/05)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet #3.4 (2017/05)
...® Black Panther (HC) #1.12 (2017/06)
...® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Ta-Nehisi Coates #1.12 (2022/02)
...® Black Panther TPB: A Nation Under Our Feet (Marvel Premier Collection) #1.12 (2025/04)

Nation X (2009-2010)

1/8Uncanny X-Men (I) #515.1 (2009/11)
...® X-Men (HC): Nation X #1.1 (2010/07)
...® X-Men TPB: Nation X #1.1 (2010/12)
...® Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #2.4 (2013/06)
2/8Uncanny X-Men (I) #516.1 (2009/12)
...® X-Men (HC): Nation X #1.2 (2010/07)
...® X-Men TPB: Nation X #1.2 (2010/12)
...® Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #2.5 (2013/06)
3/8Uncanny X-Men (I) #517.1 (2010/01)
...® X-Men (HC): Nation X #1.3 (2010/07)
...® X-Men TPB: Nation X #1.3 (2010/12)
...® Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #2.6 (2013/06)
4/8Uncanny X-Men (I) #518.1 (2010/02)
...® X-Men (HC): Nation X #1.4 (2010/07)
...® X-Men TPB: Nation X #1.4 (2010/12)
...® Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #2.7 (2013/06)
5/8Uncanny X-Men (I) #519.1 (2010/02)
...® X-Men (HC): Nation X #1.5 (2010/07)
...® X-Men TPB: Nation X #1.5 (2010/12)
...® Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #2.8 (2013/06)
6/8Uncanny X-Men (I) #520.1 (2010/03)
...® X-Men (HC): Nation X #1.6 (2010/07)
...® X-Men TPB: Nation X #1.6 (2010/12)
...® Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #3.1 (2013/07)
7/8Uncanny X-Men (I) #521.1 (2010/04)
...® X-Men (HC): Nation X #1.7 (2010/07)
...® X-Men TPB: Nation X #1.7 (2010/12)
...® Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #3.2 (2013/07)
8/8Uncanny X-Men (I) #522.1 (2010/05)
...® X-Men (HC): Nation X #1.8 (2010/07)
...® X-Men TPB: Nation X #1.8 (2010/12)
...® Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection #3.3 (2013/07)
Tie-inX-Men Legacy (I) #228.1 (2009/12)
...® X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Emplate #1.2 (2010/04)
...® X-Men: Legacy TPB: Emplate #1.2 (2010/09)
...X-Men Legacy (I) #229.1 (2010/01)
...® X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Emplate #1.3 (2010/04)
...® X-Men: Legacy TPB: Emplate #1.3 (2010/09)
...X-Men Legacy (I) #230.1 (2010/02)
...® X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Emplate #1.4 (2010/04)
...® X-Men: Legacy TPB: Emplate #1.4 (2010/09)
...Nation X: X-Factor #1.1 (2010/03)
...® X-Factor Premiere (HC): Second Coming #1.10 (2010/10)
...® X-Factor TPB (I) #10.4 (2011/03)
...® X-Factor Omnibus (HC) By Peter David #3.49 (2023/12)

Native American Heritage Month Variant Cover (2022)

Moon Knight (IX) #5.CV4 (2022/01)
New Mutants (IV) #23.CV2 (2022/01)
Phoenix Song: Echo #2.CV3 (2022/01)
X-Force (VI) #25.CV2 (2022/01)Thunderbird (James Proudstar)
X-Men (VI) #5.CV2 (2022/01)
Marvel's Voices: Heritage #1.CV5 (2022/03)

Native American Heritage Tribute Variant Cover (2020-2021)

In celebration of National Native American Heritage Month

The Amazing Spider-Man (VIII) #52.CV3 (2021/01)Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Avengers (X) #38.CV3 (2021/01)Black Panther (T'Challa)
Captain America (XI) #25.CV4 (2021/01)Captain America (Steven Rogers)
Immortal Hulk #40.CV3 (2021/01)Hulk (Robert Banner)
Iron Man (XI) #3.CV2 (2021/01)Iron Man (Anthony Stark)
Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices #1.CV2 (2021/01)Danielle Moonstar (I)
Thor (X) #9.CV4 (2021/01)Thor (Thor Odinson)
Widowmakers: Red Guardian and Yelena Belova #1.CV5 (2021/01)Black Widow (Natalia Romanova)
Marvel Previews (V) #3.FT10 (2020/10)

The Nativity (2018)

1/2Venom (IV) #164.1 (2018/06)
...® Venom TPB (II) #4.2 (2018/10)
2/2Venom (IV) #165.1 (2018/06)
...® Venom TPB (II) #4.3 (2018/10)

Natural Resources (2013)

1/4Ultimate Comics X-Men #24.1 (2013/05)
...® Ultimate Comics X-Men TPB By Brian Wood #2.1 (2013/11)
2/4Ultimate Comics X-Men #25.1 (2013/06)
...® Ultimate Comics X-Men TPB By Brian Wood #2.2 (2013/11)
3/4Ultimate Comics X-Men #26.1 (2013/07)
...® Ultimate Comics X-Men TPB By Brian Wood #2.3 (2013/11)
4/4Ultimate Comics X-Men #27.1 (2013/08)
...® Ultimate Comics X-Men TPB By Brian Wood #2.4 (2013/11)
AftermathUltimate Comics X-Men #28.1 (2013/08)
...® Ultimate Comics X-Men TPB By Brian Wood #2.5 (2013/11)

Nature of the Beast (1993)

1/4Codename: Genetix (Marvel UK) #1.1 (1993/01)
2/4Codename: Genetix (Marvel UK) #2.1 (1993/03)
3/4Codename: Genetix (Marvel UK) #3.1 (1993/04)
4/4Codename: Genetix (Marvel UK) #4.1 (1993/05)

Nebraska (2024)

1/2Doctor Strange (VIII) #9.1 (2024/01)
...® Doctor Strange TPB By Jed MacKay #2.5 (2024/03)
2/2Doctor Strange (VIII) #10.1 (2024/02)
...® Doctor Strange TPB By Jed MacKay #2.6 (2024/03)

Necrosha (2009-2010)

PreludeX-Necrosha: The Gathering #1.1 (2010/02)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.3 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.3 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.1 (2012/04)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.11 (2014/10)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.19 (2020/07)
...X-Necrosha: The Gathering #1.2 (2010/02)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.4 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.4 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.2 (2012/04)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.20 (2020/07)
...X-Necrosha: The Gathering #1.3 (2010/02)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.5 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.5 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.3 (2012/04)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.21 (2020/07)
...X-Necrosha: The Gathering #1.4 (2010/02)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.6 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.6 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.4 (2012/04)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.22 (2020/07)
...X-Necrosha: The Gathering #1.5 (2010/02)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.7 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.7 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.5 (2012/04)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.23 (2020/07)
1/6X-Necrosha #1.1 (2009/12)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.8 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.8 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.6 (2012/04)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.15 (2014/10)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.16 (2020/07)
2/6X-Force (III) #21.1 (2010/01)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.11 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.11 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.7 (2012/04)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.5 (2014/10)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.3 (2020/07)
3/6X-Force (III) #22.1 (2010/02)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.12 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.12 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.8 (2012/04)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.6 (2014/10)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.4 (2020/07)
4/6X-Force (III) #23.1 (2010/03)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.13 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.13 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.9 (2012/04)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.8 (2014/10)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.6 (2020/07)
5/6X-Force (III) #24.1 (2010/04)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.14 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.14 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.10 (2012/04)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.9 (2014/10)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.7 (2020/07)
6/6X-Force (III) #25.1 (2010/05)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.15 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.15 (2011/02)
...® X-Force TPB: Necrosha #1.11 (2012/04)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.10 (2014/10)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.8 (2020/07)
AftermathDazzler (II) #1.1 (2010/07)
...® Mighty Marvel: Women of Marvel TPB #1.19 (2011/03)
...® X-Women TPB #1.4 (2013/03)
...Dazzler (II) #1.2 (2010/07)
...® Mighty Marvel: Women of Marvel TPB #1.20 (2011/03)
...® X-Women TPB #1.5 (2013/03)
Tie-inX-Men Legacy (I) #231.1 (2010/02)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.19 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.19 (2011/02)
...® X-Men: Legacy TPB: Necrosha #1.2 (2012/04)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.12 (2020/07)
...X-Men Legacy (I) #232.1 (2010/03)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.20 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.20 (2011/02)
...® X-Men: Legacy TPB: Necrosha #1.3 (2012/04)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.13 (2020/07)
...X-Men Legacy (I) #233.1 (2010/04)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.21 (2010/08)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.21 (2011/02)
...® X-Men: Legacy TPB: Necrosha #1.4 (2012/04)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.14 (2020/07)

Necrosha: New Mutants (2009-2010)

1/3New Mutants (III) #6.1 (2009/12)
...® New Mutants Premiere (HC): Necrosha #1.2 (2010/06)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.16 (2010/08)
...® New Mutants TPB (I) #2.2 (2010/11)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.16 (2011/02)
...® New Mutants TPB By Zeb Wells: The Complete Collection #1.6 (2018/05)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.9 (2020/07)
2/3New Mutants (III) #7.1 (2010/01)
...® New Mutants Premiere (HC): Necrosha #1.3 (2010/06)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.17 (2010/08)
...® New Mutants TPB (I) #2.3 (2010/11)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.17 (2011/02)
...® New Mutants TPB By Zeb Wells: The Complete Collection #1.7 (2018/05)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.10 (2020/07)
3/3New Mutants (III) #8.1 (2010/02)
...® New Mutants Premiere (HC): Necrosha #1.4 (2010/06)
...® X-Necrosha (HC) #1.18 (2010/08)
...® New Mutants TPB (I) #2.4 (2010/11)
...® X-Necrosha TPB #1.18 (2011/02)
...® New Mutants TPB By Zeb Wells: The Complete Collection #1.8 (2018/05)
...® X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha #1.11 (2020/07)

The Nefaria Protocols (2000)

1/6Thunderbolts (I) #42.1 (2000/09)
...® Avengers/Thunderbolts TPB #1.2 (2004/05)
...® Avengers (HC): Avengers Assemble #3.15 (2006/09)
...® Avengers TPB: Avengers Assemble #3.14 (2012/07)
...® Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Kurt Busiek and George Pérez #2.9 (2016/01)
...® Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts TPB #2.9 (2016/08)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC) #2.13 (2022/04)
2/6Avengers (III) #32.1 (2000/09)
...® Avengers/Thunderbolts TPB #1.3 (2004/05)
...® Avengers (HC): Avengers Assemble #3.16 (2006/09)
...® Avengers TPB: Avengers Assemble #3.15 (2012/07)
...® Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Kurt Busiek and George Pérez #2.10 (2016/01)
...® Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts TPB #2.19 (2016/08)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC) #2.38 (2022/04)
3/6Thunderbolts (I) #43.1 (2000/10)
...® Avengers/Thunderbolts TPB #1.4 (2004/05)
...® Avengers (HC): Avengers Assemble #3.17 (2006/09)
...® Avengers TPB: Avengers Assemble #3.16 (2012/07)
...® Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Kurt Busiek and George Pérez #2.11 (2016/01)
...® Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts TPB #2.10 (2016/08)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC) #2.14 (2022/04)
4/6Avengers (III) #33.1 (2000/10)
...® Avengers/Thunderbolts TPB #1.5 (2004/05)
...® Avengers (HC): Avengers Assemble #3.18 (2006/09)
...® Avengers TPB: Avengers Assemble #3.17 (2012/07)
...® Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Kurt Busiek and George Pérez #2.12 (2016/01)
...® Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts TPB #2.20 (2016/08)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC) #2.39 (2022/04)
5/6Thunderbolts (I) #44.1 (2000/11)
...® Avengers/Thunderbolts TPB #1.6 (2004/05)
...® Avengers (HC): Avengers Assemble #3.19 (2006/09)
...® Avengers TPB: Avengers Assemble #3.18 (2012/07)
...® Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Kurt Busiek and George Pérez #2.13 (2016/01)
...® Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts TPB #2.11 (2016/08)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC) #2.15 (2022/04)
6/6Avengers (III) #34.1 (2000/11)
...® Avengers/Thunderbolts TPB #1.7 (2004/05)
...® Avengers (HC): Avengers Assemble #3.20 (2006/09)
...® Avengers TPB: Avengers Assemble #3.19 (2012/07)
...® Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Kurt Busiek and George Pérez #2.14 (2016/01)
...® Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts TPB #2.21 (2016/08)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC) #2.40 (2022/04)

