Creator Names

Shaw, Geoffrey

Alien (I) #9
Avengers (X) #7
Avengers: Forever (II) #11
Avengers Halloween Special #1
Avengers TPB By Jason Aaron #2
Blade (V) #6
Blood Hunters (II) #2
Conan 2099 #1
Conan the Barbarian (III) #19 - 25
Conan the Barbarian TPB By Jim Zub #2
Cosmic Ghost Rider (I) #1 - 5
Cosmic Ghost Rider Omnibus (HC) #1
Cosmic Ghost Rider TPB: Baby Thanos Must Die #1
Deadpool Team-Up (III) #3
Doctor Strange of Asgard #1 - 2
Eternals (V) #6
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #2
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Alpha #1
Guardians of the Galaxy (VI) #1 - 6, 11 - 12
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (III) #2
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Donny Cates #1
Hulk (VI) #6 - 8
Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War Alpha #1
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer #4
Immortal Hulk #12, 31
Incredible Hulk (VI) #714
The Incredible Hulk (VII) #21
Incredible Hulk Annual (II) #1
Juggernaut (III) #1 - 5
Juggernaut TPB: No Stopping Now #1
Marvel Cosmic Universe Omnibus (HC) By Donny Cates #1
Marvel Knights 20th #1 - 6
Marvel Knights 20th TPB #1
Marvel Previews (V) • Marvel Legacy Previews #3
Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2
Predator (II) #2
The Punisher (XIV) #7
Red Hulk #1 - 3
Rise of the Powers of X #3
Sabretooth and the Exiles #3
Savage Avengers (II) #10
Sins of Sinister #1
Symbiote Spider-Man: King in Black #1
Thanos (II) #13 - 18
Thanos Annual (II) #1
Thanos (HC) By Donny Cates #1
Thanos Legacy #1
Thanos Wins TPB By Donny Cates #1
Thor (X) #12, 25 - 26
The Ultimates (VI) #5
Venom (V) #28, 30
Venom War: Carnage #1
Wild Cards: The Drawing of Cards #3
Wolverine (IX) #6
Wolverine: Patch #1 - 5
Wolverine TPB: Patch #1
The X-Cellent (I) #2
X-Force (VI) #39
X-Men: Days of Future Past - Doomsday #1 - 4
X-Men: The Exterminated #1
X-Men TPB: Days of Future Past - Doomsday #1

Cosmic Ghost Rider Omnibus (HC) #1
Cosmic Ghost Rider TPB By Donny Cates #1
Crypt of Shadows (III) #1
Deadpool TPB By Alyssa Wong #1
Ghost Rider (IX) #17
Ghost Rider/Wolverine TPB: Weapons of Vengeance #1
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Alpha #1
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Omega #1
Guardians of the Galaxy (VI) #1 - 6, 12
Guardians of the Galaxy (HC) By Donny Cates #1
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (III) #1 - 2
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Al Ewing (II) #1
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Donny Cates #1
The Incredible Hulk (VII) #19
Incredible Hulk Annual (II) #1
Infinity Watch TPB Power Corrupts #1
Marvel Comics (80th Anniversary Special) #1000
Marvel Comics (HC) (80th Anniversary Special) #1
Marvel Cosmic Universe Omnibus (HC) By Donny Cates #1
New Mutants (IV) #30
New Mutants TPB (II) #4
Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero Premiere (HC) (Legendary / Marvel) #1
Red Hulk #1 - 3
Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #1
Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider TPB #1
Sins of Sinister #1
Sins of Sinister Director's Cut #1
Sins of Sinister (HC) #1
Sins of Sinister TPB #1
Thanos (II) #13 - 18
Thanos Annual (II) #1
Thanos: Death Notes #1
Thanos (HC) By Donny Cates #1
Thanos Wins TPB By Donny Cates #1
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Donny Cates and Nic Klein #1
Thor TPB By Donny Cates #5
Werewolf by Night TPB: Unholy Alliance #1
Wolverine (VIII) #36, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49 - 50
Wolverine Omnibus (HC): Sabretooth War #1
Wolverine TPB By Benjamin Percy #8 - 9

Cosmic Ghost Rider Omnibus (HC) #1
Cosmic Ghost Rider TPB By Donny Cates #1
Crypt of Shadows (III) #1
Deadpool TPB By Alyssa Wong #1
Ghost Rider (IX) #17
Ghost Rider/Wolverine TPB: Weapons of Vengeance #1
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Alpha #1
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Omega #1
Guardians of the Galaxy (VI) #1 - 6, 12
Guardians of the Galaxy (HC) By Donny Cates #1
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB (III) #1 - 2
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Al Ewing (II) #1
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB By Donny Cates #1
The Incredible Hulk (VII) #19
Incredible Hulk Annual (II) #1
Infinity Watch TPB Power Corrupts #1
Marvel Comics (80th Anniversary Special) #1000
Marvel Comics (HC) (80th Anniversary Special) #1
Marvel Cosmic Universe Omnibus (HC) By Donny Cates #1
New Mutants (IV) #30
New Mutants TPB (II) #4
Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #1
Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider TPB #1
Sins of Sinister #1
Sins of Sinister Director's Cut #1
Sins of Sinister (HC) #1
Sins of Sinister TPB #1
Thanos (II) #13 - 18
Thanos Annual (II) #1
Thanos: Death Notes #1
Thanos (HC) By Donny Cates #1
Thanos Wins TPB By Donny Cates #1
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Donny Cates and Nic Klein #1
Thor TPB By Donny Cates #5
Werewolf by Night TPB: Unholy Alliance #1
Wolverine (VIII) #36, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49
Wolverine Omnibus (HC): Sabretooth War #1
Wolverine TPB By Benjamin Percy #8 - 9

Avengers (X) #6.FT
Conan the Barbarian (III) #18.FT - 24.FT
Cosmic Ghost Rider (I) #1.FT - 4.FT
Guardians of the Galaxy (VI) #10.FT - 11.FT
Juggernaut (III) #1.FT - 4.FT
Marvel Knights 20th #1.FT - 5.FT
Marvel Previews (IV) • Marvel Legacy Previews #2.FT, 10.FT, 12.FT, 14.FT, 27.FT, 32.FT
Marvel Previews (V) • Marvel Legacy Previews #3.FT, 13.FT
Marvel Previews (VI) • Marvel Legacy Previews #4.FT, 20.FT
Marvel Universe Magazine Fall #1.FT
Thanos (II) #12.FT, 17.FT
Thanos Annual (II) #1.FT
Venom (V) #29.FT
Wolverine: Patch #1.FT - 4.FT
X-Men: Days of Future Past - Doomsday #1.FT - 3.FT

Shaw, Jay

Night of the Living Deadpool #1 - 4
Night of the Living Deadpool TPB #1
Return of the Living Deadpool #1 - 4
Return of the Living Deadpool TPB #1

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4.FT
Deadpool's Art of War #4.FT
Marvel Previews (II) • Marvel Now! Previews (I) • All-New Marvel Now! Marvel Previews (I) #16.FT
Night of the Living Deadpool #1.FT - 3.FT

Shaw, Joshua James

Avengers: No Road Home #2.FT - 3.FT

Captain Marvel (HC): The Life of Captain Marvel (Marvel Select) #1
Captain Marvel TPB: The Life of Captain Marvel (II) #1
Captain Marvel TPB By Margaret Stohl #1
Captain Marvel TPB: The Saga of Carol Danvers #1
The Life of Captain Marvel (II) #2 - 5

Shaw, Julian

Marvel's Voices (II) (Infinity Comic) #18, 38 - 39, 42 - 43, 80 - 81
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) #44 - 47
Strange Academy: Moon Knight #1
Wakanda #4
X-Men Unlimited (III) (Infinity Comic) #35 - 40

Amazing Spider-Man Annual (VIII) #1
Amazing Spider-Man: The Birth of Tombstone Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 #1
Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War First Strike #1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB By Zeb Wells #6, 9
Astonishing Spider-Man (II) (Infinity Comic) #4 - 7, 12
Captain America: Symbol of Truth #5
Captain America TPB: Symbol of Truth #1
Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 #1
Edge of Spider-Verse (III) #3
Edge of Spider-Verse TPB: Bleeding Edge #1
Free Comic Book Day 2025: Ironheart Marvel's Voices #1
Marvel's Voices (II) (Infinity Comic) #18, 38 - 40, 42 - 43, 80 - 81, 96
Marvel's Voices: Legacy (II) #1
Marvel's Voices: Spider-Verse #1
Moon Knight: Knight of Blood Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 #1
Spider-Boy (II) #5 - 6
Spider-Boy TPB #2
Spider-Man (V) #5
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Gang War #1
Spider-Man Unlimited (IV) (Infinity Comic) #37 - 38, 43 - 46
Spider-Verse TPB: Across the Multiverse #1
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) #44 - 47
Strange Academy GN-TPB: The Deadly Field Trip #1
Strange Academy: Moon Knight #1
Wakanda #4
Wakanda TPB #1
X-Men Unlimited (III) (Infinity Comic) #35 - 40

Amazing Spider-Man Annual (VIII) #1
Amazing Spider-Man: The Birth of Tombstone Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 #1
Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War First Strike #1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB By Zeb Wells #6, 9
Astonishing Spider-Man (II) (Infinity Comic) #4 - 7, 12
Captain America: Symbol of Truth #5
Captain America TPB: Symbol of Truth #1
Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 #1
Edge of Spider-Verse (III) #3
Edge of Spider-Verse TPB: Bleeding Edge #1
Free Comic Book Day 2025: Ironheart Marvel's Voices #1
Marvel's Voices (II) (Infinity Comic) #18, 40, 42 - 43, 80 - 81, 96
Marvel's Voices: Legacy (II) #1
Marvel's Voices: Spider-Verse #1
Moon Knight: Knight of Blood Halloween Trick-or-Read 2023 #1
Spider-Boy (II) #5 - 6
Spider-Boy TPB #2
Spider-Man (V) #5
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Gang War #1
Spider-Man Unlimited (IV) (Infinity Comic) #37 - 38, 43 - 46
Spider-Verse TPB: Across the Multiverse #1
Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) #44 - 47
Strange Academy GN-TPB: The Deadly Field Trip #1
Strange Academy: Moon Knight #1
Wakanda #4
Wakanda TPB #1
X-Men Unlimited (III) (Infinity Comic) #35 - 40