Negative Exposure (2018-2019)

1/6Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure (Marvel Digital Original) #1.1 (2018/12)
...® Cloak and Dagger MPGN TPB: Negative Exposure #1.1 (2019/05)
2/6Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure (Marvel Digital Original) #1.2 (2018/12)
...® Cloak and Dagger MPGN TPB: Negative Exposure #1.2 (2019/05)
3/6Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure (Marvel Digital Original) #2.1 (2019/01)
...® Cloak and Dagger MPGN TPB: Negative Exposure #1.3 (2019/05)
4/6Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure (Marvel Digital Original) #2.2 (2019/01)
...® Cloak and Dagger MPGN TPB: Negative Exposure #1.4 (2019/05)
5/6Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure (Marvel Digital Original) #3.1 (2019/02)
...® Cloak and Dagger MPGN TPB: Negative Exposure #1.5 (2019/05)
6/6Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure (Marvel Digital Original) #3.2 (2019/02)
...® Cloak and Dagger MPGN TPB: Negative Exposure #1.6 (2019/05)

Negative Space (2021)

1/2The Amazing Spider-Man (VIII) #58.1 (2021/03)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB By Nick Spencer #12.3 (2021/06)
...® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Nick Spencer #2.23 (2024/02)
2/2The Amazing Spider-Man (VIII) #59.1 (2021/04)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB By Nick Spencer #12.4 (2021/06)
...® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Nick Spencer #2.24 (2024/02)

Negative Space Variant Cover (2019-2025)

Strikeforce #1.CV9 (2019/11)
X-Men (VI) #1.CV16 (2021/09)
Avengers (XI) #1.CV11 (2023/07)
Ultimate Invasion #1.CV3 (2023/08)
Blade (V) #1.CV8 (2023/09)
Moon Knight (IX) #25.CV10 (2023/09)
The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #31.CV8 (2023/10)
Silver Surfer Rebirth: Legacy #1.CV6 (2023/11)
Captain Marvel (XIII) #1.CV3 (2023/12)
Spider-Boy (II) #1.CV2 (2024/01)
Spider-Gwen: Smash #1.CV6 (2024/02)
Resurrection of Magneto #1.CV5 (2024/03)
Kid Venom #1.CV8 (2024/06)
Kid Venom #1.CV7 (2024/06)
The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #50.CV4 (2024/07)
Blood Hunt #1.CV4 (2024/07)
The Ultimates (VI) #1.CV8 (2024/08)
The Ultimates (VI) #1.CV10 (2024/08)
X-Men (VII) #1.CV2 (2024/09)
Uncanny X-Men (VII) #1.CV4 (2024/10)
Venom War #1.CV3 (2024/10)
Wolverine (IX) #1.CV9 (2024/11)
Iron Man (XIII) #1.CV7 (2024/12)
One World Under Doom #1.CV4 (2025/04)

The Negative Zone War (2018)

1/5X-Men: Gold (II) #16.1 (2018/01)
...® X-Men TPB: Gold #4.2 (2018/05)
2/5X-Men: Gold (II) #17.1 (2018/02)
...® X-Men TPB: Gold #4.3 (2018/05)
3/5X-Men: Gold (II) #18.1 (2018/02)
...® X-Men TPB: Gold #4.4 (2018/05)
4/5X-Men: Gold (II) #19.1 (2018/03)
...® X-Men TPB: Gold #4.5 (2018/05)
5/5X-Men: Gold (II) #20.1 (2018/03)
...® X-Men TPB: Gold #4.6 (2018/05)

Neighborhood (2011)

1/3Heroes for Hire (III) #6.1 (2011/07)
...® Fear Itself Premiere (HC): Heroes for Hire #1.1 (2012/04)
...® Fear Itself TPB: Heroes for Hire #1.1 (2013/01)
...® Heroes For Hire TPB By Abnett and Lanning: The Complete Collection #1.6 (2017/09)
2/3Heroes for Hire (III) #7.1 (2011/07)
...® Fear Itself Premiere (HC): Heroes for Hire #1.2 (2012/04)
...® Fear Itself TPB: Heroes for Hire #1.2 (2013/01)
...® Heroes For Hire TPB By Abnett and Lanning: The Complete Collection #1.7 (2017/09)
3/3Heroes for Hire (III) #8.1 (2011/08)
...® Fear Itself Premiere (HC): Heroes for Hire #1.3 (2012/04)
...® Fear Itself TPB: Heroes for Hire #1.3 (2013/01)
...® Heroes For Hire TPB By Abnett and Lanning: The Complete Collection #1.8 (2017/09)

The Nemesis Contract (1998)

1/4Cable (I) #59.1 (1998/10)
...® Deathlok TPB: Rage Against the Machine #1.1 (2015/04)
...® Cable TPB: The Nemesis Contract #1.1 (2018/02)
2/4Cable (I) #60.1 (1998/11)
...® Deathlok TPB: Rage Against the Machine #1.2 (2015/04)
...® Cable TPB: The Nemesis Contract #1.2 (2018/02)
3/4Cable (I) #61.1 (1998/11)
...® Deathlok TPB: Rage Against the Machine #1.3 (2015/04)
...® Cable TPB: The Nemesis Contract #1.3 (2018/02)
4/4Cable (I) #62.1 (1998/12)
...® Deathlok TPB: Rage Against the Machine #1.4 (2015/04)
...® Cable TPB: The Nemesis Contract #1.4 (2018/02)

Neptune's Eye (1990)

1/3Marvel Comics Presents (I) #57.3 (1990/08)
2/3Marvel Comics Presents (I) #58.3 (1990/09)
3/3Marvel Comics Presents (I) #59.3 (1990/09)

NetEase Games Marvel Rivals Variant Cover (2025)

All-New Venom #2.CV8 (2025/03)
The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #65.CV6 (2025/03)
Fantastic Four (XI) #28.CV6 (2025/03)
Magik (III) #1.CV10 (2025/03)
Storm (V) #4.CV6 (2025/03)

NetEase Games Variant Cover (2021-2023)

Black Cat (III) #9.CV4 (2021/10)
Black Widow (IX) #10.CV3 (2021/10)
Daredevil (VIII) #33.CV2 (2021/10)
Guardians of the Galaxy (VII) #17.CV2 (2021/10)
Iron Man (XI) #11.CV2 (2021/10)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (I) #29.CV2 (2021/10)
Moon Knight (IX) #2.CV5 (2021/10)
Silk (III) #5.CV3 (2021/10)
Spider-Woman (VII) #14.CV2 (2021/10)
Thor (X) #16.CV3 (2021/10)
Fantastic Four (IX) #35.CV7 (2021/11)
The Mighty Valkyries #5.CV3 (2021/11)
Black Panther (IX) #1.CV4 (2022/01)
All-Out Avengers #2.CV4 (2022/12)
Ant-Man (IV) #4.CV2 (2022/12)
Avengers: Forever (II) #10.CV3 (2022/12)
Black Panther (IX) #10.CV3 (2022/12)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (II) #5.CV3 (2022/12)
Captain America: Symbol of Truth #6.CV3 (2022/12)
Defenders: Beyond #4.CV2 (2022/12)
Gambit (VI) #4.CV2 (2022/12)
Jane Foster and the Mighty Thor #5.CV3 (2022/12)
Marauders (II) #7.CV3 (2022/12)
Midnight Suns #2.CV3 (2022/12)
Moon Knight (IX) #16.CV3 (2022/12)
Namor: Conquered Shores #1.CV5 (2022/12)
New Fantastic Four #5.CV2 (2022/12)
Savage Avengers (II) #6.CV3 (2022/12)
Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings #4.CV3 (2022/12)
Strange Academy: Finals #1.CV4 (2022/12)
Wakanda #1.CV5 (2022/12)
Wolverine (VIII) #26.CV3 (2022/12)
X-Force (VI) #33.CV3 (2022/12)
X-Men (VI) #16.CV3 (2022/12)
Defenders: Beyond #5.CV2 (2023/01)
She-Hulk (V) #8.CV3 (2023/01)
X-Men Red (II) #8.CV2 (2023/01)
Strange (III) #10.CV4 (2023/03)
Wasp (I) #1.CV6 (2023/03)

Netmarble Variant Cover (2019-2020)

Future Fight Firsts: Luna Snow #1.CV2 (2019/12)
Future Fight Firsts: White Fox #1.CV4 (2019/12)
Future Fight Firsts: Crescent and Io #1.CV5 (2020/01)

Neverland Blues (1994-1995)

1/3Hardcase (Malibu Comics) #16.3 (1994/10)
3/3Freex (Malibu Comics) #15.2 (1995/01)

[New Avengers] (2005)

Name of story arc taken from and the TPB.

1/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #519.1 (2005/06)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB (I) #10.1 (2006/01)
...® The Best of Spider-Man (HC) #5.5 (2006/08)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB: J. Michael Straczynski Ultimate Collection #4.1 (2010/09)
...® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By J. Michael Straczynski #2.5 (2020/05)
2/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #520.1 (2005/07)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB (I) #10.2 (2006/01)
...® The Best of Spider-Man (HC) #5.6 (2006/08)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB: J. Michael Straczynski Ultimate Collection #4.2 (2010/09)
...® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By J. Michael Straczynski #2.6 (2020/05)
3/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #521.1 (2005/08)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB (I) #10.3 (2006/01)
...® The Best of Spider-Man (HC) #5.7 (2006/08)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB: J. Michael Straczynski Ultimate Collection #4.3 (2010/09)
...® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By J. Michael Straczynski #2.7 (2020/05)
4/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #522.1 (2005/09)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB (I) #10.4 (2006/01)
...® The Best of Spider-Man (HC) #5.8 (2006/08)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB: J. Michael Straczynski Ultimate Collection #4.4 (2010/09)
...® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By J. Michael Straczynski #2.8 (2020/05)
5/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #523.1 (2005/10)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB (I) #10.5 (2006/01)
...® The Best of Spider-Man (HC) #5.9 (2006/08)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB: J. Michael Straczynski Ultimate Collection #4.5 (2010/09)
...® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By J. Michael Straczynski #2.9 (2020/05)
6/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #524.1 (2005/11)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB (I) #10.6 (2006/01)
...® The Best of Spider-Man (HC) #5.10 (2006/08)
...® Amazing Spider-Man TPB: J. Michael Straczynski Ultimate Collection #4.6 (2010/09)
...® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By J. Michael Straczynski #2.10 (2020/05)
Tie-inToxin #2.1 (2005/07)
...® Toxin TPB: The Devil You Know #1.2 (2006/01)
...® Carnage Epic Collection TPB #3.11 (2024/03)
...Toxin #3.1 (2005/08)
...® Toxin TPB: The Devil You Know #1.3 (2006/01)
...® Carnage Epic Collection TPB #3.12 (2024/03)
...Toxin #4.1 (2005/09)
...® Toxin TPB: The Devil You Know #1.4 (2006/01)
...® Carnage Epic Collection TPB #3.13 (2024/03)
...Toxin #6.1 (2005/11)
...® Toxin TPB: The Devil You Know #1.6 (2006/01)
...® Carnage Epic Collection TPB #3.15 (2024/03)