Shaw, Scott Wikipedia

Spotlight • Hanna-Barbera Spotlight #4

What If? (I) #8
What If? Classic TPB #2
What If? Classic TPB The Complete Collection #1
What If? The Original Marvel Series Omnibus (HC) #1

Laff-a-Lympics #13
What If? (I) #8
What If? Classic TPB #2
What If? Classic TPB The Complete Collection #1
What If? The Original Marvel Series Omnibus (HC) #1

Laff-a-Lympics #1 - 13
TV Stars #1 - 2, 4
What If? (I) #8
What If? Classic TPB #2
What If? Classic TPB The Complete Collection #1
What If? The Original Marvel Series Omnibus (HC) #1

Shechter, Gabriel

Avengers Assemble (I) #1
Dark Reign Files #1
Heroic Age: Heroes • Heroic Age: Super Heroes #1
Iron Manual Mark 3 #1
Marvel Pets Handbook #1
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #1 - 2
Secret Invasion TPB: Who Do You Trust? #1
Skrulls! • Secret Invasion Skrulls! #1

Sheck, Sid

Frontier Western #10

Frontier Western #10

Sheehy, Phil

Marvel Tales Annual • Marvel Tales (II) • Marvel Tales Starring Spider-Man #255
The Punisher (II) #100
Ren and Stimpy Show: Round the World in a Daze #1
Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #3

Editorial Intern/Assistant/Staff
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #1

The Punisher: Back to School Special #2

The Punisher Summer Special #3

Sheeler, Michael

Crazy Super Special #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (I) #24
Moon Girl and the Marvel Universe TPB #1

Crazy Super Special #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (I) #24
Moon Girl and the Marvel Universe TPB #1

Sheeps, Oh

Spider-Verse (III) #5.FT

Sheikman, Alex

Marvel Comics Presents (I) #173

Art Assistant
Defenders of Dynatron City #6


Deadpool (II) #28

Deadpool (II) #29 - 30, 32
Deadpool Classics TPB #5
Deadpool Epic Collection TPB #4
Deadpool Omnibus (HC) By Joe Kelly #1

Sheldon, Charles M.

In His Steps (The Christian Classics Series) (Nelson / Marvel) #1

Based on Work
In His Steps (The Christian Classics Series) (Nelson / Marvel) #1 "In His Steps"

Sheldon, Monty

Star Wars: Jabba The Hutt - Betrayal (Dark Horse Comics) #1
Star Wars: Jabba The Hutt - The Dynasty Trap (Dark Horse Comics) #1
Star Wars: Jabba The Hutt - The Gaar Suppoon Hit (Dark Horse Comics) #1
Star Wars: Jabba The Hutt - The Hunger of Princess Nampi (Dark Horse Comics) #1
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Empire #4
Star Wars Legends Omnibus (HC): The Empire #3

Art Reconstruction/Restoration
Classic Star Wars (Dark Horse Comics) #12
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB: The Newspaper Strips #2

Shelfer, Michael

Marvel's Voices (II) (Infinity Comic) #37

Deadpool Nerdy 30 #1
Domino (III) #5, 9 - 10
Domino Annual #1
Domino: Hotshots #3 - 5
Domino TPB (II) #1 - 2
Domino TPB: Hotshots #1
Edge of Spider-Verse (II) #4
Edge of Spider-Verse TPB #1
Marvel Comics Presents (III) #8
Marvel's Voices (II) (Infinity Comic) #37
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1
NYX (II) #6
Spider-Verse TPB: Across the Multiverse #1
Tales Through the Marvel Universe TPB #1
X-Men TPB: Summers and Winter #1

Deadpool Nerdy 30 #1
Domino (III) #5, 9 - 10
Domino Annual #1
Domino: Hotshots #3 - 5
Domino TPB (II) #1 - 2
Domino TPB: Hotshots #1
Edge of Spider-Verse (II) #4
Edge of Spider-Verse TPB #1
Marvel Comics Presents (III) #8
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1
NYX (II) #6
Spider-Verse TPB: Across the Multiverse #1
Tales Through the Marvel Universe TPB #1
X-Men TPB: Summers and Winter #1

Shell, André

Research Assistant
Open Space #0
Wizard: Spider-Man Special (Wizard Publication) #1

Shelley, Mary

Frankenstein (Graphic Novel) #1

Based on Work
Book of the Dead #1 - 3 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"
Decades TPB: Marvel in the '70s - Legion of Monsters #1 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"
Essential Monster of Frankenstein #1 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"
Frankenstein • The Monster of Frankenstein • The Frankenstein Monster #1 - 3 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"
Marvel Classics Comics Omnibus (HC) #1 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"
Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring #20 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"
Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1970s #1 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"
Monster of Frankenstein TPB #1 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"
Power Record Comics #14 "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus"


Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Menace (HC) #1
Menace #10



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