New Avengers: Disassembled (2006)

1/5The New Avengers (I) #21.1 (2006/08)
...® Marvel Heroes (Flip Magazine) #21.1 (2007/03)
...® New Avengers Premiere (HC) (I) #5.1 (2007/04)
...® New Avengers TPB (I) #5.1 (2007/10)
...® New Avengers (HC) #3.1 (2009/03)
...® Civil War (HC): Avengers #1.2 (2010/10)
...® Civil War TPB: Avengers #1.2 (2010/10)
...® New Avengers Omnibus (HC) #1.40 (2012/08)
...® Civil War Premiere (HC): Avengers #1.1 (2016/01)
...® Civil War TPB: New Avengers #1.1 (2016/05)
...® New Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #2.12 (2017/03)
...® New Avengers Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #2.12 (2025/01)
2/5The New Avengers (I) #22.1 (2006/09)
...® Marvel Heroes (Flip Magazine) #22.1 (2007/04)
...® New Avengers Premiere (HC) (I) #5.2 (2007/04)
...® New Avengers TPB (I) #5.2 (2007/10)
...® New Avengers (HC) #3.2 (2009/03)
...® Brian Michael Bendis: 10 Years at Marvel TPB #1.2 (2010/02)
...® Civil War (HC): Avengers #1.3 (2010/10)
...® Civil War TPB: Avengers #1.3 (2010/10)
...® New Avengers Omnibus (HC) #1.41 (2012/08)
...® Civil War Premiere (HC): Avengers #1.2 (2016/01)
...® Civil War TPB: New Avengers #1.2 (2016/05)
...® Luke Cage TPB: Avenger #1.2 (2016/08)
...® New Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #2.13 (2017/03)
...® New Avengers Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #2.13 (2025/01)
3/5The New Avengers (I) #23.1 (2006/10)
...® New Avengers Premiere (HC) (I) #5.3 (2007/04)
...® Marvel Heroes (Flip Magazine) #23.1 (2007/05)
...® New Avengers TPB (I) #5.3 (2007/10)
...® New Avengers (HC) #3.3 (2009/03)
...® Civil War (HC): Avengers #1.4 (2010/10)
...® Civil War TPB: Avengers #1.4 (2010/10)
...® New Avengers Omnibus (HC) #1.42 (2012/08)
...® Civil War Premiere (HC): Avengers #1.3 (2016/01)
...® Civil War TPB: New Avengers #1.3 (2016/05)
...® New Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #2.14 (2017/03)
...® New Avengers Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #2.14 (2025/01)
4/5The New Avengers (I) #24.1 (2006/11)
...® New Avengers Premiere (HC) (I) #5.4 (2007/04)
...® Marvel Heroes (Flip Magazine) #24.1 (2007/06)
...® New Avengers TPB (I) #5.4 (2007/10)
...® New Avengers (HC) #3.4 (2009/03)
...® Civil War (HC): Avengers #1.5 (2010/10)
...® Civil War TPB: Avengers #1.5 (2010/10)
...® New Avengers Omnibus (HC) #1.43 (2012/08)
...® Civil War Premiere (HC): Avengers #1.4 (2016/01)
...® Civil War TPB: New Avengers #1.4 (2016/05)
...® New Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #2.15 (2017/03)
...® New Avengers Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #2.15 (2025/01)
5/5The New Avengers (I) #25.1 (2006/12)
...® New Avengers Premiere (HC) (I) #5.5 (2007/04)
...® Marvel Heroes (Flip Magazine) #25.1 (2007/07)
...® New Avengers TPB (I) #5.5 (2007/10)
...® New Avengers (HC) #3.5 (2009/03)
...® Civil War (HC): Avengers #1.6 (2010/10)
...® Civil War TPB: Avengers #1.6 (2010/10)
...® New Avengers Omnibus (HC) #1.44 (2012/08)
...® Civil War Premiere (HC): Avengers #1.5 (2016/01)
...® Civil War TPB: New Avengers #1.5 (2016/05)
...® New Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #2.16 (2017/03)
...® New Avengers Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #2.16 (2025/01)

New Avengers Interlocking Cover (2005)

The New Avengers (I) #1.CV3 (2005/01)Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
The New Avengers (I) #2.CV2 (2005/02)Sentry (Robert Reynolds)
The New Avengers (I) #3.CV2 (2005/03)Wolverine (James Howlett)
The New Avengers (I) #4.CV2 (2005/04)Ronin (Clinton Barton)
The New Avengers (I) #5.CV2 (2005/05)Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Lucas Cage (I)
The New Avengers (I) #6.CV2 (2005/06)Iron Man (Anthony Stark), Captain America (Steven Rogers)

New Avengers no.1 Homage Cover (2005-2025)

Inspired by the cover of The New Avengers (I) #1 by David Finch / Danny K. Miki / Frank G. D'Armata.

G.L.A. #1.CV1 (2005/06)
Uncanny X-Force (I) #16.CV2 (2011/12)
Avengers (VI) #36.CV2 (2014/12)
The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #25.CV7 (2023/07)
The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #25.CV8 (2023/07)
Avengers: Beyond #3.CV3 (2023/07)
West Coast Avengers (IV) #1.CV7 (2025/01)

New Beginnings (2004)

1Epic Anthology (II) #1.1 (2004/04)

New Blood, New World (2022)

1/5The X-Cellent (I) #1.1 (2022/04)
...® The X-Cellent TPB #1.2 (2022/10)
2/5The X-Cellent (I) #2.1 (2022/05)
...® The X-Cellent TPB #1.3 (2022/10)
3/5The X-Cellent (I) #3.1 (2022/07)
...® The X-Cellent TPB #1.4 (2022/10)
4/5The X-Cellent (I) #4.1 (2022/07)
...® The X-Cellent TPB #1.5 (2022/10)
5/5The X-Cellent (I) #5.1 (2022/09)
...® The X-Cellent TPB #1.6 (2022/10)

New Champions Variant Cover (2023)

The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #36.CV2 (2023/12)
Avengers (XI) #6.CV3 (2023/12)
Black Panther (X) #5.CV2 (2023/12)
Blade (V) #4.CV4 (2023/12)
Captain America (XV) #2.CV5 (2023/12)
Captain Marvel (XIII) #1.CV4 (2023/12)
Deadpool: Badder Blood #5.CV3 (2023/12)
Doctor Strange (VIII) #8.CV3 (2023/12)
Fantastic Four (XI) #12.CV4 (2023/12)
Ghost Rider (IX) #19.CV2 (2023/12)
Guardians of the Galaxy (VIII) #7.CV2 (2023/12)
Immortal Thor #3.CV3 (2023/12)
The Incredible Hulk (VII) #5.CV2 (2023/12)
Iron Man (XII) #11.CV5 (2023/12)
Magneto (IV) #3.CV2 (2023/12)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (II) #11.CV2 (2023/12)
Moon Knight (IX) #28.CV3 (2023/12)
Scarlet Witch (III) #9.CV2 (2023/12)
The Sensational She-Hulk (II) #1.CV9 (2023/12)
Venom (VI) #26.CV2 (2023/12)
Wolverine (VIII) #38.CV2 (2023/12)
X-Men (VI) #27.CV3 (2023/12)

New Character Variant Cover (2019)

Powers of X (I) #1.CV5 (2019/09)
Powers of X (I) #2.CV3 (2019/10)
Powers of X (I) #3.CV3 (2019/10)
Powers of X (I) #4.CV2 (2019/11)
Powers of X (I) #5.CV2 (2019/11)
Powers of X (I) #6.CV3 (2019/12)

The New Exiles (2006)

1/2Exiles (I) #85.1 (2006/10)
...® Exiles TPB (I) #14.2 (2007/04)
...® Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection #5.11 (2010/10)
2/2Exiles (I) #86.1 (2006/11)
...® Exiles TPB (I) #14.3 (2007/04)
...® Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection #5.12 (2010/10)

The New Face of War (2003)

1/2Star Wars: Republic (Dark Horse Comics) #51.1 (2003/03)
...® Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Clone Wars #1.5 (2017/02)
2/2Star Wars: Republic (Dark Horse Comics) #52.1 (2003/04)
...® Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Clone Wars #1.6 (2017/02)

A New Game of Death (1995)

1/3Freex (Malibu Comics) #15.3 (1995/01)
2/3The Solution (Malibu Comics) #16.5 (1995/01)
3/3The Night Man (I) (Malibu Comics) #16.5 (1995/01)

The New History of Arakko (2023)

X-Men: Before the Fall - Heralds of Apocalypse #1.FT1 (2023/08)
X-Men: Before the Fall - Heralds of Apocalypse #1.FT2 (2023/08)
X-Men Red (II) #12.FT2 (2023/08)
X-Men Red (II) #13.FT1 (2023/09)
X-Men Red (II) #13.FT2 (2023/09)
X-Men Red (II) #15.FT2 (2023/11)
X-Men Red (II) #16.FT1 (2023/12)
X-Men Red (II) #16.FT2 (2023/12)

A New Hope 45th Anniversary Variant Cover (2022)

Star Wars (VI) #28.CV3 (2022/12)
Star Wars: Darth Vader (III) #28.CV3 (2022/12)
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (II) #25.CV3 (2022/12)

The New Kid (2007)

1/2Spider-Man and Power Pack #1.1 (2007/01)
...® Spider-Man and Power Pack TPB Digest: Big-City Super Heroes #1.1 (2007/07)
...® Spider-Man Magazine (III) #1.3 (2008/08)
2/2Spider-Man and Power Pack #2.1 (2007/02)
...® Spider-Man and Power Pack TPB Digest: Big-City Super Heroes #1.2 (2007/07)

New Kids on the Block (2024)

1Spider-Woman (VIII) #7.1 (2024/07)
...® Spider-Woman TPB By Steve Foxe #2.2 (2024/12)
2Spider-Woman (VIII) #8.1 (2024/08)
...® Spider-Woman TPB By Steve Foxe #2.3 (2024/12)

The New Labors of Hercules (2005)

1/5Hercules (III) #1.1 (2005/06)
...® Hercules TPB: New Labors of Hercules #1.1 (2005/12)
2/5Hercules (III) #2.1 (2005/07)
...® Hercules TPB: New Labors of Hercules #1.2 (2005/12)
3/5Hercules (III) #3.1 (2005/08)
...® Hercules TPB: New Labors of Hercules #1.3 (2005/12)
4/5Hercules (III) #4.1 (2005/09)
...® Hercules TPB: New Labors of Hercules #1.4 (2005/12)
5/5Hercules (III) #5.1 (2005/09)
...® Hercules TPB: New Labors of Hercules #1.5 (2005/12)

A New Midian (1993)

1/2Clive Barker's Night Breed #24.1 (1993/02)
2/2Clive Barker's Night Breed #25.1 (1993/03)

New Mutants (2004)

1/6Ultimate X-Men (I) #40.1 (2004/02)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) #8.1 (2004/10)
...® Ultimate X-Men (HC) #4.7 (2005/04)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection #4.7 (2009/11)
...® Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) #2.7 (2023/12)
2/6Ultimate X-Men (I) #41.1 (2004/03)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) #8.2 (2004/10)
...® Ultimate X-Men (HC) #4.8 (2005/04)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection #4.8 (2009/11)
...® Brian Michael Bendis: 10 Years at Marvel TPB #1.29 (2010/02)
...® Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) #2.8 (2023/12)
3/6Ultimate X-Men (I) #42.1 (2004/04)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) #8.3 (2004/10)
...® Ultimate X-Men (HC) #4.9 (2005/04)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection #4.9 (2009/11)
...® Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) #2.9 (2023/12)
4/6Ultimate X-Men (I) #43.1 (2004/05)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) #8.4 (2004/10)
...® Ultimate X-Men (HC) #4.10 (2005/04)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection #4.10 (2009/11)
...® Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) #2.10 (2023/12)
5/6Ultimate X-Men (I) #44.1 (2004/06)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) #8.5 (2004/10)
...® Ultimate X-Men (HC) #4.11 (2005/04)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection #4.11 (2009/11)
...® Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) #2.11 (2023/12)
6/6Ultimate X-Men (I) #45.1 (2004/07)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB (I) #8.6 (2004/10)
...® Ultimate X-Men (HC) #4.12 (2005/04)
...® Ultimate X-Men TPB: Ultimate Collection #4.12 (2009/11)
...® Ultimate X-Men Omnibus (HC) #2.12 (2023/12)

New Mutants no.1 Homage Cover (2017)

Inspired by the cover of The New Mutants (I) #1 by Robert McLeod.

Gamora #1.CV6 (2017/02)

New Mutants no.87 Homage Cover (2012-2017)

Inspired by the cover of The New Mutants (I) #87 by Robert Liefeld / Todd McFarlane.

The Punisher (IX) #5.CV2 (2012/01)
Guardians of the Galaxy (IV) #15.CV4 (2017/02)
Cable (IV) #150.CV2 (2017/12)

New Mutants no.98 Homage Cover (2018-2025)

Inspired by the cover of The New Mutants (I) #98 by Rob Liefeld

Deadpool (VI) #1.CV10 (2018/08)
X-Men Legends (I) #11.CV2 (2022/04)
New Mutants Lethal Legion #2.CV2 (2023/06)
Dead X-Men #1.CV4 (2024/03)
Deadpool (IX) #10.CV2 (2025/03)

New Mutants Variant Cover (2018)

All-New Wolverine #32.CV2 (2018/05)Rictor (Julio Richter)
Avengers (IX) #685.CV2 (2018/05)Magma (Amara Aquilla)
Cable (IV) #155.CV3 (2018/05)Cannonball (Samuel Guthrie)
Despicable Deadpool #296.CV3 (2018/05)Warlock (II)
Doctor Strange: Damnation #3.CV3 (2018/05)Magik (Illyana Rasputina)
Old Man Logan (II) #36.CV2 (2018/05)Cypher (Douglas Ramsey)
Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (III) #301.CV2 (2018/05)Karma (Xuân Manh)
X-Men: Blue #23.CV2 (2018/05)Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair)
X-Men: Gold (II) #23.CV2 (2018/05)Danielle Moonstar (I)
X-Men Red (I) #2.CV3 (2018/05)Cypher (Douglas Ramsey) / Warlock (II)

New Order (1993)

1Protectors (Malibu Comics) #15.1 (1993/11)

New Sheriff in Town (2004)

1Epic Anthology (II) #1.3 (2004/04)

The New Sinister Six (2017)

1/2Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man vs. the Sinister Six #10.1 (2017/08)
...® Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man vs. the Sinister Six Digest TPB #3.2 (2017/08)
2/2Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man vs. the Sinister Six #11.1 (2017/09)

New Spider-Man Interlocking Cover (1996)

The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #408.CV2 (1996/02)
Spectacular Spider-Man (I) #231.CV2 (1996/02)
The Sensational Spider-Man (I) #1.CV2 (1996/02)
Spider-Man (I) #65.CV2 (1996/02)

New Warriors Solo (1994)

1/4Marvel Comics Presents (I) #155.2 (1994/05)
...® The New Warriors Classic Omnibus (HC) #3.33 (2024/03)
2/4Marvel Comics Presents (I) #156.3 (1994/06)
...® The New Warriors Classic Omnibus (HC) #3.34 (2024/03)
3/4Marvel Comics Presents (I) #157.4 (1994/06)
...® The New Warriors Classic Omnibus (HC) #3.35 (2024/03)
4/4Marvel Comics Presents (I) #158.4 (1994/07)
...® Marvel Omnibus (HC): Firsts - The 1990s #1.45 (2015/10)
...® The New Warriors Classic Omnibus (HC) #3.36 (2024/03)

New Ways to Die (2008)

1/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #568.1 (2008/10)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): New Ways to Die #1.1 (2009/03)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Die #1.1 (2009/08)
...® Spider-Man: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #7.1 (2011/12)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection #2.4 (2016/08)
...® Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Brand New Day #1.27 (2024/05)
2/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #569.1 (2008/10)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): New Ways to Die #1.3 (2009/03)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Die #1.3 (2009/08)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection #2.6 (2016/08)
...® Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Brand New Day #1.29 (2024/05)
3/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #570.1 (2008/11)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): New Ways to Die #1.4 (2009/03)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Die #1.4 (2009/08)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection #2.7 (2016/08)
...® Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Brand New Day #1.30 (2024/05)
4/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #571.1 (2008/11)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): New Ways to Die #1.5 (2009/03)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Die #1.5 (2009/08)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection #2.8 (2016/08)
...® Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Brand New Day #1.31 (2024/05)
5/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #572.1 (2008/11)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): New Ways to Die #1.6 (2009/03)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Die #1.6 (2009/08)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection #2.9 (2016/08)
...® Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Brand New Day #1.32 (2024/05)
6/6The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #573.1 (2008/12)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): New Ways to Die #1.7 (2009/03)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Die #1.7 (2009/08)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection #2.10 (2016/08)
...® Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Brand New Day #1.33 (2024/05)

New Ways to Live (2009-2010)

1/3Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Anti-Venom - New Ways to Live #1.1 (2009/11)
...® Spider-Man: Anti-Venom TPB #1.2 (2010/04)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Live #1.15 (2019/05)
2/3Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Anti-Venom - New Ways to Live #2.1 (2009/12)
...® Spider-Man: Anti-Venom TPB #1.3 (2010/04)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Live #1.16 (2019/05)
3/3Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Anti-Venom - New Ways to Live #3.1 (2010/02)
...® Spider-Man: Anti-Venom TPB #1.4 (2010/04)
...® Spider-Man TPB: New Ways to Live #1.17 (2019/05)

The New World (2020-2021)

1/5Captain Marvel (XII) #22.1 (2020/12)
...® Captain Marvel TPB (V) #5.1 (2021/05)
...® Captain Marvel Omnibus (HC) By Kelly Thompson #1.23 (2023/02)
2/5Captain Marvel (XII) #23.1 (2021/01)
...® Captain Marvel TPB (V) #5.2 (2021/05)
...® Captain Marvel Omnibus (HC) By Kelly Thompson #1.24 (2023/02)
3/5Captain Marvel (XII) #24.1 (2021/02)
...® Captain Marvel TPB (V) #5.3 (2021/05)
...® Captain Marvel Omnibus (HC) By Kelly Thompson #1.25 (2023/02)
4/5Captain Marvel (XII) #25.1 (2021/03)
...® Captain Marvel TPB (V) #5.4 (2021/05)
...® Captain Marvel Omnibus (HC) By Kelly Thompson #1.26 (2023/02)
5/5Captain Marvel (XII) #26.1 (2021/04)
...® Captain Marvel TPB (V) #5.5 (2021/05)
...® Captain Marvel Omnibus (HC) By Kelly Thompson #1.27 (2023/02)

The New World According to Peter Parker (2009-2010)

1/6Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (I) #1.1 (2009/10)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Black and White #1.1 (2009/10)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Premiere (HC) #1.1 (2010/05)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man TPB #1.1 (2010/09)
...® Spider-Man: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #1.3 (2011/06)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man (HC) #12.1 (2012/07)
...® Spider-Man GN-TPB: Spider-Verse - Miles Morales #1.1 (2019/01)
...® How to Read Comics the Marvel Way GN-TPB #1.5 (2022/11)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #4.26 (2024/06)
2/6Ultimate Spider-Man (II) #2.1 (2009/11)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Premiere (HC) #1.2 (2010/05)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man TPB #1.2 (2010/09)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man (HC) #12.2 (2012/07)
...® Spider-Man GN-TPB: Spider-Verse - Miles Morales #1.2 (2019/01)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #4.27 (2024/06)
3/6Ultimate Spider-Man (II) #3.1 (2009/12)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Premiere (HC) #1.3 (2010/05)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man TPB #1.3 (2010/09)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man (HC) #12.3 (2012/07)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #4.28 (2024/06)
4/6Ultimate Spider-Man (II) #4.1 (2010/01)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Premiere (HC) #1.4 (2010/05)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man TPB #1.4 (2010/09)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man (HC) #12.4 (2012/07)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #4.29 (2024/06)
5/6Ultimate Spider-Man (II) #5.1 (2010/02)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Premiere (HC) #1.5 (2010/05)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man TPB #1.5 (2010/09)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man (HC) #12.5 (2012/07)
...® Spider-Man GN-TPB: Spider-Verse - Miles Morales #1.3 (2019/01)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #4.30 (2024/06)
6/6Ultimate Spider-Man (II) #6.1 (2010/03)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Premiere (HC) #1.6 (2010/05)
...® Ultimate Comics Spider-Man TPB #1.6 (2010/09)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man (HC) #12.6 (2012/07)
...® Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #4.31 (2024/06)

New World Disorder (2015)

1/3Avengers and X-Men: Axis #7.1 (2015/02)
...® Avengers and X-Men (HC): Axis #1.7 (2015/04)
...® Avengers and X-Men TPB: Axis #1.7 (2017/04)
2/3Avengers and X-Men: Axis #8.1 (2015/02)
...® Avengers and X-Men (HC): Axis #1.8 (2015/04)
...® Avengers and X-Men TPB: Axis #1.8 (2017/04)
3/3Avengers and X-Men: Axis #9.1 (2015/02)
...® Avengers and X-Men (HC): Axis #1.9 (2015/04)
...® Avengers and X-Men TPB: Axis #1.9 (2017/04)

New World Orders (2012)

1/4Captain America (VII) #15.1 (2012/09)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC) By Ed Brubaker #4.1 (2013/03)
...® Captain America TPB By Ed Brubaker #4.1 (2013/09)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): Return of the Winter Soldier #1.29 (2015/07)
2/4Captain America (VII) #16.1 (2012/10)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC) By Ed Brubaker #4.2 (2013/03)
...® Captain America TPB By Ed Brubaker #4.2 (2013/09)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): Return of the Winter Soldier #1.30 (2015/07)
3/4Captain America (VII) #17.1 (2012/11)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC) By Ed Brubaker #4.3 (2013/03)
...® Captain America TPB By Ed Brubaker #4.3 (2013/09)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): Return of the Winter Soldier #1.31 (2015/07)
4/4Captain America (VII) #18.1 (2012/12)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC) By Ed Brubaker #4.4 (2013/03)
...® Captain America TPB By Ed Brubaker #4.4 (2013/09)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): Return of the Winter Soldier #1.32 (2015/07)

New X-Men no.114 Homage Cover (2012-2024)

Inspired by the cover of New X-Men (I) #114 by Frank Quitely.

Secret Avengers (I) #19.CV2 (2012/01)
E is For Extinction #1.CV1 (2015/08)
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant (II) #4.CV3 (2024/01)

New X-Men no.28 Homage Cover (2024)

Inspired by the cover of X-Men (II) #28 by: Andy Kubert / Matthew Ryan.

Wolverine (VIII) #44.CV5 (2024/04)
Wolverine (VIII) #44.CV6 (2024/04)

The Newer Mutants (2017-2018)

1/5Cable (IV) #150.1 (2017/12)
...® Cable TPB (III) #2.1 (2018/05)
2/5Cable (IV) #151.1 (2018/01)
...® Cable TPB (III) #2.3 (2018/05)
3/5Cable (IV) #152.1 (2018/02)
...® Cable TPB (III) #2.4 (2018/05)
4/5Cable (IV) #153.1 (2018/03)
...® Cable TPB (III) #2.5 (2018/05)
5/5Cable (IV) #154.1 (2018/04)
...® Cable TPB (III) #2.6 (2018/05)

Next Avengers (2010)

1/6Avengers (V) #1.1 (2010/07)
...® Heroic Age TPB #1.43 (2011/01)
...® Avengers Premiere (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis #1.1 (2011/03)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis #1.1 (2011/03)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Am I an Avenger? #1.12 (2011/09)
...® Avengers Sampler #1.1 (2012/04)
...® Avengers (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age #1.1 (2012/05)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #1.7 (2017/10)
...® Avengers TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection #1.1 (2020/10)
2/6Avengers (V) #2.1 (2010/08)
...® Avengers Premiere (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis #1.2 (2011/03)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis #1.2 (2011/03)
...® Avengers (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age #1.2 (2012/05)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #1.8 (2017/10)
...® Avengers TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection #1.2 (2020/10)
3/6Avengers (V) #3.1 (2010/09)
...® Avengers Premiere (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis #1.3 (2011/03)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis #1.3 (2011/03)
...® Avengers (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age #1.3 (2012/05)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #1.9 (2017/10)
...® Avengers TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection #1.3 (2020/10)
4/6Avengers (V) #4.1 (2010/10)
...® Avengers Premiere (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis #1.4 (2011/03)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis #1.4 (2011/03)
...® Avengers (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age #1.4 (2012/05)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #1.10 (2017/10)
...® Avengers TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection #1.4 (2020/10)
5/6Avengers (V) #5.1 (2010/11)
...® Avengers Premiere (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis #1.5 (2011/03)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis #1.5 (2011/03)
...® Avengers (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age #1.5 (2012/05)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #1.11 (2017/10)
...® Avengers TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection #1.5 (2020/10)
6/6Avengers (V) #6.1 (2010/12)
...® Avengers Premiere (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis #1.6 (2011/03)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis #1.6 (2011/03)
...® Avengers (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis: Heroic Age #1.6 (2012/05)
...® Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection #1.12 (2017/10)

The Next Big Thing (2022)

1/6The Thing (III) #1.1 (2022/01)
...® The Thing TPB: The Next Big Thing #1.1 (2022/10)
2/6The Thing (III) #2.1 (2022/02)
...® The Thing TPB: The Next Big Thing #1.2 (2022/10)
3/6The Thing (III) #3.1 (2022/03)
...® The Thing TPB: The Next Big Thing #1.3 (2022/10)
4/6The Thing (III) #4.1 (2022/04)
...® The Thing TPB: The Next Big Thing #1.4 (2022/10)
5/6The Thing (III) #5.1 (2022/05)
...® The Thing TPB: The Next Big Thing #1.5 (2022/10)
6/6The Thing (III) #6.1 (2022/06)
...® The Thing TPB: The Next Big Thing #1.6 (2022/10)

The Next Generation (2009-2010)

1/6Ultimate Comics Avengers #1.1 (2009/10)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Premiere (HC): The Next Generation #1.1 (2010/08)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers TPB #1.1 (2010/12)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Mark Millar #1.1 (2012/03)
2/6Ultimate Avengers #2.1 (2009/11)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Premiere (HC): The Next Generation #1.2 (2010/08)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers TPB #1.2 (2010/12)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Mark Millar #1.2 (2012/03)
3/6Ultimate Avengers #3.1 (2009/12)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Premiere (HC): The Next Generation #1.3 (2010/08)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers TPB #1.3 (2010/12)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Mark Millar #1.3 (2012/03)
4/6Ultimate Avengers #4.1 (2010/01)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Premiere (HC): The Next Generation #1.4 (2010/08)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers TPB #1.4 (2010/12)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Mark Millar #1.4 (2012/03)
5/6Ultimate Avengers #5.1 (2010/04)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Premiere (HC): The Next Generation #1.5 (2010/08)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers TPB #1.5 (2010/12)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Mark Millar #1.5 (2012/03)
6/6Ultimate Avengers #6.1 (2010/06)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Premiere (HC): The Next Generation #1.6 (2010/08)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers TPB #1.6 (2010/12)
...® Ultimate Comics Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Mark Millar #1.6 (2012/03)

Nick Fury: Agent of Nothing (2009)

1/6Secret Warriors (I) #1.1 (2009/04)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #1.2 (2009/10)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #1.2 (2010/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.3 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #1.1 (2015/07)
2/6Secret Warriors (I) #2.1 (2009/05)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #1.3 (2009/10)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #1.3 (2010/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.4 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #1.2 (2015/07)
3/6Secret Warriors (I) #3.1 (2009/06)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #1.4 (2009/10)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #1.4 (2010/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.5 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #1.3 (2015/07)
4/6Secret Warriors (I) #4.1 (2009/07)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #1.5 (2009/10)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #1.5 (2010/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.6 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #1.4 (2015/07)
5/6Secret Warriors (I) #5.1 (2009/08)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #1.6 (2009/10)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #1.6 (2010/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.7 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #1.5 (2015/07)
6/6Secret Warriors (I) #6.1 (2009/09)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #1.7 (2009/10)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #1.7 (2010/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.8 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #1.6 (2015/07)

Nick Fury: Agent of Nothing Interlocking Cover (2009)

Secret Warriors (I) #1.CV1 (2009/04)
Secret Warriors (I) #2.CV1 (2009/05)
Secret Warriors (I) #3.CV1 (2009/06)
Secret Warriors (I) #4.CV1 (2009/07)
Secret Warriors (I) #5.CV1 (2009/08)
Secret Warriors (I) #6.CV1 (2009/09)

Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. no.1 Homage Cover (2009-2019)

Inspired by the cover of Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (I) #1 by Jim Steranko.

Secret Warriors (I) #9.CV2 (2009/12)
Secret Avengers (III) #9.CV2 (2014/12)
Secret Warriors (II) #8.CV2 (2018/01)
Uncanny X-Men (VI) #10.CV2 (2019/03)

Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. no.4 Homage Cover (2005-2018)

Inspired by the cover of Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (I) #4 by Jim Steranko.

Wolverine (III) #27.CV1 (2005/06)
Nick Fury (II) #6.CV2 (2017/11)
Silver Sable and the Wild Pack (II) #36.CV1 (2018/01)

Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. no.6 Homage Cover (2011)

Inspired by the cover of Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (I) #6 by Jim Steranko.

Deadpool (III) #33.CV1 (2011/04)

Night (2010-2011)

1/3Secret Warriors (I) #20.1 (2010/11)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #5.1 (2011/08)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #5.1 (2012/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.22 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #2.4 (2015/10)
2/3Secret Warriors (I) #21.1 (2010/12)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #5.2 (2011/08)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #5.2 (2012/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.23 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #2.5 (2015/10)
3/3Secret Warriors (I) #22.1 (2011/01)
...® Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) #5.3 (2011/08)
...® Secret Warriors TPB (I) #5.3 (2012/02)
...® Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.24 (2012/09)
...® Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection #2.6 (2015/10)

Night of the Hunters (1993)

1/3Knights of Pendragon (II) (Marvel UK) #13.1 (1993/07)
...® Knights of Pendragon Omnibus (HC) #1.31 (2022/04)
2/3Knights of Pendragon (II) (Marvel UK) #14.1 (1993/08)
...® Knights of Pendragon Omnibus (HC) #1.32 (2022/04)
3/3Knights of Pendragon (II) (Marvel UK) #15.1 (1993/09)
...® Knights of Pendragon Omnibus (HC) #1.33 (2022/04)

Night of the Marvel Balls (1988)

1/2Marvel Tales Starring Spider-Man #209.2 (1988/03)
...® Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham TPB: The Complete Collection #2.20 (2022/11)
2/2Marvel Tales Starring Spider-Man #210.2 (1988/04)
...® Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham TPB: The Complete Collection #2.21 (2022/11)

The Night of the Scourge (1989)

1/5Captain America (I) #358.2 (1989/09)
...® Captain America TPB: Scourge of the Underworld #1.10 (2011/04)
...® Captain America Epic Collection TPB #15.10 (2018/05)
...® U.S.Agent TPB: The Good Fight #1.10 (2021/01)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC) By Mark Gruenwald #2.10 (2025/04)
2/5Captain America (I) #359.2 (1989/10)
...® Captain America TPB: Scourge of the Underworld #1.11 (2011/04)
...® Captain America Epic Collection TPB #15.12 (2018/05)
...® U.S.Agent TPB: The Good Fight #1.11 (2021/01)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC) By Mark Gruenwald #2.12 (2025/04)
3/5Captain America (I) #360.2 (1989/10)
...® Captain America TPB: Scourge of the Underworld #1.12 (2011/04)
...® Captain America Epic Collection TPB #15.14 (2018/05)
...® U.S.Agent TPB: The Good Fight #1.12 (2021/01)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC) By Mark Gruenwald #2.14 (2025/04)
4/5Captain America (I) #361.2 (1989/11)
...® Captain America TPB: Scourge of the Underworld #1.13 (2011/04)
...® Captain America Epic Collection TPB #15.16 (2018/05)
...® U.S.Agent TPB: The Good Fight #1.13 (2021/01)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC) By Mark Gruenwald #2.16 (2025/04)
5/5Captain America (I) #362.2 (1989/11)
...® Captain America TPB: Scourge of the Underworld #1.14 (2011/04)
...® Captain America Epic Collection TPB #15.18 (2018/05)
...® U.S.Agent TPB: The Good Fight #1.14 (2021/01)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC) By Mark Gruenwald #2.18 (2025/04)

The Night Shift (2017)

1/2Uncanny Avengers (III) #24.1 (2017/08)
...® Secret Empire TPB: United We Stand #1.4 (2017/11)
2/2Uncanny Avengers (III) #25.1 (2017/09)
...® Secret Empire TPB: United We Stand #1.5 (2017/11)

Nightcrawler no.1 Homage Cover (2010)

Inspired by the cover of Nightcrawler (I) #1 by Dave Cockrum.

Deadpool Corps #6.CV1 (2010/11)

Nightmare in Scarlet (1995-1996)

1/3Web of Scarlet Spider #3.1 (1995/12)
...® Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic #2.10 (2011/12)
...® Spider-Man: Ben Reilly Omnibus (HC) #1.3 (2018/11)
...® The New Warriors Classic Omnibus (HC) #3.31 (2024/03)
2/3The New Warriors (I) #67.1 (1996/01)
...® Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic #2.3 (2011/12)
...® Spider-Man: Ben Reilly Omnibus (HC) #1.27 (2018/11)
...® The New Warriors Classic Omnibus (HC) #3.14 (2024/03)
3/3Web of Scarlet Spider #4.1 (1996/01)
...® Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic #2.11 (2011/12)
...® Spider-Man: Ben Reilly Omnibus (HC) #1.4 (2018/11)
...® The New Warriors Classic Omnibus (HC) #3.32 (2024/03)

Nightmare in Suburbia (1989)

1/2Marvel Comics Presents (I) #19.3 (1989/05)
2/2Marvel Comics Presents (I) #20.3 (1989/05)

Nightmare Variant Cover (2024)

Alpha Flight (V) #5.CV3 (2024/02)
The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #40.CV6 (2024/02)
Avengers (XI) #8.CV4 (2024/02)
Black Panther (X) #7.CV2 (2024/02)
Blade (V) #6.CV2 (2024/02)
Captain America (XV) #4.CV3 (2024/02)
Captain Marvel (XIII) #3.CV4 (2024/02)
Carnage (IV) #2.CV2 (2024/02)
Daredevil (X) #4.CV2 (2024/02)
Doctor Strange (VIII) #10.CV2 (2024/02)
Fantastic Four (XI) #14.CV3 (2024/02)
Immortal Thor #5.CV2 (2024/02)
The Incredible Hulk (VII) #7.CV2 (2024/02)
Luke Cage: Gang War #2.CV2 (2024/02)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (II) #13.CV2 (2024/02)
Moon Knight (IX) #30.CV4 (2024/02)
Sentry (IV) #1.CV2 (2024/02)
Silver Surfer Rebirth: Legacy #4.CV2 (2024/02)
Spider-Gwen: Smash #1.CV2 (2024/02)
Spider-Woman (VIII) #2.CV3 (2024/02)
Thunderbolts (VI) #1.CV6 (2024/02)
Timeless (III) #1.CV5 (2024/02)
Uncanny Spider-Man #5.CV3 (2024/02)
Venom (VI) #28.CV3 (2024/02)
Wolverine (VIII) #40.CV3 (2024/02)
X-Men (VI) #29.CV4 (2024/02)

Nights Born Ten Years Gone (1979)

1/2Hulk (I) #17.2 (1979/10)
...® Moon Knight Special Edition #2.2 (1983/12)
...® Essential Moon Knight #1.13 (2006/04)
...® Moon Knight Premiere (HC): Countdown to Dark #1.4 (2010/10)
...® Moon Knight Epic Collection TPB #1.21 (2014/12)
...® Moon Knight Omnibus (HC) #1.40 (2021/03)
2/2Hulk (I) #18.2 (1979/12)
...® Moon Knight Special Edition #2.3 (1983/12)
...® Essential Moon Knight #1.14 (2006/04)
...® Moon Knight Premiere (HC): Countdown to Dark #1.5 (2010/10)
...® Moon Knight Epic Collection TPB #1.22 (2014/12)
...® Moon Knight Omnibus (HC) #1.41 (2021/03)

Nights of Anger (2007)

1/3Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Dark Horse Comics) #16.1 (2007/05)
...® Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Old Republic #1.16 (2015/09)
...® Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Old Republic #1.16 (2021/05)
2/3Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Dark Horse Comics) #17.1 (2007/05)
...® Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Old Republic #1.17 (2015/09)
...® Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Old Republic #1.17 (2021/05)
3/3Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Dark Horse Comics) #18.1 (2007/07)
...® Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Old Republic #1.18 (2015/09)
...® Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Old Republic #1.18 (2021/05)

Nimrod (2006)

1/4New X-Men (II) #28.1 (2006/09)
...® New X-Men: TPB: Childhood's End #3.1 (2007/02)
...® New X-Men TPB: Childhood's End - The Complete Collection #1.13 (2019/03)
2/4New X-Men (II) #29.1 (2006/10)
...® New X-Men: TPB: Childhood's End #3.2 (2007/02)
...® New X-Men TPB: Childhood's End - The Complete Collection #1.14 (2019/03)
3/4New X-Men (II) #30.1 (2006/11)
...® New X-Men: TPB: Childhood's End #3.3 (2007/02)
...® New X-Men TPB: Childhood's End - The Complete Collection #1.15 (2019/03)
4/4New X-Men (II) #31.1 (2006/12)
...® New X-Men: TPB: Childhood's End #3.4 (2007/02)
...® New X-Men TPB: Childhood's End - The Complete Collection #1.16 (2019/03)

No Devils, Only God (2019)

1/5Daredevil (VIII) #6.1 (2019/07)
...® Daredevil TPB By Chip Zdarsky #2.1 (2020/01)
...® Daredevil (HC) By Chip Zdarsky: To Heaven Through Hell #1.7 (2021/01)
...® Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Chip Zdarsky #1.7 (2024/04)
2/5Daredevil (VIII) #7.1 (2019/08)
...® Daredevil TPB By Chip Zdarsky #2.2 (2020/01)
...® Daredevil (HC) By Chip Zdarsky: To Heaven Through Hell #1.8 (2021/01)
...® Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Chip Zdarsky #1.8 (2024/04)
3/5Daredevil (VIII) #8.1 (2019/09)
...® Daredevil TPB By Chip Zdarsky #2.3 (2020/01)
...® Daredevil (HC) By Chip Zdarsky: To Heaven Through Hell #1.9 (2021/01)
...® Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Chip Zdarsky #1.9 (2024/04)
4/5Daredevil (VIII) #9.1 (2019/10)
...® Daredevil TPB By Chip Zdarsky #2.4 (2020/01)
...® Daredevil (HC) By Chip Zdarsky: To Heaven Through Hell #1.10 (2021/01)
...® Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Chip Zdarsky #1.10 (2024/04)
5/5Daredevil (VIII) #10.1 (2019/10)
...® Daredevil TPB By Chip Zdarsky #2.5 (2020/01)
...® Daredevil (HC) By Chip Zdarsky: To Heaven Through Hell #1.11 (2021/01)
...® Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Chip Zdarsky #1.11 (2024/04)

No Direction Home (2000)

1/4X-Man #63.1 (2000/05)
...® Counter X TPB #3.1 (2009/01)
2/4X-Man #64.1 (2000/06)
...® Counter X TPB #3.2 (2009/01)
3/4X-Man #65.1 (2000/07)
...® Counter X TPB #3.3 (2009/01)
4/4X-Man #66.1 (2000/08)
...® Counter X TPB #3.4 (2009/01)

No End in Sight (2014)

1/3Uncanny X-Men Special #1.1 (2014/08)
...® Uncanny X-Men / Iron Man / Nova TPB: No End in Sight #1.1 (2014/12)
2/3Iron Man Special #1.1 (2014/09)
...® Uncanny X-Men / Iron Man / Nova TPB: No End in Sight #1.2 (2014/12)
3/3Nova Special #1.1 (2014/10)
...® Uncanny X-Men / Iron Man / Nova TPB: No End in Sight #1.3 (2014/12)

No End in Sight Interlocking Cover (2014)

Uncanny X-Men Special #1.CV2 (2014/08)
Iron Man Special #1.CV2 (2014/09)
Nova Special #1.CV2 (2014/10)

No Escape (A) (2010)

1/5Captain America (VI) #606.1 (2010/08)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC): No Escape #1.1 (2011/02)
...® Captain America TPB: No Escape #1.1 (2011/08)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): The Trial of Captain America #1.10 (2015/02)
2/5Captain America (VI) #607.1 (2010/08)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC): No Escape #1.3 (2011/02)
...® Captain America TPB: No Escape #1.2 (2011/08)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): The Trial of Captain America #1.12 (2015/02)
3/5Captain America (VI) #608.1 (2010/09)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC): No Escape #1.5 (2011/02)
...® Captain America TPB: No Escape #1.3 (2011/08)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): The Trial of Captain America #1.14 (2015/02)
4/5Captain America (VI) #609.1 (2010/10)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC): No Escape #1.7 (2011/02)
...® Captain America TPB: No Escape #1.4 (2011/08)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): The Trial of Captain America #1.16 (2015/02)
5/5Captain America (VI) #610.1 (2010/11)
...® Captain America Premiere (HC): No Escape #1.9 (2011/02)
...® Captain America TPB: No Escape #1.5 (2011/08)
...® Captain America Omnibus (HC): The Trial of Captain America #1.18 (2015/02)

No Escape (B) (2013)

1/3Superior Spider-Man (I) #11.1 (2013/08)
...® Superior Spider-Man TPB (I) #3.1 (2014/01)
...® Superior Spider-Man (HC) #2.6 (2014/06)
...® Superior Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Collection #1.16 (2018/06)
...® Superior Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #1.16 (2023/02)
2/3Superior Spider-Man (I) #12.1 (2013/08)
...® Superior Spider-Man TPB (I) #3.2 (2014/01)
...® Superior Spider-Man (HC) #2.7 (2014/06)
...® Superior Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Collection #1.17 (2018/06)
...® Superior Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #1.17 (2023/02)
3/3Superior Spider-Man (I) #13.1 (2013/09)
...® Superior Spider-Man TPB (I) #3.3 (2014/01)
...® Superior Spider-Man (HC) #2.8 (2014/06)
...® Superior Spider-Man TPB: The Complete Collection #1.18 (2018/06)
...® Superior Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) #1.18 (2023/02)

No Future (A) (1994)

1/3Alpha Flight (I) #128.1 (1994/01)
2/3Alpha Flight (I) #129.1 (1994/02)
3/3Alpha Flight (I) #130.1 (1994/03)

No Future? (B) (2014)

1/3Wolverine and the X-Men (II) #7.1 (2014/10)
...® Wolverine and the X-Men TPB #2.1 (2015/03)
2/3Wolverine and the X-Men (II) #8.1 (2014/10)
...® Wolverine and the X-Men TPB #2.2 (2015/03)
3/3Wolverine and the X-Men (II) #9.1 (2014/11)
...® Wolverine and the X-Men TPB #2.3 (2015/03)

No Gods, No Masters (2015)

1/2All-New Ultimates #10.1 (2015/01)
...® All-New Ultimates TPB #2.4 (2015/05)
2/2All-New Ultimates #11.1 (2015/02)
...® All-New Ultimates TPB #2.5 (2015/05)

No Going Back (2017)

1/3Thunderbolts (IV) #7.1 (2017/01)
...® Thunderbolts TPB (II) #2.1 (2017/08)
...® Thunderbolts TPB: Winter Soldiers #1.7 (2025/03)
2/3Thunderbolts (IV) #8.1 (2017/02)
...® Thunderbolts TPB (II) #2.2 (2017/08)
...® Thunderbolts TPB: Winter Soldiers #1.8 (2025/03)
3/3Thunderbolts (IV) #9.1 (2017/03)
...® Thunderbolts TPB (II) #2.3 (2017/08)
...® Thunderbolts TPB: Winter Soldiers #1.9 (2025/03)

No Hero (2003-2004)

1/3Sentinel (I) #7.1 (2003/12)
...® Marvel Age: Sentinel Digest TPB #2.1 (2004/12)
2/3Sentinel (I) #8.1 (2003/12)
...® Marvel Age: Sentinel Digest TPB #2.2 (2004/12)
3/3Sentinel (I) #9.1 (2004/01)
...® Marvel Age: Sentinel Digest TPB #2.3 (2004/12)

No Laughing Matter (2017)

1/2Spider-Man/Deadpool #19.1 (2017/09)
...® Spider-Man/Deadpool TPB #4.1 (2018/02)
...® Spider-Man/Deadpool Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #2.3 (2024/10)
2/2Spider-Man/Deadpool #20.1 (2017/10)
...® Spider-Man/Deadpool TPB #4.2 (2018/02)
...® Spider-Man/Deadpool Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #2.4 (2024/10)

No Matter the Cost (2004)

1/4Inhumans (IV) #9.1 (2004/04)
...® Young Inhumans TPB #1.9 (2008/10)
2/4Inhumans (IV) #10.1 (2004/04)
...® Young Inhumans TPB #1.10 (2008/10)
3/4Inhumans (IV) #11.1 (2004/05)
...® Young Inhumans TPB #1.11 (2008/10)
4/4Inhumans (IV) #12.1 (2004/06)
...® Young Inhumans TPB #1.12 (2008/10)

No Mercy (2014)

1/3Thunderbolts (III) #20.NOW.1 (2014/03)
...® Thunderbolts TPB (I) #4.1 (2014/09)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC): Red #1.20 (2023/12)
2/3Thunderbolts (III) #21.1 (2014/03)
...® Thunderbolts TPB (I) #4.2 (2014/09)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC): Red #1.21 (2023/12)
3/3Thunderbolts (III) #22.1 (2014/04)
...® Thunderbolts TPB (I) #4.3 (2014/09)
...® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC): Red #1.22 (2023/12)

No More (2018)

1/2Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (III) #304.1 (2018/07)
...® Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man TPB #4.1 (2018/12)
...® Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Chip Zdarsky #1.16 (2023/10)
2/2Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (III) #305.1 (2018/08)
...® Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man TPB #4.2 (2018/12)
...® Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By Chip Zdarsky #1.17 (2023/10)

No One Dies (2011)

1/2The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #655.1 (2011/04)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Matters of Life and Death #1.7 (2011/07)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Matters of Life and Death #1.8 (2012/01)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Big Time Complete Collection #1.9 (2012/08)
2/2The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #656.1 (2011/05)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Matters of Life and Death #1.8 (2011/07)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Matters of Life and Death #1.9 (2012/01)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Big Time Complete Collection #1.10 (2012/08)

No One Gets Back Alive! (2008)

1/3Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #1.1 (2008/07)
...® Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four TPB #1.1 (2009/03)
2/3Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #2.1 (2008/08)
...® Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four TPB #1.2 (2009/03)
3/3Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #3.1 (2008/09)
...® Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four TPB #1.3 (2009/03)

No Prize Variant Cover (2023)

The Amazing Spider-Man (IX) #19.CV4 (2023/04)
Black Panther (IX) #14.CV4 (2023/04)
Hulk (VI) #12.CV5 (2023/04)

No Rules (1994)

1/2The Punisher (II) #94.1 (1994/09)
2/2The Punisher (II) #95.1 (1994/10)

No Surrender (2018)

1/16Avengers (IX) #675.1 (2018/03)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.1 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.1 (2019/02)
2/16Avengers (IX) #676.1 (2018/03)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.2 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.2 (2019/02)
3/16Avengers (IX) #677.1 (2018/03)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.3 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.3 (2019/02)
4/16Avengers (IX) #678.1 (2018/03)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.4 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.4 (2019/02)
5/16Avengers (IX) #679.1 (2018/04)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.5 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.5 (2019/02)
6/16Avengers (IX) #680.1 (2018/04)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.6 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.6 (2019/02)
7/16Avengers (IX) #681.1 (2018/04)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.7 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.8 (2019/02)
8/16Avengers (IX) #682.1 (2018/04)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.8 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.9 (2019/02)
9/16Avengers (IX) #683.1 (2018/05)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.9 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.10 (2019/02)
10/16Avengers (IX) #684.1 (2018/05)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.10 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.11 (2019/02)
...® True Believers: Hulk - Hulk Returns #1.1 (2020/01)
...® Immortal Hulk Omnibus (HC) #1.65 (2023/04)
11/16Avengers (IX) #685.1 (2018/05)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.11 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.12 (2019/02)
12/16Avengers (IX) #686.1 (2018/05)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.12 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.13 (2019/02)
13/16Avengers (IX) #687.1 (2018/06)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.13 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.14 (2019/02)
14/16Avengers (IX) #688.1 (2018/06)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.14 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.15 (2019/02)
15/16Avengers (IX) #689.1 (2018/06)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.15 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.16 (2019/02)
16/16Avengers (IX) #690.1 (2018/06)
...® Avengers (HC): No Surrender #1.16 (2018/08)
...® Avengers TPB: No Surrender #1.17 (2019/02)
Tie-inQuicksilver: No Surrender #1.1 (2018/07)
...® Quicksilver TPB: No Surrender #1.1 (2019/01)
...Quicksilver: No Surrender #2.1 (2018/08)
...® Quicksilver TPB: No Surrender #1.2 (2019/01)
...Quicksilver: No Surrender #3.1 (2018/09)
...® Quicksilver TPB: No Surrender #1.3 (2019/01)
...Quicksilver: No Surrender #4.1 (2018/10)
...® Quicksilver TPB: No Surrender #1.4 (2019/01)
...Quicksilver: No Surrender #5.1 (2018/11)
...® Quicksilver TPB: No Surrender #1.5 (2019/01)

No Turning Back (2012)

1/4The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #688.1 (2012/08)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Lizard - No Turning Back #1.1 (2012/11)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Lizard - No Turning Back #1.1 (2013/05)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Big Time Complete Collection #4.1 (2015/08)
2/4The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #689.1 (2012/09)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Lizard - No Turning Back #1.2 (2012/11)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Lizard - No Turning Back #1.2 (2013/05)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Big Time Complete Collection #4.2 (2015/08)
3/4The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #690.1 (2012/09)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Lizard - No Turning Back #1.3 (2012/11)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Lizard - No Turning Back #1.3 (2013/05)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Big Time Complete Collection #4.3 (2015/08)
4/4The Amazing Spider-Man (III) #691.1 (2012/10)
...® Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Lizard - No Turning Back #1.4 (2012/11)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Lizard - No Turning Back #1.4 (2013/05)
...® Spider-Man TPB: Big Time Complete Collection #4.4 (2015/08)

No Way Home (2008-2009)

1/6NYX: No Way Home #1.1 (2008/10)
...® NYX Premiere (HC): No Way Home #1.1 (2009/07)
...® NYX TPB: No Way Home #1.1 (2009/10)
...® NYX TPB: The Complete Collection #1.8 (2016/08)
...® NYX Gallery Edition (HC) #1.8 (2024/07)
2/6NYX: No Way Home #2.1 (2008/11)
...® NYX Premiere (HC): No Way Home #1.2 (2009/07)
...® NYX TPB: No Way Home #1.2 (2009/10)
...® NYX TPB: The Complete Collection #1.9 (2016/08)
...® NYX Gallery Edition (HC) #1.9 (2024/07)
3/6NYX: No Way Home #3.1 (2008/12)
...® NYX Premiere (HC): No Way Home #1.3 (2009/07)
...® NYX TPB: No Way Home #1.3 (2009/10)
...® NYX TPB: The Complete Collection #1.10 (2016/08)
...® NYX Gallery Edition (HC) #1.10 (2024/07)
4/6NYX: No Way Home #4.1 (2009/02)
...® NYX Premiere (HC): No Way Home #1.4 (2009/07)
...® NYX TPB: No Way Home #1.4 (2009/10)
...® NYX TPB: The Complete Collection #1.11 (2016/08)
...® NYX Gallery Edition (HC) #1.11 (2024/07)
5/6NYX: No Way Home #5.1 (2009/03)
...® NYX Premiere (HC): No Way Home #1.5 (2009/07)
...® NYX TPB: No Way Home #1.5 (2009/10)
...® NYX TPB: The Complete Collection #1.12 (2016/08)
...® NYX Gallery Edition (HC) #1.12 (2024/07)
6/6NYX: No Way Home #6.1 (2009/04)
...® NYX Premiere (HC): No Way Home #1.6 (2009/07)
...® NYX TPB: No Way Home #1.6 (2009/10)
...® NYX TPB: The Complete Collection #1.13 (2016/08)
...® NYX Gallery Edition (HC) #1.13 (2024/07)

No Way Out (2006)

1/2The Book of Lost Souls (Icon Comics) #4.1 (2006/03)
...® The Book of Lost Souls TPB (Icon Comics) #1.4 (2006/10)
2/2The Book of Lost Souls (Icon Comics) #5.1 (2006/04)
...® The Book of Lost Souls TPB (Icon Comics) #1.5 (2006/10)

A Nocturne's Tale (2004)

1/2Exiles (I) #41.1 (2004/03)
...® Exiles TPB (I) #7.4 (2004/09)
...® Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection #3.4 (2010/02)
2/2Exiles (I) #42.1 (2004/04)
...® Exiles TPB (I) #7.5 (2004/09)
...® Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection #3.5 (2010/02)

Nomad (2004-2005)

1/4Star Wars Tales (Dark Horse Comics) #21.1 (2004/10)
2/4Star Wars Tales (Dark Horse Comics) #22.2 (2005/02)
3/4Star Wars Tales (Dark Horse Comics) #23.2 (2005/05)
4/4Star Wars Tales (Dark Horse Comics) #24.4 (2005/07)

Northeast Corridor (2017-2018)

1/2Ms. Marvel (IV) #23.1 (2017/12)
...® Ms. Marvel TPB (II) #8.5 (2018/01)
...® Ms. Marvel (HC) #4.11 (2018/08)
...® Ms. Marvel GN-TPB: Game Over #1.11 (2021/10)
2/2Ms. Marvel (IV) #24.1 (2018/01)
...® Ms. Marvel TPB (II) #8.6 (2018/01)
...® Ms. Marvel (HC) #4.12 (2018/08)
...® Ms. Marvel GN-TPB: Game Over #1.12 (2021/10)

Northern Flight (2018)

1/2Old Man Logan (II) #46.1 (2018/10)
...® Wolverine: Old Man Logan TPB #10.1 (2019/02)
2/2Old Man Logan (II) #47.1 (2018/11)
...® Wolverine: Old Man Logan TPB #10.2 (2019/02)

Northern Lights (2018)

1/3Champions (II) #19.1 (2018/06)
...® Champions TPB (I) #4.1 (2018/12)
2/3Champions (II) #20.1 (2018/07)
...® Champions TPB (I) #4.2 (2018/12)
3/3Champions (II) #21.1 (2018/08)
...® Champions TPB (I) #4.3 (2018/12)

Not Brand Echh no.5 Homage Cover (2014)

Inspired by the cover of Not Brand Echh (I) #5 by Tom F. Sutton / Marie Severin.

Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1.CV5 (2014/12)

Not Brand X (2014)

Name of story arc taken from

1/3All-New X-Factor #1.1 (2014/03)
...® All-New X-Factor TPB #1.1 (2014/08)
...® X-Factor Omnibus (HC) By Peter David #4.31 (2025/05)
2/3All-New X-Factor #2.1 (2014/03)
...® All-New X-Factor TPB #1.2 (2014/08)
...® X-Factor Omnibus (HC) By Peter David #4.32 (2025/05)
3/3All-New X-Factor #3.1 (2014/04)
...® All-New X-Factor TPB #1.3 (2014/08)
...® X-Factor Omnibus (HC) By Peter David #4.33 (2025/05)

Not Dead Yet (1997-1998)

1/4Wolverine (II) #119.1 (1997/12)
...® Wolverine TPB: Not Dead Yet #1.1 (1998/12)
...® Wolverine Premiere (HC): Not Dead Yet #1.1 (2009/06)
...® Essential Wolverine #6.9 (2012/12)
...® Wolverine (HC): The Adamantium Collection #1.22 (2013/08)
2/4Wolverine (II) #120.1 (1998/01)
...® Wolverine TPB: Not Dead Yet #1.2 (1998/12)
...® Wolverine Premiere (HC): Not Dead Yet #1.2 (2009/06)
...® Essential Wolverine #6.10 (2012/12)
...® Wolverine (HC): The Adamantium Collection #1.23 (2013/08)
3/4Wolverine (II) #121.1 (1998/02)
...® Wolverine TPB: Not Dead Yet #1.3 (1998/12)
...® Wolverine Premiere (HC): Not Dead Yet #1.3 (2009/06)
...® Essential Wolverine #6.11 (2012/12)
...® Wolverine (HC): The Adamantium Collection #1.24 (2013/08)
4/4Wolverine (II) #122.1 (1998/03)
...® Wolverine TPB: Not Dead Yet #1.4 (1998/12)
...® Wolverine Premiere (HC): Not Dead Yet #1.4 (2009/06)
...® Essential Wolverine #6.12 (2012/12)
...® Wolverine (HC): The Adamantium Collection #1.25 (2013/08)

Not Forgotten (2009)

1/4X-Force (III) #17.1 (2009/09)
...® X-Force TPB (II) #3.3 (2010/05)
...® X-Force (HC) #2.3 (2012/03)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.1 (2014/10)
2/4X-Force (III) #18.1 (2009/10)
...® X-Force TPB (II) #3.4 (2010/05)
...® X-Force (HC) #2.4 (2012/03)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.2 (2014/10)
3/4X-Force (III) #19.1 (2009/11)
...® X-Force TPB (II) #3.5 (2010/05)
...® X-Force (HC) #2.5 (2012/03)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.3 (2014/10)
4/4X-Force (III) #20.1 (2009/12)
...® X-Force TPB (II) #3.6 (2010/05)
...® X-Force (HC) #2.6 (2012/03)
...® X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection #2.4 (2014/10)

Nothing but the Truth (1992)

PrologueThe New Warriors (I) #21.1 (1992/03)
...® The New Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.21 (2013/07)
1/4The New Warriors (I) #22.1 (1992/04)
...® The New Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.22 (2013/07)
2/4The New Warriors (I) #23.1 (1992/05)
...® The New Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.23 (2013/07)
3/4The New Warriors (I) #24.1 (1992/06)
...® The New Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.24 (2013/07)
4/4The New Warriors (I) #25.1 (1992/07)
...® The New Warriors Omnibus (HC) #1.25 (2013/07)

Nova no.1 Homage Cover (2008-2010)

Inspired by the cover of Nova (I) #1 by John Buscema / Joe Sinnott.

Nova Annual (I) #1.CV1 (2008/04)
Deadpool (III) #27.CV2 (2010/11)

Nova (IV) no.1 Homage Cover (2007)

Inspired by the cover of Nova (IV) #1 by Adi Granov.

Nova (IV) #5.CV1 (2007/10)

Nova (V) no.1 Homage Cover (2014)

Inspired by the cover of Nova (V) #1 by Ed McGuinness / Dexter Vines / Marte Gracia.

Nova (V) #22.CV2 (2014/12)

Now, Not Tomorrow (2010)

1/5Young Allies #1.1 (2010/08)
...® Captain America (HC): Forever Allies #1.7 (2011/04)
...® Young Allies TPB #1.3 (2011/04)
...® Captain America TPB: Forever Allies #1.7 (2012/01)
2/5Young Allies #2.1 (2010/09)
...® Young Allies TPB #1.4 (2011/04)
3/5Young Allies #3.1 (2010/10)
...® Young Allies TPB #1.5 (2011/04)
4/5Young Allies #4.1 (2010/11)
...® Young Allies TPB #1.6 (2011/04)
5/5Young Allies #5.1 (2010/12)
...® Young Allies TPB #1.7 (2011/04)

'Nuff Said (2002)

Uncanny X-Men (I) #401.1 (2002/01)
® X-Men TPB: X-Corps #1.8 (2013/12)
Avengers (III) #49.1 (2002/02)
® Avengers TPB: The Kang Dynasty #1.10 (2002/12)
® Avengers (HC): Avengers Assemble #5.12 (2007/12)
® Avengers TPB: Avengers Assemble #5.5 (2012/11)
® Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Kurt Busiek and George Pérez #2.29 (2016/01)
Black Panther (III) #39.1 (2002/02)
® Black Panther TPB By Christopher Priest: The Complete Collection #3.7 (2016/05)
® Black Panther Omnibus (HC) By Christopher Priest #2.9 (2023/12)
Cable (I) #100.2 (2002/02)
® Cable TPB (I) #1.5 (2002/06)
® Cable (HC): Soldier X #1.5 (2018/12)
Captain America (III) #50.1 (2002/02)
® Captain America TPB By Dan Jurgens #3.6 (2012/04)
® Captain America Omnibus (HC) By Dan Jurgens #1.27 (2021/05)
Captain Marvel (V) #26.1 (2002/02)
® Captain Marvel: Genis-Vell Omnibus HC By Peter David #1.27 (2023/03)
Daredevil (II) #28.1 (2002/02)
® Daredevil TPB (I) #4.3 (2002/09)
® Daredevil (HC) #2.3 (2003/02)
® Daredevil Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis #1.7 (2008/07)
® Daredevil TPB By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Ultimate Collection #1.7 (2010/08)
® Marvel Knights Daredevil TPB By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev: Underboss #1.3 (2018/11)
® Daredevil Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #2.17 (2024/03)
Deadpool (II) #61.1 (2002/02)
® Deadpool Classics TPB #8.5 (2013/04)
® Deadpool Classic Omnibus (HC) #1.28 (2016/05)
® Deadpool TPB: The Saga of Wade Wilson #1.11 (2024/04)
Defenders (II) #12.1 (2002/02)
Elektra (II) #6.1 (2002/02)
® Elektra TPB: The Skorpio Key #1.6 (2003/04)
Exiles (I) #7.1 (2002/02)
® Exiles TPB (I) #2.3 (2002/08)
® Exiles TPB: Ultimate Collection #1.7 (2009/06)
Fantastic Four (III) #50.1 (2002/02)
® Fantastic Four Premiere (HC): Resurrection of Galactus #1.5 (2011/01)
® Fantastic Four TPB: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection #4.5 (2022/07)
Incredible Hulk (III) #35.1 (2002/02)
® The Incredible Hulk TPB (I) #1.2 (2002/08)
® Incredible Hulk (HC) #1.2 (2002/12)
® Nuff Said TPB #1.5 (2003)
® Marvel Must Haves: Incredible Hulk #34-36 #1.2 (2003/09)
® Hulk Premiere (HC): Return of the Monster #1.2 (2012/07)
Iron Man (III) #49.1 (2002/02)
® Iron Man Omnibus (HC): The Mask in the Iron Man #1.28 (2020/02)
Peter Parker Spider-Man (II) #38.1 (2002/02)
® Nuff Said TPB #1.2 (2003)
The Punisher (VI) #7.1 (2002/02)
® Punisher TPB (I) #2.7 (2002/03)
® Nuff Said TPB #1.7 (2003)
® Punisher (HC) #2.7 (2003/08)
® Punisher Omnibus (HC) By Garth Ennis #1.21 (2008/11)
® Marvel Knights Punisher TPB By Garth Ennis - The Complete Collection #2.2 (2019/04)
Spider-Girl (I) #41.1 (2002/02)
® Spider-Girl Digest TPB #8.3 (2007/06)
® Spider-Girl TPB: The Complete Collection #3.9 (2021/05)
Thor (II) #44.1 (2002/02)
® The Mighty Thor TPB: The Death of Odin #1.9 (2002/08)
® Nuff Said TPB #1.6 (2003)
® Thor Omnibus (HC): Heroes Return #2.9 (2018/08)
Thunderbolts (I) #59.1 (2002/02)
® Thunderbolts Omnibus (HC) #2.30 (2022/04)
Wolverine (II) #171.1 (2002/02)
® Wolverine TPB: The Return of Weapon X #1.13 (2013/11)
® Wolverine Epic Collection TPB #14.13 (2024/05)
X-Force (I) #123.1 (2002/02)
® Nuff Said TPB #1.4 (2003)
® X-Force TPB: The Final Chapter #1.3 (2003/01)
® X-Force (HC): Famous, Mutant and Mortal #1.8 (2003/04)
® X-Statix Omnibus (HC) #1.8 (2012/01)
® X-Statix TPB: The Complete Collection #1.8 (2020/03)
New X-Men (I) #121.1 (2002/02)
® New X-Men TPB #2.4 (2002/08)
® Nuff Said TPB #1.3 (2003)
® New X-Men Omnibus (HC) #1.8 (2007/01)
® New X-Men TPB By Grant Morrison Ultimate Collection #1.8 (2008/07)
® New X-Men GN-TPB By Grant Morrison #2.4 (2011/08)
® New X-Men Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #1.8 (2024/07)
X-Treme X-Men (I) #8.1 (2002/02)
® X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) #1.8 (2002/03)
® X-Treme X-Men Omnibus (HC) By Chris Claremont #1.13 (2022/05)
The Amazing Spider-Man (II) #39.1 (2002/05)
® Amazing Spider-Man TPB (I) #2.4 (2002/09)
® Nuff Said TPB #1.1 (2003)
® Marvel Tales (III) (Flip Magazine) #10.1 (2006/06)
® Amazing Spider-Man TPB: J. Michael Straczynski Ultimate Collection #1.10 (2009/09)
® Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By J. Michael Straczynski #1.10 (2019/03)
® Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era #1.10 (2025/05)

Nukebusters (1990)

1/2Fantastic Four (I) #343.1 (1990/08)
...® Fantastic Four Visionaries TPB: Walter Simonson #2.2 (2008/10)
...® Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB #20.10 (2014/09)
2/2Fantastic Four (I) #344.1 (1990/09)
...® Fantastic Four Visionaries TPB: Walter Simonson #2.3 (2008/10)
...® Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB #20.11 (2014/09)

Nuke-Clear War (2018)

1/3Weapon X (III) #12.1 (2018/02)
...® Weapon X TPB (II) #3.1 (2018/07)
2/3Weapon X (III) #13.1 (2018/03)
...® Weapon X TPB (II) #3.3 (2018/07)
3/3Weapon X (III) #14.1 (2018/04)
...® Weapon X TPB (II) #3.4 (2018/07)

NYC Variant Cover (2014-2015)

George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act One #1.CV3 (2014/03)
George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act One #2.CV2 (2014/04)
George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act One #3.CV2 (2014/05)
George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act One #4.CV2 (2014/06)
George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act One #5.CV2 (2014/08)
All-New Hawkeye (I) #3.CV2 (2015/07)
The Amazing Spider-Man (V) #18.CV3 (2015/07)
Ant-Man (II) #5.CV2 (2015/07)
Black Widow (VI) #18.CV2 (2015/07)
Guardians of the Galaxy (III) #27.CV2 (2015/07)
Howard the Duck (IV) #3.CV3 (2015/07)
Hulk (IV) #16.CV3 (2015/07)
Ms. Marvel (III) #15.CV2 (2015/07)
S.H.I.E.L.D. (III) #6.CV2 (2015/07)
Spider-Gwen (I) #4.CV2 (2015/07)
Thor (VI) #8.CV2 (2015/07)
Daredevil (V) #16.CV2 (2015/08)
Superior Iron Man #9.CV2 (2015/08)
Uncanny Avengers (II) #5.CV2 (2015/08)
Uncanny X-Men (III) #35.CV2 (2015/09)

N-Zone (2005)

1/6Ultimate Fantastic Four #13.1 (2005/01)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB #3.1 (2005/08)
...® Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) #13.2 (2006/08)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four (HC) #2.1 (2006/09)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) #1.13 (2024/12)
2/6Ultimate Fantastic Four #14.1 (2005/02)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB #3.2 (2005/08)
...® Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) #14.2 (2006/08)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four (HC) #2.2 (2006/09)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) #1.14 (2024/12)
3/6Ultimate Fantastic Four #15.1 (2005/03)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB #3.3 (2005/08)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four (HC) #2.3 (2006/09)
...® Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) #15.2 (2006/09)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) #1.15 (2024/12)
4/6Ultimate Fantastic Four #16.1 (2005/04)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB #3.4 (2005/08)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four (HC) #2.4 (2006/09)
...® Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) #16.2 (2006/10)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) #1.16 (2024/12)
5/6Ultimate Fantastic Four #17.1 (2005/05)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB #3.5 (2005/08)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four (HC) #2.5 (2006/09)
...® Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) #17.2 (2006/11)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) #1.17 (2024/12)
6/6Ultimate Fantastic Four #18.1 (2005/06)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB #3.6 (2005/08)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four (HC) #2.6 (2006/09)
...® Ultimate Marvel (Flip Magazine) #18.2 (2006/12)
...® Ultimate Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) #1.18 (2024/12)



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